Chapter 4

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I grew restless and bored. I had no play toy and I had nothing to do. I was the Harvinger and I was wasting my abilities. Albus noticed right away. It had been 6 years since I had to come to Potter's rescue and Quirrle was getting sketchy. Albus and I sat in his office. "The day has finally come, Ms. Blackthorn." He said with excitement. I knew what he ment. Potter would arrive today and my really duty would begin. I nodded and McGonagall came to fetch us.

I sat down beside Albus as the first years were brought it. My eyes scanned the group as they walked up and came to stand in front of the stage. Thats when my eyes landed on him. He had glasses and looked underfed. He looked like his father but had his mothers eyes. I sipped my wine. He ended up being sorted into Gryffindor. I looked up when I heard his conversation. "Who's that lady beside Professor Dumbledore?" A boy leaned closer to him. "Thats Professor Blackthorn, believe it or not but that woman is the legendary Harvinger." He whispered. A girl, Harry's age, gasped. "Its said that she's thousands of years old and extremely powerful!" She whispered. A ginger boy leaned closer to them. "I heard she was there the night you-know-who died." He whispered. Harry just stared at me. My eyes shined as I met his gaze. "She seems familiar... like from a dream I had." He whispered. I smiled. I managed to enter his head with ease and started to hum. Recognition filled his face as I left his head and looked away. Once Albus was done, I got up from the table and walked around. I was in the middle of the isle when I felt it. Hannibal. It was a quick pain threw my heart and then nothing. My Hannibal was dead. I walked down the isle now full of rage. I disappeared through the doors and Dissapparated.

I landed in my old home that was now dirty and vandalized. I saw Hannibal on the ground clutching his bleeding chest with a limp hand. I threw myself down by his side. As I cupped either side of his face. "Hannibal?!" He didn't stir. I raised my hands over his face and turned my eyes to the roof as they turned all black. I checked through his memory and found that woman with the gun. I waved my hand just as I heard a loud bang. I stood and saw the bullet hit the ground harmlessly. There she stood with a gun directed at me. Clarice Starling. I waved my hand and it broke in her hand. "When I am done, no one will find a trace of you." I snarled and raised a hand. She gasped and rose into the air as she clawed at the invisible force wrapping around her neck. "I have been alive for thousands of years, girl. You could say I collect Serial Killers. Jack the Ripper, Hannibal, and others but you metalling little muggle bitches always take them away!" I sneered as I moved towards her. I pulled my free hand back and then forward. She screamed as she dissappeared into back ashes. I lowered my hands. I made a sweeping motion with my hand and all traces of me and the agent were gone. I looked over at Hannibal and sighed as my eyes turned normal. I looked toward the ceiling and dissappeared.

I appeared near the trophy room and went to return to my chambers when I heard faint worried whispers. I opened the door and saw them hidding behind a trophy case. I smirked.
"If you come with me know there will be no trouble but Filtch is headed this way with a 1st year Slytherin." They hesitantly came out. My eyes landed on Harry. My smirk grew. "Hope that belt was never used again, Mr. Potter." He looked shocked. I turned and left the room with them behind me.

As we walked down the hall, Potter was extremely close to me. I noticed he kept looked at me, wondering if he should say something. "So how are you, Mr. Potter?" I asked, continuing to looked ahead. "G-good and you?" He stuttered in confusion causing me to smirk even more. I saw Ms. Noris and quickly scooped Potter up in bridal style. He was startled. "Shush, act like your ankle hurts." I hissed. He nodded and winced, contorting his face in pain. He had no chances as an actor, it was obvious it was fake. I huffed and shot electricity down his ankle. He cried out. I rushed onward causing the other two to run to keep up. "Well, what do we have here?" Filtch sneered. I rolled my eyes. "Mr. Potter was sleep walking and injured himself, these two noticed he was missing and came to fetch me." He curled his lip in disgust. "Get out of my way, you pathetic squib." I snapped. He raised a boney finger at me and with one thought he flew to the side and hit the wall. I continued on, ignoring the female gasping at me.

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