Chapter 33

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Harvinger's POV

I was helping Minerva with the students as soon as I woke up. "Mr. Davis, Mr. Davis! Thats the girls lavatory." She scolded. "Ms. Cork, wand away in the hallway!" I called. A first year bumped into me. "S-sorry, Professor!" It was the boy from the train. I looked at his crest and saw it was Slytherin. I smiled. "Whats your name and where is your class?" He smiled. "Charlie Willis and I'm suppose to be in Defence Against the Dark Arts." He said. I smiled again. "Don't worry, I am late too. Shall we take a short cut?" He nodded and I pulled him to me and transported us to the D.A.D.A. classroom.

We landed in the middle of the class and I let him go as everyone turned to look at us. "Mr. Willis, Professor Blackthorn, you both are late." Drawled a deep voice. I looked at Mr. Willis. "Go find a seat." I said gently. He grinned and found one next to a Gryffindor girl. I turned to Snape and saw the lesson bored. Deffencive and offencive spells. "Shall we give an example, Professor Snape?" I asked as I drew my wand. He smirked and drew his as well. "Expelliarmus!" I shouted quickly. He didn't have time to block it as it hit him in the chest causing him to fly backwards as a flash went off. I put my wand away and walked to my seat in the back of the classroom as he got up. Pathetic really.

Classes went on as boring as ever but I noticed Draco liked to sneak off. I followed him but found my path blocked by Professor Snape. "Lovely day, we're having." He drawled as I tried to sidestep him only to have him block my path each time. I finally took a step away. "So it is true what they say, Death Eater scum like to stick together." I sneered. He slammed me against the wall by my throat. "Thats right, Snape. Show your true colours!" I snarled. He glared at me murderiously. I saw Harry appear out of no where and point his wand at Severus' back. "Let her go... now." He hissed. Severus' face dropped into a dark glare as he let me go and turned on Potter. "How dare you." He hissed. Harry raised his wand higher. "If I were you, Professor, I'd be on my way." Harry said calmly but the underlying threat was clear. He glared murderiously. "Run along now, Snape. Go play with your chemistry set." I hissed. He whirled around, swiftly backhanding me. I stood my ground as I looked at him murderiously. I raised my hand but another spell hit him. He hit the ground out cold. I looked at Harry. "Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?" He laughed and we walked off, Draco far from our minds.

"Christina, you do know we're going to be in trouble." Harry said as we walked down the hall. "No we won't but I need to get Snape out of the way to find out what that little puke is planning." Harry nodded. "I need you to come with me." I said suddenly as we walked up the steps to Albus' office. I knocked on the door and entered. Albus sat behind his desk. "Albus, I would like to report Professor Snape." I sat down on a chair in front of the desk. His eyes shifted to Harry. "And how does Mr. Potter come in play?" He asked. I told him how I was pursuing a student that was suppose to be at dinner, how Snape pinned me to the wall by my neck, how Harry got protective, how he struck me, and finally how Potter had to knock him out to prevent him from stricking me again. Albus' brow rose to his hair line. "This is very serious." He said to himself. I crossed my arms. "I have had enough of Professor Snape's behavior over the years and this is the last straw. I wish for Professor Snape to be suspended or I shall make a Ministry complaint."  I said. Harry looked at me and Albus did to as the door blew open. "I am sorry, Professor Blackthorn but I can not suspend Professor Snape." Albus said. I looked at Snape to see him wearing a smug smirk. I stood with Harry. "Then if Professor Snape ever touches me again... he won't have a hand left." I hissed. I turned and walked out of the office with Harry.

Classes went on as normal but Snape and I were practicly at each other's throats. I sat in my room and lit a joint on Halloween morning. I was never one to partake in drugs but I heard good things about madicinal marijauna. I took a hit and coughed. I felt the effects take hold almost instantly. I put it out and walked off to D.A.D.A.

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