Chapter 8

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I looked between the three witches and calculated the distance between the door and me. I was immortal, yes but these women wouldn't hesitated to hurt Harry for the sheer enjoyment of hearing him scream. I could try to kill them but the problem was there was three of them and I couldn't risk them hitting Harry. They took the same potion as me but my powers make me heal quickly, making me unable to die just get extremely hurt. If I hit them with a fatal blow, they would die. "Yes... but not long enough apparently seeing as you now ignore my last warning." I hissed. They then noticed Harry. "Who is the boy that clings to you, Harvinger?" The red head asked. "Harry Potter. Harry, the red haired hag is Anna. The blonde idiot is Maria and the brunette moron is August," They narrowed their eyes at me. "All determined to make my immortal life hell." Anna drew her wand and the other two followed suit. I drew mine as well. It felt strange in my hand given that I barely used it.

 "Do you really want to go down this path, Harvinger?" She hissed. "I only need to hit each of you once." I hissed back. I raised my wand before them and made smoke swirl around them. I grabbed Potter and transported us to the built on garage. I walked up to the cherry red farrarrii and opened the passenger door. I shoved Potter inside and leaned across him to do up his seat belt tightly. I slammed his door shut before appearing in the drivers seat. "Whats happening Professor?!" He asked frantically. I looked over at him and made his seat belt tighter. "Hold on, Potter." I then did up my seat. I started the car and squealed out of the garage and down the driveway as the song Hey Mama. I focused and transported us and the car onto an abandoned road outside of London before we crashed into the tree line at the end of my drive.

Harry held on tight as I sped down the street, turning sharply right and driving onto a busy street that led into the city. I weaved in and out of traffic without lifting my foot from the gas pedal. "Slow down!" He shouted as terror was written on his face. "Can't." I said simply as I turned sharply left onto another street, cutting off two cars causing them to honk angrily. I glanced at my rear view mirror and the saw a blue viper speeding behind me. I floored it as people, cars, and buildings flew by in a blurr. I turned the car onto the uptown street. I had to think but couldn't due to the fact that Harry was in danger until I finally dealt with those bitches. I had no idea where I was going. I looked out my left side view mirror and saw a green convertible on my tail. I saw an car wreck up ahead and made an illegal right turn down an ally road. "Who are they, Professor?" I focused on the road. "Those are the hags that changed me... turned me into this heartless, hateful creature." He turned to looked behind his seat. "There gone." I looked in all the mirrors and saw he was telling the truth. They were gone. That's what scared me because if they weren't following us then where were they? We came out of the ally and I saw the headlights. I raised my hand and transported Harry out of here before it hit me. My car flipped and rolled down the street. I was hit by another car that turned the corner and flipped into a post upside down. I was breathing heavy as I was dazed. I let go of the steering wheel and undid my seat belt. I fell and cried out as I realized I was injured but was too numb to know where. I dragged myself over the broken glass and out of the car. I cried out when my side touched the ground. I could hear people shouting and crowds forming and the clicks of cameras. I had to get out of here. Then out of no where Snape came running towards me. He flipped me over and pulled out a large metal spike. Where the bloody fuck did that come from?! I felt myself heal and get to my feet. Snape helped me steady myself. Then I saw them in the crowd, watching me with smirks. I shoved Snape away and ran after them as they turned and fled. I heard Snape running behind me. I pushed myself faster. I ran past people and into an Ally. My wand appeared in my hand as I shot spells at them. One hit of my spells hit August. She fell down as the other two abandoned her. I was on her in seconds. I pulled her to her feet and slammed her against the wall by her throat, the tip of my wand dug into his neck. "Where are your coward sisters nesting?!" I demanded. She smirked. "You were always hotheaded, Christina." I pulled her away from the wall and slammed her against it again. "WHERE?!" I screamed in her face, my eyes turning black. She stayed silent. I knew Snape was watching from the side. "Make no mistake, hag. I will make you scream before I kill you." I snarled. Black smoke was wafting around us. Without hesitation I was in her mind and heating up her brain. She screamed at the top of her lungs as I turned up the heat. "Tell me!" I growled. She thrashed as she tried to escape. My wand disappeared as I turned and whipped her into the other wall. I raised my hands as the smoke grew thicker. She gasped and slumped to the ground. "RUSSIA!!" She shouted. I stopped and walked over to her and grabbed her by the throat. I slammed her up against the wall again and lifted her up off the ground. "Thank you, August. Now prepare to meet your sisters when you enter hell." The area of her neck my hand touched started to burn causing her to let an blood curdling scream pass her lips. I flicked my wrist to the side and she exploded into black ashes. I lowered my hand and my eyes turned normal. I turned and saw Snape watching with horror. "You just murdered that woman."
"I can assure you, dear Severus... that that old hag had thousands of years worth of karma coming to her." I walked passed him. "Now if you excuse me, I hear Russia is beautiful this time of year." He caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "I can't let you do that." I turned back to him, removing my arm from his grasp. "They cursed me, ruined my life, and made me this way... I will kill them and the secret to immortality." I snapped. He looked hesitant. I turned and walked off.


Well Russia was a dead end. I was asked by Albus to recruit some guy named Gilderoy Lockheart. So that was why I stood in front of Flurish and Blotts bookstore in my robes and my hair up. I walked inside and was surprised at how many women were lined up to get autographs. Lockheart was a writer? I walked up to him, cutting the line. Women shouted their protests but I ignored them. There he sat. He had blond hair, light blue eyes, and a dazzling smile. It wasn't that dazzling for me. He looked up at me and looked me over as he stood. "Well, hello there." He purred. I crossed my arms. "Mr. Lockheart, I must speak to you on behalf of Albus Dumbledore." I saw the excitement spark in his eyes. "Yes?" I raised my eyebrow. "In private." He nodded and turned to the line up. "Sorry ladies but that's it for today. I will be here tomorrow." With that I uncrossed my arms and followed him to a back room. I walked over to the desk and turned to see him stalking towards me like a lion stalking a gazelle. "Albus Dumbledore has asked me to come and purpose you come teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts this year." He circled me. "And what do you wish?" I smirked. "That Albus wouldn't hire incompetent people." He chuckled darkly. "Good thing I am far from that." I rolled my eyes. "You know, some say the Harvinger teaches as an assistant." He said as he walked over to the window. "I hope to become rather close with her, if you know what I mean." I raised an eyebrow but decided that irony was best with time. "Do you except?" He nodded and I Dissapparated.

* * *

I sat in the Great Hall sipping my wine as a blue ford car flew by the window. I stood up and moved in smoke.

I stood before the Whomping Willow watching the tree knock the car around in its branches. I thought that was good enough as I raised my hands and stunned the tree, levitating the car from the tree and setting it on the ground. The boys were flung from the car with their pets and trunks and then the car drove off into the forest. I waved my hand and their things and pets were put with everyone elses. "Did you boys have a good trip?" They stood and looked at each other nervously. "Come, before you are found at the scene of the crime." I turned and walked back to the castle with them following behind.

We came up the entrance stairs as Filtch appeared. "Well take a good look lads and lass. This night might well be the last you spend in this castle," I narrowed my eyes at him as the boys swallowed hard. "Oh my... we are in trouble." A smirk spread across his lips. He grabbed me and dragged us all down to Snape's classroom. I was shoved inside and I turned to kill that squib but the door slammed shut, putting a barrier between him and me. "I need a drink." I snarled and disappeared into smoke.

I walked into the three broomsticks wearing a black halter dress that ended at my ankles. I waved my hand and music began to play. People got up and started to dance. I smirked. Pon De Replay blasted through the establishment. I started to dance and made my way to the bar where I had a couple of shots. I turned as Snape stood before me. "Blackthorn, I request that you accompany me back to the castle!" He shouted over the music. I smirked and backed him up to the dance floor. I turned and swayed my hips into his crouch. He groaned as I bent over and shook my butt and snapped back up and turned to face him. "Blackthorn, (hiss) We must be going." I put an arm around his neck and put my other hand on his chest as I hooked my leg onto his hip. He gripped my back as I ground on him. I felt his erection and moaned in his ear causing him to shiver. "Do you want me, Severus?" His name rolled off my tongue like honey causing him to grip my arse. "If you continue then I will fuck your brains out right here." I smirked and nipped his ear. "Not tonight, sexy." I purred.

Well, long story short, I ended up back in my chambers alone. I had already prepared for my annual slumber and Potter would be missing his first day to watch over me. Everything was in place but there was a knock at the door. I strolled over and opened the door to see Lockheart standing there in a bathrobe. "Albus told me you were the Harvinger so to rectify my disrespect, I would like to give you a night you will never forget." I smirked and stepped out into the hall. "Do you have your wand on you?" I purred. He shook his head. I reached out and dragged my finger down his chest causing his robe to turn to dust and float off. He stood there stark naked. I saw his penis and almost laughed. "Goodnight, Mr. Lockheart." I said as I stepped back into my rooms and shut the door, locking him out there naked. I chuckled and turned toward my bed. I had a feeling this sleep would be different.

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