Chapter 24

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Herimone's training was going wonderful so she helped me get ready for my date with Sirius in one of his guest bedrooms. She made me put on a speggetti strap red dress that ended just above my knees and had a black belt, I also wore black glossy heels. My hair was in waves that ended with a slight curl and my make-up had a smokey eyeshadow, light mascara and eyeliner, and red wine lipstick. I stood and she looked me over. "You look hot, Christina!" She gasped. I smiled and walked downstairs. Sirius stood at the bottom of the stairs in a red and black suit. He looked up at me and was in awe. I stepped on the bottom step and he offered his arm, to which I took. We headed for the door and walked outside.

He turned into a dog and I, a Ravin. I flew over head of him, followig him to this small resturant. We both turned back and walked inside. We were seated by the cornor and we ordered our meals.

It was lovely but we were both a bit tippsy as we walked outside. He turned to me and kissed my lips hungrily. "Hold on." I whispered as he attacked my neck. I transported us to his home but we landed on the floor of a room. He kissed me hungrily as I kissed him back with just as much hunger. His hands roamed my body and I moaned. "Ehem." We froze and I opened my eyes to see we were in the Order meeting room with the Order stairing at us most amused but one swas looking away with hidden pain. Sirius chuckled and pulled me to my feet. I curtsied. "Fellow Magic beings." I slurred with a giggle. I stumbled as stepped toward Albus. "Cedric wants to know when he can come back? Do we have a time frame of the war?" I asked. He looked at me with a knowing smile as Sirius swept me off my feet and threw me over his back. I laughed as he carried me from the room also laughing with me.

I woke to slow kisses. I responded and opened my eyes to see Sirius pull away and stroke my hair with a smile on his face. "We still have to go face them... don't we?" I asked. He smirked. "Christina, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked timidly. I was slighty surprised but kissed his lips. "Yes, love." I whispered. He lit up and kissed my lips hungrily. I put a hand on his chest and he pulled away frowning upon seeing my sad expression. "I can't have children and as you get older, I will not grow old with you... I can not give you anything." I whispered. I felt his finger curl under my chin and tilt my face towards him. "I don't mind any of that, just give me you."  He whispered. I smiled and closed the space between us.

I walked downstairs tiredly and was about to walk into the kitchen but bumped into Severus. He reguarded me coldly and continued walking. I grew angry as I stormed into the kitchen. I walked over to the coffee maker but jumped and accidentally blew it up when the twins apparated on either side of me. I put out the flames as my eyes welled with frusterated tears but hid behind my hair. "Someone is jumpy this morning, Professor. Always thought you had a thing for Snape but seems you have upgraded to an aproved suiter." They said. I whipped around. "SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP!!" I screamed at them causing the mugs to explode and the table to shudder. "DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING, AND I DO MEAN ANYTHING, TO DO OTHER THAN SCARE PEOPLE AND GET UDER THEIR SKIN?!" I shreiked, enraged for some reason. They stared at me with fear and wide eyes. "Christina?" Sirius called softly. "WHAT?!" I snapped. He was looking around me and I noticed shards of porcilen, the table, silverwear, and water floating in the air. I rained in my emotions and everything came crashing down. I dropped to my knees as the tears streamed down my face uncontrollibly. I felt Sirius wrap his arms around me as I sobbed into his chest. "Whats wrong, love?" Sirius asked. I honestly didn't know. I went limp. I could hear everything but my eyes were shut. I felt him pick me up and carry me off. "Someone fetch, Snape!" He shouted. I was laid down on something soft, I think it was a fainting couch. I heard shouting then a hand was placed on my forehead. "She's feels fine." I was pacing inside my mind. Snale put his hands on my temples and entered my mind. I saw him appear as I stopped pacing. "What are you doing?" He drawled. "Someone must have slipped Dementor Saliva in my tea. I'm trapped here!" I hissed. He stormed forward and grabbed me by my waist, smashing his lips against mine. Fire exploded through me and I shoved him away. "Stop it! You need to move on!" I shouted. He glared at me and moved closer. I was breathing hard as I stood my ground. "I can't because I only want you." He said, his voice barely a whisper. I looked away from him. "Just go, Severus." I whispered back. He turned away and dissappeared. I felt him remove his fingers from my temples. "She is trapped in her own mind... Someone must have slipped Dementor Saliva in her tea. It will ware off." I heard him stand and sweep out of the room. I felt fingers stroke my hair. "I promise to love you forever." Sirius whispered. I wrapped my arms around myself. "I know we've only been together for a month but I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said softly.

After the Dementor Saliva wore off, I was training Hermione. She was a fast learner and excellent at dualing. I sat in the Library when I felt Harry's fear.
I landed in a tunnel and saw Harry perform the Patronus spell to repell a dementor. I turned and saw one attacking his cousin. "Expecto Patronum!" I shouted as I thrusted my hand forward. A blast of silvery light left my hand and then a doe. I was astonished as it attacked the Dementor. It fled as I ran up to the boy. He was dazed and extremely pale as I put my hands to his temples. "Harry, are you alright?" I called over my shoulder. He coughed and I heard him walk over to me as I checked over the boy. "I'm fine, thanks Christina." He said. "Good. Help me get your cousin to his feet." Harry helped me. I huffed. "Maybe he should concider a diet." I commented causing Harry to snicker. We dragged him out of the tunnel and to Privet Drive. "How did you know I was in trouble? And why haven't I seen you all summer?" He asked. "I felt your fear and I have been training your friend, Ms. Granger to be my protegy." I said. I didn't miss the annoyed look on his face. "Get the door, Harry." I ordered as I supported all of Dudley's weight. Once inside, I dragged him to the livingroom as his mother started freaking out and screaming for her husband. I set the boy in a lazyboy chair and walked to their fridge as they staryed to yell at Harry. I walked back and glared at them as I handed his mother the chocolate. "Get him to eat chocolate, he'll feel better. And you ungreatful muggles should be thanking Harry! It was because of him that your boy is alive." I snapped. An owl swooped in and dropped a letter. It started to shake then float as a face appeared. "Dear Mr. Potter and Ms. Blackthorn,
The Ministry has recieved intelligance that at 6:23 this evening, you both performed the Patronus Charm in the presance of a muggle. As a clear violation of the decree for the reasonable restriction of under age sorcery, Mr. Potter is here by expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as Ms. Blackthorn is sentanced to Azkaban. Hope you are both well,
Mathelda Hopka."
I was expressionless as Harry looked crestfallen. "Justice!" Vernon hissed. I looked at him coldly. "No, Mr. Dursley. Justice would have been letting your son die instead of troubling ourselves." I said. He glared at me as Mrs. Dursley bowed her head. I followed Harry upstairs to his room where I sat down on his bed as he banged his fists against the wall, knocking down a framed picture of his parents causing his owl to hoot in alarm. He picked up the frame and set it on the dresser. "They can't do this!" He shouted angrily. I smiled softly. "Have no fear, Harry. You will be fine." I assured. He turned on me. "What about you?" He asked. I smirked. "Harry, I'm immortal, don't need a wand to do magic, and I helped save that boy's life. Their not going to put me in Azkaban," I patted the bed and he came and sat down beside me. "You need to rest." I whispered. He nodded and laid down on the bed while I hummed and stroked his hair. He quickly fell asleep and looked so peaceful. I heared the Order show up outside and picked Harry up. I carried him out side just as he woke. I set him on his feet. I sighed and pulled him to me. "See you all at headquarters." I said and transported Harry and I away.

We landed in the front entrance and I sent him upstairs as I walked inside the meeting room. I sat down on a chair and held my head in my hands as I sighed. I heard the outraged footsteps as the room begain to fill up. "Its outragous!" Sirius shouted. I removed my hands from my head and folded them on the table. I saw Severus and looked away from his gaze. "They won't do anything concidering that we saved a muggle boy. The question I want answered is why were two Dementors so far away from Azkaban?" I asked. "Voldemort's followers must be in the Ministry and orcistrating the attack." Kingsley said. I thought for a moment. "Anthony Dolohove. He and two others attacked me in a café at the beginning of Harry's third year." I said. "It can't be! Dolohove is a respected man!" Someone shouted. "Regaurdless, he seems to hold him self alot higher lately." Kingsley said. "What about Harry?" Sirius said. "Harry has alot more supporters than we realize. They won't do anything to him." I said. "How do we know for sure?" Snape asked. "We don't." Remus said. Tonks burst in and was out of breath. "Aurars are here for The Harvinger." She rushed. I rose to my feet. "No!" Sirius said. I looked at him sharply. "If I do not come out or run then they will come in." I snapped and swept from the room. I fixed my robe as my dress dragged against the ground. I heard Harry but walked outside followed by Kingsley. There stood Dolohove and a couple of men. "Well isn't this a familiar sight." I commented as I stepped down the stepps. "Christina Blackthorn, A.K.A The Harvinger, you are underarrest for exposing magic to a muggle." He said with a smirk. I held my hands in front of me. "You got me, coppers." I mused. Silver shackles were placed on my hands as a man patted me down. "No wand." He finally said. "What? Did you think I would carry it with me?" I asked as two men grabbed my arms. "You are going to Azkaban until your trial tomorrow." Dolohove gloated. "I'll save you a cell, Anthony." I hissed. He chuckled evily. I felt the familiar sensation of Apparation as I felt like I was being sucked through the eye of a needle.

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