Chapter 30

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I waved my hands and they all started to scream I laughed and jeered. "Music to my ears!" I sang and released them. "Now this buisness with Draco is going to come to an end." I said, looking sharply at Voldemort. "Or I will kill everyone in this room." I hissed. They shivered in fear. Voldemort said nothing. "Is that your final answer, Mr. Riddle?" I asked. He remained silent. "Excellent." I purred and raised my hands as fire ignited across the table. "I've always wanted to see pigs roast," my eyes landed on Severus as I came to stand behind him. "You and I are going to go have a chat with dear Albus, Snape." I hissed, making the wands appear in the corner of the rorom, far out of their reach. I grinned wickedly before grabbing Snape by his shoulders and transportin us out of there.

We landed in Severus' chambers and I turned on him. "HOW DARE YOU?!" I shreiked. He looked dumbfounded. "You will not kill Albus." I snarled. He stormed up and shoved me down on the bed where he pinned my hands above my head and kissed my lips desperatly. I moaned as he pulled my dress up with his free hand and wripped my underwear off. I cried out as he penitrated me. "Severus!" I cried as he pounded into me, soothing my ache for human contact. He growled and moved faster. My voice rose and fell as he brought me explosive pleasure. He finally released my hands and I grabbed onto him. "CHRistinA!!" He groaned. I tilted my pelvis up to recieve every stroke, every thrust, every powerful blow. He kissed my lips hungrily as he fucked me harder. I hooked my legs over his hips and vanished our clothes. I clawed at his back as I let little screams pass my lips as he hit a sweet spot. He leaned down and squeezed my breasts. I started to slurr incoherant things as he brought us to our finish. We laid there for a few minutes, enjoying our bodies pressed together. He inhaled my scent discreetly as I did the same. Herbs and spices. He pulled out and laid down beside me. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you to." I whispered back. The guilt replaced my over joyed feeling. Guilt because I realized that I had never loved Sirius the way I loved Severus.

I stood there in front of Hermione in my library. "Clear your mind, Hermione. Focus on keeping me out. We will start off easy and then increase to Voldemort's level," she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Are you ready?" She nodded. I drew my want and pointed it at her. "Legitimans!" I was in her head flying by memories. The first was of her first time doing magic, her first kiss with a muggle boy, a boy hexing her so her teeth looking like beaver teeth, the time she saved Sirius, and then it stopped on one. Hermione sat there next to Sirius on the couch in the livingroom of Grimmauld. "Do you love her?" She asked. I stood in front of them. "I do but I think she doesn't love me in the same way." He whispered. I frowned. He knew. "Of course she does. Everytime we say your name, she lits up." Hermione insistead. "Just marry her Sirius. It will be ok." She added. He lit up and stood. "I will!" He said with determination. I flew by more memories and stopped at one. "Sirius, what are you doing?!" I stepped forward and opened the door. He had her hands pinned above her head. I felt sick. He kissed her lips hungrily. She quickly responded with the same ferocious need. I pulled out of her mind and Hermione was sweating. She moved to say something but I raised my hand for her to remain silent. "Don't." I whispered. I took a deep breath and looked at her. "Block me out." I ordered. I pointed my wand at her again. "Legitimans!" I entered her mind again but upon entry she shoved me out. "Good." I said simply. She looked exhausted. "Again." I ordered. She successfully blocked me out but to be fair I wasn't using all my strength. I turned my back to her and felt my stomach churn.
"Christina..." Hermione said slowly. I put my hand to my diaphram and took a few deep breaths. "We're done for today." I said, my voice calm and soft. "Christina, I can explain eve-" I whirled around. "Explain what, Ms. Granger? What could you possibly explain?!" I shouted. "Sirius and I were-" I raised my hand for her to be quiet. I summoned a chair and sat down. "Tell me everything." I whispered. She swallowed hard. "At first it was arguing then we would get so angry that... that we would just throw ourselves at each other." I swallowed the lump slowly. "It just progressed into um sneaking into the Forbiddon forest to make-out." I leaned my elbows on my knees while I held my face. "We once got drunk that week at christmas while you were unconcious and had sex." She confessed with guilt. I felt my heart clentch. I raised a hand, stopping her there. "So that summer while I was mentoring you, was it a joke? I'm the joke because I finally found love? Was it funny? Bet you two just had right time with that." I said as I stood. I turned my back to her. "No, it wasn't like that!" I whirled around and pointed an accusing finger at her. "I LOVED HIM! I LOVED HIM AND YOU FUCKED HIM?! I TRUSTED YOU! I ENTRUSTED YOU WITH MY SECRETS AND MY KNOWLAGE!" I screamed. She had tears running down her face as I felt them building in my eyes. "I was going to spend the rest of his life with him! I have even been trying to find a cure to my immortal curse just to grow old or maybe have a child with him! Then you swoop in and..." I turned away from her again and covered my mouth. I moved them away from my mouth as I turned toward her. "Hermione Jean Granger, I strip you of the title of my Progeny. You shall no long recieve my help or services." She sobed softly. I walked up to her and grabbed her arm.

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