Chapter 16

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I sat down at the Great Table, on my 4th cup of wine and staring at my plate. I felt Severus nudge me but I refused to look up or even acknowledge him. "Now that we're all settled in and sorted, I would like to make an announcement," the doors open and I heard someone running up the isle. "This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well," I took another drink from my cup and set it down. "You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-" I looked up and saw Filtch whisper something in Albus' ear and then run back down the isle to the doors. "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament," students started to whisper and I moved to leave but Severus forced me back down. I ripped my wrist from his grasp and poured myself another cup of wine. "For those of you that do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests for each school a single student is selected to compete," I rolled my eyes. I saw Harry looked at me with concern. I glared at him and turned back to my wine. "Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted. But more of that later," I shook my head. I saw Minerva staring at me with disapproval. "And now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress, Madame Maxime." I watched as a group of young witches dressed in blue silk walk in and sigh blue glittering butterflies. I knocked back my cup and waved my hand, making vodka appear in my cup. "I think you've had enough." Severus hissed. I waved my hand and he was paralyzed. 

"I think you should shut up." I Said dully. People clapped after the girls' performance. They sat down with the Gryffindors as Albus kissed their giant Headmistress' hand. She came to sit on the opposite end of the table of me. "And now our friends from the North. Please greet the proud sons of Drumstrang and their headmaster, Igor Karkaroff." The doors opened and in marched a group of young wizards, banging staffs on the floor but with each bang they would spark. "Ooo fire... how boring." I muttered into my cup. I unparalized Severus and he stood, moving behind me. They would then drop the staffs and run toward the front, doing acrobatics in front of the room. One even made a fire dragon. I waved my hand and it went out as people started whispering about Victor Krum. "Albus!" Igor greeted. They embraced and Igor came to sit on the end spot beside me as Severus sat down on the other side. "My, my, Vat a beautiful woman." He purred. "That annoying accent may work on two bit floosys but not on me, boy." I said as I took a sip from my cup. "Igor, you have the unpleasant honor of meeting... the Harvinger." Severus sneered. I waved my hand and took his voice away. "Your more tolerable silent, Severus." I mused. He glared at me murderously. "The Harvinger! Vat an honor!" Igor gushed. I rolled my eyes subtly and watched Harry talk to his friends. "Did 'e zay zee Harvinger?" I heard Madam Maxime asked. I sighed and stood. I felt Severus grab my wrist and I ripped it away from him yet again. "I have had enough, I am going to my chambers now, Albus." I called. He looked at me with a pointed look. "The evening is not over, Professor Blackthorn." I looked at him with hidden disgust. "I wasn't asking your permission nor do I support this event, you foolish old man." I snapped. I walked around the table and walked toward the doors, my cloak billowing around me dangerously. "They say the Harvinger is a fan of this Tournament." Rang out Igor's voice. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Once, yes but all this will bring is death." I called back and continued walking out of the room as everyone broke out into whispers. I past a man limping down the hall and when our eyes met I got chills down my spine. I shook it off and continued walking down the hall.

I laid on my couch with a half empty bottle of whiskey in my hand, staring at the fire and observing how it illuminated the room. I missed Hannibal. I remembered how he would stroke my hair and tell me gruesome stories about how he would kill people when he was a young lad. I smiled at the memory. I played with the chain around my neck. There was a knock on the door and I quickly hid the chain in a drawer under the coffee table and locked and warded it. I waved my hand and the door opened to reveal Severus. He slammed the door shut and strolled over to me. I took a long drink from the bottle as he glared at me murderously. He then grabbed it and chucked it into the fire causing the fire to grow as the flames licked the new fuel. "Feel better?" He started to move his mouth angrily. "Huh... you are much better company when your silent." I said as I got to my feet and walked toward my bed, stripping off my clothes. I crawled onto the bed naked and yelped as a hand collided with my bare ass. I turned to see Snape glaring. I sighed and returned his voice. "You embarrassed the Headmaster and insulted him in front of the guests." I looked at him uncaring. "Muffin." He sneered at me as I started to touch myself. "You've turned into a sad drunk and its not tolerated!" I smirked and moaned as I gave my clit a tug. "You will make a formal apology tomorrow! In front of the entire staff." Snape hissed. I cried out as I rubbed my self faster. "No." I snapped. I gasped as I felt his fingers plunge into me. I continued to rub myself as he pumped his fingers in and out of me. "Yes." He hissed. I cried out as I was almost there. "No." I hissed back. I hadn't noticed he had freed his cock as he slammed into me causing me to scream his name. He pounded into me mercilessly as he grunted and I moaned and withered under him. He then removed his cock and I growled with frustration. "Say you will do it." He growled. "Fine!" I cried desperately and he slammed back into me causing me to scream his name as I clenched and cam all over his cock. He unloaded into me as he fell beside me. I passed out.

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