Chapter 6

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I awoke to whispering voices. I opened my eyes to find Minerva and Albus standing before me. I stood. "What can I help you with today?" I asked. Minerva shot Albus a worried look. "Sorry for the intrusion but... I was wondering if you had seen the paper?" The elder witch spoke. I summoned the Daily Prophet and looked from them to the front page.

Strange Woman Being Kept From The Ministry?

I saw a picture of me hovering in the air with the giant wall of water in front of me. My back was to the camera. I raised an eyebrow. "This was last year, why wait all this time to report this now?"

Who is this powerful creature and how have people gone 12 years without noticing her presence at Hogwarts? Well dear readers, this is an assistant professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students call her 'Professor Blackthorn' but who exactly is this woman? I, Rita Skeeter, have searched the archives but there is no Blackthorn in  Centuries.

I inwardly smirked. She didn't go back far enough.

This mystery woman is using extremely powerful wand-less magic, as shown in picture. Is she a danger to the magical world or is she a threat to our secret? Stay tuned dear readers, this reporter will get the scoop!

I snickered and looked up at Albus. "What did you really come here for?" He smiled. "The Minister of Magic has requested a meeting with you at the Ministry." I nodded. "Very well, shall you take me?" I asked as I stood and walked over to him. He offered an arm as Minerva took his other. I sighed and grabbed his wrist.

We landed in the Ministry and it was crowded. I let Albus go and followed him through the crowd. I waved my hand and I was dressed in my black billowing robes, my hair up in a ponytail as we arrived at a desk with a security guard behind it. He looked up at Albus. "Names please." He said. Albus smiled. "Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Lady Blackthorn." The security guard looked towards me with shock. I smirked. "W-Wands please." He stuttered. Albus and Minerva handed over theirs and the man looked at me expectantly. "Forgive me but I do not carry my wand." He looked like he didn't believe me. He came around the desk and started to pat me down, his hands lingered on my breasts and I snapped. I twisted his arm behind his back and slammed him face down into the desk. He cried out in pain. "If you ever do that again, I'll break all of your fingers, little boy." I hissed lowly. He nodded rapidly and I released him. He handed over our visitor passes but Albus carried mine. I had no time or patience for this crap. I followed Albus and Minerva to an elevator and watched as the doors opened and people stream out, leaving two people left. One was obviously rich, due to his expensive looking robes and the intoxicating clone. He had platinum long blonde hair and steel grey eyes. He looked me over with interest. The other man was a tall African-British man with Aurar robes on. I got in and stood on the opposite side of the elevator of the rich man. The doors closed as Albus pressed level 31. "Dumbledore." The man greeted. "Lucius Malfoy." Albus greeted equally as plainly. I smirked. Draco's father. He looked back at me. "And whom might you be, young lady?" He purred. I saw Minerva shake her head. "That is none of your concern, boy." I said bordly. He looked taken back but narrowed his eyes. "I am older than you so show respect." He snapped. I smirked. He had no fucking clue. "Lucius, I would stop now if I were you." Albus warned. The elevator finally stopped and I stepped out only to come face to face with a man whom held an air of superiority. The Minister. He took a step back and looked me over. I noticed reporters glancing my way with secret excitement. "Blackthorn, Professor Blackthorn?" He asked. My gaze turned back to the man. My cool calculated smile appeared. "Yes, you must be the current Minister." I noticed the reporter's excitement grow. He puffed out his chest proudly. "Why yes, Cornilous Fudge." He offered his hand. I looked down at it then up at him. "I was told you needed to speak to me, Minister." He dropped his hand but the smile he wore didn't falter. I followed him to a courtroom and was told to sit down. I sat in the chair and set my arms on the arm rests. The chains sprung to life and wrapped around my wrists. I sighed and crossed my legs as the reporters piled into the bleachers. Fudge walked up and sat behind a judge's stand. I kept my smile. "This is not too polite for a 'talk', Fudge." I purred. He smiled. "Forgive me but from what I hear... you are a threat until we determine who you are." 

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