Chapter 37

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My eyes went black as my wings appeared. I blasted him backwards as the battle raged around us. One thing that seemed off was Severus was no where in sight. I started to chant and Death Eaters started to explode. "There's too many of them!!!" Someone screamed. I stopped and transported all the Death Eaters and I outside. I turned my head as they ran past me and saw an Army. I turned my body to face them as my gaze swept over them, looking for one particular individual. "Oh Harvinger, what could it be that you are possibly looking for?" Came Voldemort as he stepped out of the crowd. My gaze stopped on him. "If it's Severus, you can stop now. He's laying in his office, face down in his blood." I stumbled backward as thr pain and tears started to appear on my face. "Thats right, I beat you." He hissed causing others to laugh. A huge lump formed in my throat as I dissapeared into black smoke.

I appeared in the Headmaster's office and my eyes turned normal as my wings dissappeared. "SEVERUS?!" I called franticly. Thats when I saw the pool of blood coming from behind the desk and a limp hand. I rushed behind it and saw the chair was toppled over him. I grabbed it and threw it off of him. I dropped to my knees, and felt for a pulse. He was expressionless and his eyes were staring lifelessly up at me. "GODS NO, PLEASE WAKE UP, SEVERUS PLEASE!" I screamed. I let the tears fall when I felt none. I sat him up so his back was pressed to me and his head on my shoulder. I whailed as I rocked with him. I then summoned the vial of Immortality and uncorked it but then I hesitated. "Forgive me for this." I whispered before tilting his head back and pouring the rest of the amber liquid down his throat. I rubbed his neck to help it go down as I prees my lips to his temple. "Please wake up." I pleaded over and over. "Come back to me. Please, Severus don't do this... I love you so much!" I cried. Just when I was losing hope, his fingers twitched. I choked on my tears as he sat up and gasped. He turned to me and before I could get the words out, he smashed his lips against mine. I smiled but then I screamed while clutching my chest. Harry.

I appeared in the entrance courtyard and there he was, laying dead in Hagrid's arms. "Harry Potter... IS DEAD!!" Voldemort laughed. His followers cheered and laughed with him but soon fell silent. "NOOOO!!!" Ginny screamed and ran forward but Arthur grabbed his daughter and held her back. "From this day forward... you shall put your faith in me. Step forward and join us, step forward and pick the winning side." I walked forward and stopped in front of the Hogwarts residants. "Ah! Harvinger. I see you finally realize true power amongst us." He mused. My eyes went black as smoke wafted off me. Suddenly Death Eaters were apperating away as fast as they could. My voice drifted around the courtyard with power and a deadly tone to it but my lips weren't moving. "Tom Marvolo Riddle, I am Darkness, I am the Harvinger, I am your death," it hissed as my hands started to waft more smoke as I waved them. Everyone began to look frightened. The courtyard suddenly was filled with black smoke, so thick you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face. "Your judgement day, is now." The voice hissed and dissappeared. I shot through the smoke as Death Eater screams filled the air. With a single thought, the smoke was clear and I stood behind a kneeling Voldemort with his follower's bodies scattered around the yard. "You will never beat me." I hissed and walked towards the school, looking at the shocked people. "Avada-" "Avada Kedavra!" Came Harry's voice. I whirled around as the green deadly light hit Voldemort in the back causing him to fall forward lifelessly and hit the ground dead. I thrusted my hand to the sky as a white surge of light shot up and his the dark clouds, clearing them and causing the sun to shine through. I lowered my hand as I heard Severus callin my name. I turned and was pulled into a passionate kiss. I kissed back as he lifted me up and twirled me around before setting me back down. "I love you." He whispered. For the first time in my life, I let a geniune grin spread on my face for the entire world to see. "I have waited over thousands of years to give my heart to someone and I believe that you're the one. I love you, Severus Snape." I whispered and cupped his face. I then grew sad. "But now my task is complete and I have to go." I said as I backed away from him. I turned as Harry pulled me into a tight embrace, he was almost my height. "Please don't go! We still need you, I still need you." He pleaded. I stroked his hair gently. "You still remind me of that small boy in the cupboard under the stairs. I forget how much you've grown into a wonderful young man," I mused. He let me go and I backed away, turning to the crowd. "It has been an honour to help teach at this wonderful school and to have known each and everyone of you but now I must move on and fall into a great slumber until the world is in danger once again. Before I leave, I shall bestow a gift," I raised my hands and gold fireworks shot up and exploded over the school, gold dust floated down and repaired the school and even some cuts and bruises on the awe struck students. I waved my hand and Cedric Diggory appeared and when he caught sight of Cho, he ran to her. "Now if you journey into the Great Hall... you loved ones are alive and ready to welcome you." Some ran inside as I turned to look at a sad looking Harry and a crushed looking Snape. "I love you both but I can not stay but fear not... this isn't forever." I said gently. I smiled and bowed to them. "Farwell, my Loves." I said and turned away, dissappearing into smoke.

I appeared in my castle, in my room, and walked to my bed. I layed down and set my head on the pillow. I staired up at the ceiling with a soft smile. "Goodnight... Severus." I whispered before my eyes shut and I drifted off into a sweet, sweet peaceful slumber.

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