Chapter 17

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Harry had mastered the spells and I helped him move faster and dual better. I truly believe he will do well in the dueling contest.

I sat a chair at the back of Harry's D.A.D.A class and watched the students laugh and talk amongst themselves. The door slammed shut. The man from the other night made eye contact with me for a moment before limping to the front of the classroom. He turned and stood there. Everyone went silent. "Alastor Moody," he paused and turned to the board picking up the chalk and beginning to write. "Ex-Aurar," he moved away from the board leaving the word Moody written on it. "Ministry Malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." He looked out at everyone. "I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story. Goodbye. The end... any questions?" His magical eye whizzed around as his other scanned the room but I didn't like the way his magical one stopped on Harry. "When it comes to the dark arts... I believe in a practical approach." I wasn't liking this one bit. "First, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" There was a pause then Hermione's voice rang out. "Three, sir." He turned on her. "And they are so named?" He turned to the board and began to write again. "Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them-"
"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct!" He turned back to the class. "Now the Ministry says your too young to see what these curses do but I say different!" I crossed my arms and then crossed my legs. "You need to know what your up against! You need to be prepared!" He turned back to the board. "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnegan!" Everyone turned to Seamus. "Awe no way, he can see out the back of his head!" Seamus whispered. Moody turned back to the class and threw the chalk across the room and it would have hit my face had I not caught it between my index finger and my thumb. They all whispered, highly impressed I guessed. "I can hear across classrooms!" I tossed the chalk in the bin beside me. "So... which curse shall we see first?" I stood. "None, Professor Moody. These children do not need to see anyone of them." I said. 

He looked at me. "Professor Blackthorn, do you teach this class?" I glared at him. "Only when incompitant men can not which seems to me that you are both daft and incompitant." I hissed. Kids made ooo's. "The first cure is the imperious curse. Lets see how its done?" He whipped out his wand and pointed it at me. "You wouldn't dare!" I barked. He smirked. "Imperio!" It hit me and I started to dance around. Some laughed but others trembled with fright. I twirled around and then he had me walk up to his desk and sit in his chair. "Next curse, Longbottom is it?" Neville stood up as Mad-eye took a spider from the jar and set it in front of me. "There's the Cruciartous Curse." Mad-eye pointed his wand at the spider. As I was forced to watch. "Crucio!" He hissed and the spider started to scream and squeal. I felt my eyes go black as I attemped to brake free from the curse. "Stop it!! Stop it, can't you see its bothering him?! Stop it!!" Hermione screamed. He stopped the curse and picked up the spider, walking over to her desk and setting it down on her book. "The last curse, Ms. Granger?" She shook her head. I broke free as I watched him point his wand at the spider. "Avada Kedavra!

I saw flashbacks of Lily hitting the floor of the nursery dead as tear built up in my eyes. "The killing curse... Only one person has known to survive it," his magical eye landed on Harry. "And he's sitting in this room." Mad-eye took out his flask and take a sip. I stood quickly, knocking over the chair I had just sat on. "Enough! Class dismissed!" I shouted. Students scrambled out of there seats and out the door but I saw Harry had disappeared. The door slammed shut and I glared murderously at Mad-eye. "How dare you use that spell on me." I hissed. He smirked. "You were a good example but it seems to have a small effect on you." I caught the scent of his breath and frowned. "What were you drinking?" I asked suspiciously as I walked around the desk. "Fire Whiskey, helps calm my nerves." I shook my head and walked towards him slowly. "Smells like Lacewing Flies and..." I was cut off as the door opened by a student. "Sorry, forgot my rucksack!" I nodded and left.

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