11:11 𝕎𝕚𝕤𝕙 - 𝕊𝕖𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕙𝕖𝕠𝕟

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Anonymous asked

u can make another seungheon mxm fic 🤭🤭🤭 but in your free time becoz i dont wanna disturb you ILYY
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HELLO!! I'm assuming you were the same person who requested the last mxm one I wrote I have free time right now so I'm gonna write as much as I can of different things ANYWAY ILYT thank you for requesting!! Hope you enjoy! Ngl I low-key struggled so hard-ANYWAY feel free to leave whatever request you like (I'm running low on requests here pls) image made by me
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TW: a bit of angst if you squint : best friends to lovers : mention of homophobia : vine reference : oblivious y/n : kissing : cursing only once :
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Preview: They say when you make a wish at 11:11 it is bound to come true now y/n wasn't one for myths or legends but something told him he should wish on something when he looked at the clock

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"BOO!" Seungheon said as he showed himself causing you to jump "SEUNGHEON!" You yelled out as you hit his chest he laughed before wrapping one arm around you (his smile>>>) you playfully rolled your eyes fighting back the blush on your face "Sooooo anyone you like?" Seungheon suddenly brought up while you two walked to school

your eyes went wide for a sec before you pulled your usually bored expression "not really, what about you?" You said the anxious feeling growing "I do like someone, I'm planning on confessing to them today actually!!" He said a smile growing on his face "oh really???" You smirked trying to hide the heart broken expression

Seungheon blushed before looking at the concrete under you two "but I'm not sure if they even like boys let alone like me..." Seungheon trailed off "Seungheon-" you said as you grabbed his arm preventing him for continuing the path he turned to you with a curious expression "anyone who doesn't like you is a fool, you are the kindest, amazing, handsome man I know" you said

Seungheon blushed "you don't have to lie to me" he said looking at the ground to hide his blush "I'm not tho, I'm serious I mean every word I said and then some" you said pulling Seungheon into a side hug "thank you y/n you the most amazing best friend I could have ever asked for" Seungheon said returning your hug although the title "best friend" hurt a lot more than youd like to admit you were ready to see Seungheon be happy even if it ment letting him go

After awhile of talking to each other (and you teasing Seungheon about his crush) you two reached school grounds "Y'know I never asked" you said grabbing his attention "what did you mean by "I'm not sure if they even like boys"?" You asked him as you turned your head to him "oh-um-the person I'm planning to ask out is a um-a male-" he said studdering as if he was nervous

"Oh Seungheon your gay?" You asked him he nodded he head looking down with a shameful expression "yeah..." He said quietly "Don't feel ashamed I am too!" You said cheering him up Seungheon whipped his head up and looked at you with wide eyes "seriously?" He asked as he looked in your eyes for a hint of disgust or any negative feelings you nodded your head happily with a smile on your face

"I thought you'd shun me away for being disgusting" he said causing you too look at him weird "I wonder what goes on in that head of yours" you said lightly pushing his head to the side he laughed he was gonna say something but the school bell cut him off causing both of you to rush to your classes

After awhile you both met up after school and off to your house you two went your parents are used to seeing you around Seungheon so they didn't think much when he walked in and went straight to your room after greeting everyone while Seungheon was in your room you were in the kitchen making you guys some snacks you looked over at the clock to see the time "11:11" the clock reads

You sighed before you for some reason made a wish not expecting it to come true you laughed at yourself before grabbing the two plates and walking to your room "took you long enough" Seungheon said you glared at him and set his food down "I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich" he laughed waiting for you to finish the rest "go back to sleep and starve" you said laughing along with him after you two were done laughing like two school girls

You and Seungheon started eating while talking "hey y/n" he said fidgeting with the napkin in his hands "yeah?" You looked up from your food "remember how I said I was gonna ask someone out today?" He asked looking nervous "oh yeah what did he say?" You asked he sighed before speaking "I didn't ask them yet" he said

"What why?" You asked as you set your food down "because I just got to his house now if you give me a minute I'll ask him" he said faking annoyance the words he spoke confused you "huh-" you asked "y/n you are the greatest friend I could ever ask for I fell for your caring personality your adorable face your amazing voice I'm completely smitten with you" he admitted as he grabbed one of your hands

You started blushing at his words "Seungheon are you saying what I think you are?" You asked him looking for confirmation "depending on what your thinking maybe it's a yes?" He said teasing you, you rolled your eyes before speaking "what I'm thinking is your admitting your love for me-" you said hoping to not have gotten it wrong he smiled and nodded his head causing your eyes to grow wide

"I like you too!" You said "just like? Damn" he said faking hurt you laughed before leaning forward and kissing him he kissed you back after what felt like years you two pulled apart and started giggling "y/n will you take the honor of being my boyfriend?" He asked "you sound like your proposing to me" you laugh causing him to playfully glare at you "but to answer your question yes I'd love to be your boyfriend as long as you'll be mine as well" you said he nodded his head and pulled you into another kiss

Both of you heard the shutter of a camera and shuffling causing you two to pull out of the kiss to look at the door seeing your family there suddenly your mom holds out her hand to your dad causing your dad to sigh and dramatically lay a $100 bill in her hand while she smirked at him

After seeing this you suddenly stood up and yelled "YOU TWO BET ON US?!?!"

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1239 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤


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