★Your my person - Yungyu★

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★Special thanks too: Anon, 8Turn, Yungyu

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★Special thanks too: Anon, 8Turn, Yungyu

★Note: hello! Here you go hope you enjoy! Also I low-key love when people Requests mxm or fxf like at first the mxm made me nervous cuz I wasn't sure how a male acts or anything like that but I'm glad I did! Also the day I was writing this was my baby's birthday r.i.p mellow

★Prompt: Do We Have Too?

★TW: it's a bl so if your uncomfortable leave : a tiny bit of angst : almost forced break up : homophobia : hate comments : established relationship :


Hate comments have been swinging in left right and center after someone leaked a photo of the two of you kissing it was obvious the photo had been taken by a fan without either of yours knowledge, the person who took the photo is choosing to stay anonymous for obvious reasons "it's ok Yn" Yungyu said as he patted your back before you could respond his phone started ringing "wait I'll be back it's the company" he said leaving the room

You sighed and curled into yourself more after what felt like an eternity Yungyu came back a frown evident on his face the look on his face shot fear into you "they said-" he paused to take a deep breath "they said....we can't..be together" he hesitated between his words your eyes filled with tears "but I told them I won't leave you even if it means I have to leave the group" he huffed out putting a small smile on

"Oh Yungyu" you sighed "don't leave the group it's your dream to be an idol I'm not gonna rip that away from you if we have to break up then we have to break up there's nothing we can do about it" you said your brave face breaking towards the end of the sentence "Yn don't say that" Yungyu scolded "your my soulmate i truly believe that I love you more than I love being an idol although the praise form the fans mean everything nothing compares to you" he said sitting Infront of you in order to grab your hands "you are my person Yn I don't want to leave you behind because people can't accept the true me" he breathed out 

Before the both of you knew it you both were crying in each other's arms the moment was broken when once again Yungyu's phone went off he sighed before answering it refusing to leave your arms "hello?" He spoke into the line you couldn't hear anything being said from the phone so you waited till Yungyu finished his conversation

Once the phone call ended a smile grew on his face "I have good news" he said "I can continue dating you and still be in the group the company said there gonna let me talk it over with you and see if you wanna confirm the relationship to the public or not say anything" he finished the news caused a smile to grow on your face although you weren't ready for the public eye you knew if you confirmed it you'd get less hate not because people would accept it but because the company will try there best to keep the negativity down

"I'm ok with whatever your ok with if you want to go public we can" you said Yungyu smiled before nodding "I think I want too, you don't have to be on the internet or anything you can be hidden" he said in response you smiled and nodded your head Yungyu's smile widened as he leaned in for a kiss the kiss was short but sweet "dont pay attention to the comments people are making online there small brains can't wrap around something they consider not 'normal' " Yungyu said reassuring you

"I really don't deserve you your too nice to me Yungyu" you mumbled playing with his hands "your my boyfriend I kinda have to be" he joked causing you to playfully roll your eyes before lightly hitting his shoulder "ouch you've wounded me" he whined falling over on your lap "only a kiss will save me" he continued pretending to faint you laughed before leaning down and kissing you he kissed back when you pulled away he pretended to gasp "my prince you've saved me" he said putting on a dramatic accent

"Oh my gosh Yungyu" you laughed lightly shoving him off your lap, Yungyu that whole night made sure you were laughing and not paying attention to what anyone online was saying.

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