✰Dont ignore me - Seungheon✰

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✰Special thanks too: BabY_bOba Seungheon, 8Turn

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✰Special thanks too: BabY_bOba Seungheon, 8Turn

✰Note: sorry for uploading this late I'm a bit Ill at the moment so I slept all day but I hope you enjoy

✰TW: mentions of cheating : mentions of food :

✰Prompt: Elf Undercover


Everytime you walked into Seungheon's room he'd panic and usher you out, even the other members were confused as to why he was being so secretive. "Hey Seungheon-" you tried to say as you walked through his door, Seungheon jumped up hiding something before he came up to you facing you the other way, pushig you out the door then slamming the door and locking it, "what the hell..." You muttered staring at the now locked door Infront of you.

Rolling your eyes you turn and walk away, "hey Kyungmin, what's wrong with Seungheon?" You asked coming across the tall male in the hallway, "what do you mean?" Kyungmin asked tilting his head slightly "he's like avoiding me but being super obvious about it-" you explained, Kyungmin nodded his head slightly as if he was making a mental note.

"Have you tried to ask him about it?" kyungmin asked causing you to dramatically nod "yes! He won't even answer my texts or calls.." you pouted, Kyungmin sat there for a moment deep in thought "I'll talk to him..." He informed you, in response you noded and went your separate ways.

You decided to leave the dorms, sense there's no reason to stay if your boyfriend is avoiding you, telling everyone bye, they all stared in confusion, "wait why?" Yungyu asked, "why what?" You responded putting your shoes on, "you just got here, your leaving already?" Myungho asked from the couch.

"did you and Seungheon fight?" Haemin asked you shook your head 'no' "he's being weird, he won't talk to me nor let me in his room I don't dem it necessary to stay if the person I came for doesn't wanna see or talk to me" you informed. Everyone in the room noded bidding you a goodbye as you walked out the door.

This went on for weeks, eventually you just stopped coming over, "where's Yn?" Seungheon asked, peeling dried glue from his hands "ok, wait..." Myungho said as the members stared at Seungheon's state "one(1) why are you covered in glitter, glue and, paint? Two(2) Yn stopped coming over since they deemed it not necessary anymore" Myungho finished, Seungheon sighed ignoring the question he was asked, cursing under his breath he quickly ran to the door throwing his shoes and jacket on, he rushed out not even bothering to close the door behind him.

You were chilling on your couch watching Christmas movies while munching on a random ginger bread house you bought as an extra, your calm atmosphere was ruined by panicked banging on your front door, you sighed pausing your movie, looking through the peep hole on the door you see a very messy Seungheon, as he frantically banged on the door, you scoffed, rolling your eyes you sat back down on your couch, pressing play on your movie.

The banging stopped, you thought Seungheon left only for your window to open and Seungheon came crawling through it, "Yn listen" Seungheon said dusting himself off, glitter falling on your floor, you slowly blinked at Seungheon, confused and annoyed, "I didn't mean to ignore you or avoid you, I was scared you'd find out what I was doing..." Seungheon explained, "your words aren't really helping y'know, cuz your making it sound like your cheating or writing a hate blog about me" you sighed.

Seungheon's eyes widened as he shook his hands and head 'no' frantically, "wait no! You got it all wrong, I was making a present for you, for Christmas, I watch you make gifts for everyone else but no one ever does it for you...." Seungheon explained, as he kicked the ground lightly, your heart melted at his words, your cheeks flushed.

"I'm sorry I make it seem like I was doing something bad, I love you I truly do, I don't want you to think so lowly of me..." Seungheon said wrapping his arms around you, "I love you too, but when your avoid me and panic when I come into your room it hurts, it makes me feel like your not being completely loyal" you explained your thoughts, Seungheons head nodded.

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way" Seungheon mumbled as his head dug into your neck, your hands rubbed up and down his back "so about this present-" you brought up, Seungheon was quick to distance himself "no I'm not telling you anything" he exclaimed and he crossed his arms over his chest "please" you pleaded dragging out the 'e' and 'a', You and Seungheon, spent your night watching Christmas movies and eating holiday themed snacks while catching up on the cuddles you didn't get.

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