✦Sinful - Minho✦

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✦Special Thanks Too: anon, 8turn, Minho

✦Note: I finally got a new phone, which means I can write again!!!

✦CW: cursing : burning pizza rolls : falling :

✦Prompt: 9.)um...I burnt the pizza rolls-


You and minho somehow woke up at the same time in the middle of the night, craving the same food he had bought earlier that day, getting out of your shared bed you silently tip toed to the door. "You too?" Minho said in a sleepy tone, his sudden voice caused you to jump, accidentally slipping on a loose shirt of his. "Jesus min!" You said calming your heart and soothing your butt, Minho couldn't help but burst into giggles, although he could barely see you in the dark. He had a clear view of how you fell.

"it's not funny" you groaned standing back up, "it was to me, anyway why you up?" He asked making his way through the dark room, trying his best to not have the same fate as you, "I wanted pizza rolls" you mumbled, Minho sighed mumbling a small "same". Eventually you both made it out of the dark room, squinting at a light in the hallway one of his members left on.

Minho gently guided you to the living room, making you sit on the couch "I'll risk my sleepiness you keep yours" he said in a hushed tone as to not wake the others, you nodded happy you don't have to do anything. Once Minho made sure you were comfortable on the couch, he walked into the kitchen not bothering to turn the lights on. He silently made his way through the kitchen trying to find things in the dark.

"Just turn the light on" you said from the couch, Minho responded with a small "no" choosing to struggle in the dark. Your not sure how much time has passed, you jump out of your half asleep state as you hear what sounded like a tower of pans falling. "Oh fuck" you heard Minho whisper as you made your way into the dark kitchen. Flipping on the light you see, your boyfriend laying on the floor with pans surrounding him.

"Why were you even in the pans" you commented, Minho glared at you "I thought it was the plates who even puts pans in a top cabinet" he complained standing up from the ground dusting his butt off. Helping Minho put away the mess, he let's out a gasp "the food!" He said grabbing oven mitts. Looking at him weirdly he opened the oven revealing charcoaled pizza rolls...or what used to be pizza rolls...

"Why did you use the oven..." You whispered staring at the cookie sheet of sin, "isn't that how you cook them?" He whispered "you could've used the microwave..." You whispered back. Minho looked as tho you unlocked a hidden memory "I forgot..." He said in a low tone, "let's just go back to bed and forget this ever happened it smells so bad in here" you said a bit louder this time, walking out the kitchen, Minho nodded dumbing the charcoaled pizza rolls in the trash and setting the pan in the sink before following after you.

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