✧Online - Yungyu✧

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Special Thanks Too: anon, Yungyu, 8Turn

Note: I cant find who requested this but i hope you enjoy! were so close to the end? merry Christmas everyone.

Prompt: Best Present Ever

TW: screaming : online relationship : video games :


you and yungyu met playing in a duo team for an online game. Although never having pet in person the two of you got along pretty well.
eventually the goof friendship turned into having feelings for one another, Yungyu accidentally let his feelings slip,
result into you dating for almost 10 months now, an online relationship is hard, not that they've ever been easy.

Yungyu would often complain about how he couldn't touch or kiss you. Yungyu has been trying to get ahold on you for half the day,
only for you to be ignoring him, not once have you went online on anything, or have your mutual friends heard from you, the later it gets the more nervous he is,
all sorts of scenarios go through his head, he tried to stay positive, little did he know he'd see you in person on Christmas morning.

"where have you been?!" Yungyu yelled concerned now that youve finally picked up his face time "i was doing something" you mumbled fixing your hotel blankets.
Yungyu squinted at the walls and ceiling behind you "where are you?" he asked, his voice calming down "im at...my grandmas" you said pausing "your grandmas?" he asked you nodded in response.

Yungyu looked as though he wanted to say something but he kept his mouth shut sighing he finally relaxed knowing your alive and well. "merry Christmas" you said suddenly Yungyu looked at his.
"merry Christmas to you too, are you excited?" he asked adjusting his camera so you could see him better.

You nodded "beyond but also extremely nervous" you said playing with the blanket in your hand.
Yungyu looked confused "why?" he asked, "you'll find out soon" you smiled at the camera Yungyu looked at you on his phone screen a curious pout forming on his face, "i gotta go" you said quickly hanging up,
afraid of spoiling anything you put your phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and went to sleep.

Yungyu woke up the next morning realizing its christmas morning, his smile faltered when he seen you havent texted him, he tried to cheer back up saying you were spending time with your own family.
Myungho called everyone to the living room for presents, towards the end Myungho called everyones attention once again "everyone!" he yelled out "i have a suprise..for yungyu" he said looking around at everyone.
a soft smile grew on everyones face as they looked at Yungyu, Yungyu looked around confused and slightly creeped out about how in synch they were.

suddenly the front door opened, "oh its cold out there" you said casually walking into the living room, Yungyu sat in shock for a moment before screaming, making everyone in the room jump.
you looked at him shocked "Woah" Kyungmin who was sat next to Yungyu said putting his finger on his ear.

Yungyu sat and stared at you for a moment, before getting up and touching your face to see if you were actually real, once confirming his smile grew an inhumanly amount.
a few hours later you and Yungyu were sat in his room with the door open much to Myungho's request, "wait so that day you were unreachable you were flying here?" he asked you nodded fixing your shirt as you snuggled into his side.

"and last night you were in a hotel?" he asked finally piecing everything together, "wait how did you know where i lived?" he asked "Myungho, i found his Instagram through your following list and messaged him, he agreed to help" you said nodded your head slightly.

"you must be tired from your flight" Yungyu said picking you up and placing you on his bed, too tired to argue you just fell asleep, you and Yungyu spent an entire month goofing around with one another till you had to go back home.

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