✮Adorable - Yungyu✮

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✮Special Thanks Too: johannasophie1909 Yungyu, 8Turn

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✮Special Thanks Too: johannasophie1909 Yungyu, 8Turn

✮Note: trying to grt this out on its actual date and like set my record straight again lmfao let's see how this goes only 10 days and 10 stories left...happy holidays

✮Prompt: Cinnamon Treats

✮TW: mentions of food :


Yungyu has been busy for the past week, constantly staying in the kitchen, coming out covered in flour, dough and, sugar, and for some reason always smelling like cinnamon. "Yungyu-" you called out to him rushing past you, "can't talk busy!" He yelled carrying a bag of sugar to the kitchen, blinking in confusion, you just shrugged walking into the living room.

Sitting on the couch on your phone, in the dorm it's only you and Yungyu, the other members went looking for more wrapping paper. Playing a random game on your phone, waiting for either the others to come back or for Yungyu to come hang out with you, "Yn..." Yungyu said softly from behind you, you turned to look at him, once again he's covered head to toe in flour, sugar and, now...icing? "I made something for you" he said walking around the couch to pull you up.

"For me?" You asked, letting him pull you up by your arm, Yungyu nodded, "well you and the others" he giggled softly. guiding you to the kitchen. Walking in your see a cute array of gingerbread cookies, each decorated like each of the members, one stood up against a house, this one was dressed how you were that day, the same hair, and outfit.

Gasping slightly, Yungyu picked up yours as if it was glass, gently handing it to you, "I spent about a week perfecting these" he smiled, you stared at the cookie with admiration, "your so..." You paused finding the right word, Yungyu froze expecting something bad, "adorable" you finished setting the cookie down, flinging yourself on Yungyu kissing all over his face, "wait your getting-" Yungyu tried, but you cut him off "I don't care, your too cute!" You exclaimed

A few hours later you still had the cookie sitting in your hand, "you can eat it y'know" Yungyu said as he adjusted himself, "but-" you tried to say "I can make another, it's ok" he reassured, sighing you hesitantly bit into the cookie, Yungyu smiled, definitely gonna make one again.

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