⋆Them Getting Flustered⋆

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Special thanks to: anon, 8Turn
Note: sorry this took so long I'm getting back into my groove of writing sorry for the wait
Words: 386
TW: teasing : shy 8Turn : public relationship : embarrassment :

He tried to be mature and not seem like a child when they see there celebrity crush but failed his cheeks were so red and his little awkward giggle gave it away

He got so flustered he dropped his ice cold drink all over himself causing the staff fans and the members to laugh he got up and tried to clean himself but decided to just change his clothes and cool his face down and calm his heart down

He pretends like it didn't phase him but his red ears say otherwise he'd try to play it cool but he wasn't doing a very good job  the fans you and the rest of 8Turn basically ganged up on him

The shyness didn't hit him till an hour after the show when he was thinking about it during the show he was hyping you up and telling the turnings how amazing you are both on and off screen but once he was alone he practically melted when he was recalling your movements in his mind

Literally almost passed out from how fast his heart was beating he was nervous and shy and scared and happy all at once he himself was confused by his emotions but he came up to you after you finished performing and hyped you up

Shy shy shy literally couldn't face you afterwards he thought the fan teasing was bad enough oh girl he wasn't prepared for the amount of teasing you'd do he literally couldn't face you face to face for a week but once he got over the shyness he was hyping you up  

He wasn't shy he just hyped you up the entire time which made great content for the fans they ate all the compliments up after that interaction they made even more ship and iconic moment posts of the two of you

His body just kinda shut down and he was starring at the screen with wide eyes and red ears he blocked out the members teasing and focused solely on you and you only

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