★Under Da Sea - Yungyu★

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TW: food : bxb : kissing : fish : sharks : homophobia :
Words: 728

Earlier that week you and your boyfriend of 4 months, Yungyu decided to go to the aquarium. Yungyu cleared his schedule for you, so he had time to take you out for food after the aquarium.

Upon arriving there you met Yungyu by the shark plushies in the gift shop. "Yn!" Yungyu called out for you, your smile grew upon seeing your boyfriend waving and slightly jumping, "hey" you giggled wrapping your arms around his waist, Yungyu blushed and mumbled a small "hi" in your neck. The two of you held hands making your way to the pay for entry section.

Pulling out your wallet from your pocket/bag Yungyu turned and stopped you, taking your wallet from you before pulling out his own and paying for both of you, once you two entered you started giggling causing Yungyu to turn to you confused "your so cute" your mumbled pinching his cheeks, Yungyu blushed a deep shade of pink swatting your hands away.

"Stop" Yungyu whined slightly leaning into your side causing you to laugh a bit louder ignoring the looks of old people judging you and Yungyu's relationship. The two of you pointed at jellyfish passing by, giggling and giving each one a name, "and this one is...hm....Minho" Yungyu said putting his finger on the glass "Why Minho?" You giggled turning to him.

"Not sure he just reminds me of Minho" Yungyu laughed turning to you "your adorable" you said pulling Yungyu into a hug, Yungyu mumbled something into your neck that you couldn't understand, he suddenly pulled back and, grabbed your cheeks, pulling you into a kiss, the old people around you two let scoffs of disgust out and mumbled to each other, Yungyu pulled back ashamed "what's wrong?" You asked grabbing his hand.

Without speaking Yungyu looked around at the people who were judging "oh who cares it's not their relationship, they just think their entitled to everything." You said wrapping your arm around Yungyu's shoulders pulling him towards the next window of fish, Successfully gaining his attention off the negativity.

Yungyu and you were now standing in front of the sword fish laughing giving the fish random voices, "Gyu Gyu!" You laughed "I'm gonna pee myself" you said crouching on the ground, your words caused Yungyu to laugh harder "where's the restroom" he laughed trying to see through the tears in his eyes.

You and Yungyu sat on a bench calming down from your laughing fit "stop thinking about it" Yungyu laughed seeing you start to laugh harder, "I can't help it, I didn't know you could make that noise" you laughed, "me either" Yungyu laughed, the two of you calmed down seeing everyone make there way the front, confused you checked the time.

"Ah there closed" you said showing Yungyu your phone, his eyes falling on your lock screen giggling "when did you take that" he asked looking at the picture of him standing in front of the jelly fish, with one hand on the glass, his body facing you and, his head turned to the side.

You giggled, "when you were naming one you were deep in thought it was cute" you said admiring the photo, Yungyu blushed. Dropping the subject the two of you made your way to a random fast food joint nearby.

The both of your phones put on airplane mode as too not be bothered during your date, "oh right" you said pulling out something from your pocket/bag a small shark keychain "for you" you said, placing it in his hand. He looked up at you confused "a little thank you gift" you said, situating yourself back into your seat. "A thank you? For what?" Yungyu said latching the keychain to his bag.

"For agreeing to date me I guess" you giggled, Yungyu let out a small 'awe' before leaning over the table and kissing you, he sat back in his seat putting his hand on the table, a small squish sound could be heard, causing Yungyu to look down, seeing his middle finger dipped into the ketchup, "oh my gosh" you laughed, helping Yungyu clean his finger. The two of you sat at the joint for an hour or two before packing up and heading home, chosing to have a sleep over at your house.

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