♡︎Sleep Talking - Yungyu♡︎

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Anonymous asked:

I wanted to request an 8turn Yungyu x fem reader fluff where Yungyu comes home tired from practice and the reader cooks for him and feeds him dinner while he's half asleep and he rewards her with lots of kisses and they both cuddle to sleep (it's okay if you don't want to or if you're uncomfortable with this idea or anything) btw I love your work ❤️

♡︎Special thanks too: Yungyu, Anon, 8Turn

♡︎Note: hello! I hope you enjoy <3 lmk if you have any other requests also thank you! I'm so happy you enjoy my work enough to request


♡︎TW: kissing : mentions of food : Lowkey making out :


A knock came from your door it was faint and soft so quiet that if you weren't walking back from the bathroom you wouldn't have heard it, stopping in your tracks you checked the clock on the wall that read '12:30am' slightly scared and a little confused you walked to the door and looked threw the peep hole to find your boyfriend of one year half asleep almost falling down the front steps

Your scared and confused expression melted into a soft smile as you opened the door "Yungyu" you called out startling the boy from his daze "oh Yn, may I come inside?" He asked his words slightly sluggish you muttered a soft hum of agreement opening the door wider once the boy stumbled his way in you quickly closed and locked the door

"What are you doing here at midnight" you asked while taking his hand leading him to the kitchen "just finished practice, missed you" he said mumbling most of his words only being able to make out a few context clues "oh really?" You asked sitting him down he softly nodded his head "are you hungry?" You asked before Yungyu could answer his stomach growled "I'll take that as a yes" you giggled

A few minutes later you came back with a plate full of food only to find him alseep on the table you sighed softly "honey" you said shaking his shoulder as you were about to lose hope of him waking up to eat he sat up with a yawn "oh good your awake" you said pushing the plate Infront of him "here eat" you demanded

Waiting for him to take a bite or two you looked at his face and noticed he'd fallen back asleep almost falling backwards "gyu!" You said "here sit up straight" you commented pulling his arm to help him sit up Yungyu let out a soft whine from the moving "open" you said pushing the fork closer to his mouth, he complied opening his mouth feeding him was a long process but at least he ate

"Ok uppie" you said pulling him up from his shoulders "dude your bigger than me I can't carry you" you rushed out as Yungyu put all his body weight on you the only response you get was even more whining "shh" you said struggling to keep him up the walk to your room really made you wish your kitchen and bedroom were close together you knew the Yungyu workout would leave you sore tomorrow

Setting him on your bed you began taking his jacket and accessories off looking down you noticed he still had his shoes on you sighed before bending down and taking them off once you removed everything (other than the main clothes) you sat beside him resting for a moment before moving him to lay down "alright Yungyu!" You said shaking him once again the only response you got was whining

Another sigh left your nose before you held your breath and picked Yungyu up as much as you could once you got him in a comfortable position you left to go wash his dish turning the light off on your way out "finally" you sighed in relief turning everything off and making your way back to your bedroom

You slightly jumped when you saw Yungyu sitting up in the dark "what are you doing" you said coming up to lay him back down "miss you" he whined grabbing your hands a soft giggle left you as you rushed to the other side of the bed and laying next to him "I'm here go back to bed" you said laying on your side to pet his hair, Yungyu being a little more coherent than he was a few moments ago pulled you closer "thank you" he whispered kissing your nose softly

"Go to sleep gyu" you giggled ignoring you Yungyu continued to leave small kisses all over your face before eventually finding his way to your lips lingering there for a little while he pulled away allowing the both of you to breathe before diving back in his kisses filled with passion and love "yun-gyu" you mumbled on his lips

A soft hum left him as he deepened the kiss to focused on him to finish your sentence after what felt like an eternity the two of your pulled away with Yungyu leaving small pecks on your lips "night night Yn" he said pulling you on top of him letting you snuggle into his neck

His actions caused you to giggle "good night gyu" you said getting comfortable not long after Yungyu you fell into a deep sleep dreaming about Yungyu and your future together.

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