☃Decorating w/8Turn☃

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☃Special thanks too: Anon : 8Turn☃Note: as a tall girlie myself I appreciate this request ALSO! I'm gonna use Christmas prompt 3 since it's legit the same lmfao ☃Prompt: Decorate With Me!☃TW: Christmas (?) : Jealousy : mentions of food : mentions ...

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☃Special thanks too: Anon : 8Turn
☃Note: as a tall girlie myself I appreciate this request ALSO! I'm gonna use Christmas prompt 3 since it's legit the same lmfao
☃Prompt: Decorate With Me!
☃TW: Christmas (?) : Jealousy : mentions of food : mentions of drinks (not alcohol) : slight argueing between members (nothing serious) : lovesick Haemin : kissing : teasing :
☃words: 1,496

He's the one who dragged you into decorating with him, handing you the tree topper (star, angel, bow, ext.) Holding your waist as you reached up to put the topper on, your peaceful and slightly romantic moment was ruined by Seungheon who faked gagged "I feel like I just seen my parents kiss" Seungheon mumbled grabbing his charger from the coffee table that now had a giant fake gingerbread man house in the middle along with fake snow.

You and Myungho laughed as Seungheon left the room "kids these days" Myungho sighed "woah don't group me with you, I'm not old" you said crossing your arms, Myungho faked offended putting a hand over his heart "I thought you loved me.." Myungho said dramatically, you playfully rolled his eyes before leaning down and giving him a kiss on his lips.

Kyungmin himself is pretty tall, so the members called for him a while before you arrived, once you took your shoes off you made your way to the living room, hearing Kyungmin's whines of exhaustion, giggling at the sight "oh Yn! Here here" Yungyu said rushing to you with Ordainments he couldn't put on top the tree, "noo...I wanna relax.." Kyungmin said dramatically as you willingly helped the younger male, "calm down you big baby" you laughed hanging the ordainment where Yungyu told you too. Almost 30 minutes later of you helping Yungyu, you finally made your way to your tall Boyfriend helping him hand Garland on the wall, much to his dismay.

He kept track of time whenever you left his room rather it'd be to use the bathroom or to get food, he does this so he can 'save' you if his members bother you, noteing that you've been gone for almost an hour he finally got up and went to. Check on you, only to find you somehow wrapped in Christmas lights with glitter scattered about the room, slowly blinking Jaeyun finally spoke up "what... happened-" he asked looking at you, before you could respond Yungyu and Seungheon started blaming one another for something he couldn't understand.

Myungho who witnessed the whole thing, shook his head before walking over and helping you out your Christmas light jail, once done he quickly hushed the two boys "what actually happened was, Yungyu brought out Christmas lights Seungheon wanted to put them on the tree but he couldn't reach the top, Myungho didn't like the way he put them on the tree so he took them down, Yungyu for some reason got really upset and tried to snatch the lights from Myungho then I somehow got stuck in the middle ans got trapped in a light prison.." you explained.

Jaeyun rolled his eyes before grabbing your hand and leading you back to his room "you smell like a Christmas tree, a cookie and, cinnamon" Jaeyun commented sniffing your neck, "oh yeah Haemin came through throwing these cinnamon scented sticks at Myungho and I got caught in the cross fire, and Kyungmin somehow baked cookies without burning the house down.." you giggled, "and the glitter?" Jaeyun said sitting you on his bed before opening his closet and grabbing some clothes for you "oh, for some reason it was in the tree when we opened it I inhaled a lot of glitter" you said rubbing the back of your neck Jaeyun laughed before helping you into his clothes.

Another tall one, so he automatically got dragged into the mess as well, "no! You can't hang that there!" Kyungmin exclaimed ripping the decorations out of Haemin's hands, Haemin sighed "Yn..." Haemin turned to where he last saw you only for you to be gone, looking around the room he sees you not there, trying to not panic he walked out the living room ignoring Kyungmin's complaining, finding you in the kitchen covered in flower as you decorated the mini tree on the counter with Yungyu. "There you are" Haemin sighed "oh hey" you waved before turning your attention back to the younger male, reaching up to grab a bow from the top cupboard as Yungyu complains about who put it there, Haemin sat on the bar stool admiring the way you interacted with his member a small smile on his face "stop staring" you laughed before going up to Haemin and rubbing your flower filled body on his back. The entire time he waited he didn't complain instead he sat and waited with a lovesick smile on his face.

He came back from a shower to see you no where to be seen, setting his stuff down he went on searching for you, he found you holding a glittery red bow on the wall close the ceiling, moving it whenever Jaeyun said, once he got the space he wanted Kyungmin came up behind you pushing his front to your back putting the tack in the wall the both of you releasing leaving the bow hanging on the wall, you Jaeyun and, Kyungmin all high fived.

A few seconds later you finally noticed your boyfriend who sat there with a pout on his face glaring at Kyungmin, Jaeyun noticed how jealous Seungheon seemed so he let you go, Seungheon immediately dragging you to his room, "why do you look so upset" you pouted poking his cheek, Seungheon huffed his cheeks flushing a bright pink, "why did you leave.." Seungheon said quietly "I heard them in the living room and figured they needed help" you explained.

"Why were you and Kyungmin so close" he said his pout deeping, you fought back the urge to coo at his cuteness "dont be upset about it, he didn't mean it in that way, he just needed to reach above me" you reassured, Seungheon nodded still a bit sad, you focused the rest of the night on him not letting him get up making him lay with you while you cuddled and kissed him.

Yungyu sat in his room, waiting for you to come back, almost 20 minutes ago you got up to get you and him a drink and a snack to share, expecting you to come back not to long after that. When it finally hits the 20 minute mark Yungyu gets off his bed and leaves his room looking for you, he finds you holding up Christmas lights while Myungho untangled the rest of the line, looking around the room he realized what kept you away from him for 20 minutes. "Oh Yungyu! Perfect come help us" Myungho called out pulling Yungyu to hold the rest of the lights that dangle from your hands, "please my arms are getting tired I keep dropping them" you giggled sheepishly.

Yungyu sighs before helping out holding the lights as you tack them to the wall, snuggling them in the crack between the wall and ceiling. "Is this what took you so long?" Yungyu pouted, you responded humming out a 'yes', you and Yungyu were forced to sit there and decorate with Myungho before being let go, leaving you to tend to a pouty Yungyu.

Minho sighed waiting for you to come back, even tho you've been gone for a little over 10 minutes he thought it was too long, he got up and searched for you, finding you at the front door with Kyungmin and Haemin, helping them hang a reef on the door along with fake snow, lights and, garland covering the frame of the door, Minho sighed dramatically, "what you are doing" Minho whined, you gasped before leaving your work and grabbing his hand leading him to the kitchen where the other members are "try one" you said grabbing a cookie shaped as a gingerbread man, shoving it in Minho's mouth, he hummed in approval at the taste, "it's good, but you still never answered my question" he said chewing on the cookie "oh, they asked for help so I helped them" you smiled at Minho, Minho blushed at your smile before nodding "see how weak he gets for them" Yoonsung pointed out making the others laughed.

Yoonsung watched in amazement as you effortlessly reached the ceiling hanging up the lights and garland as Myungho asked you too, "why do you look like you just seen space?" Yungyu teased "their height never fails to amaze me" Yoonsung said watching you hang things, the other members tried to talk to Yoonsung only for him to ignore them focused only on you, eventually they all gave up leaving him in his own world, once you came back Yoonsung smothered you in hugs and kisses complimenting your long legs.

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