✂Addictive Love - Haemin~༝༚༝༚♡゙

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✂Note: I'm sick but this was requested by anon enjoy~ also I haven't written for 8Turn in a minute lmfaoo sorry for ghosting 

✂TW: Slight angst : crying : stress : school : homework : Bones cracking : Haemin basically babying reader : sitting on Haemins lap : Haemin changing reader  : reader wears makeup :

✂Words: 619

Doubt filled your mind as you skimmed through the pages your professor provided you, the deeper you went into the text book more tears piled in your eyes, before you knew it you were a crying mess. Unbeknownst to you, you're boyfriend of two years Jung Haemin, was planning a surprise for you.

He noticed you've distanced yourself. Only staying at school or, in your room studying or, doing homework. While you were sobbing over you're text books Haemin had arrived at your house with a huge bouquet, arranged of you're favorite flowers. Haemin noticed how quiet the house was while he was taking his shoes off, no matter how hard he listened he couldn't hear you're pencil, you're sighs of frustration, nothing he heard absolutely nothing.

Worried, Haemin set his journey up the stairs, off to your room. Softly calling out your name after approaching every room, finally he made it to your room. The sound of your silent cried through the door broke Haemin's heart immensely. He slowly creaked the door open so as to not startle you, seeing you curled up on your seat tears running down your face, caused Haemin to almost drop the flowers.

Rushing to your side, Haemin sat your flowers on your desk, embracing you in a huge hug, "hey your ok...don't worry ok? It'll all be over soon, Don't worry about it" Haemin whispered in your ear petting your hair. Before rocking the two of you back and forth, Haemin picked you up, before quickly sitting in your seat and, placing you on his lap, after 30 minutes or so you're tears calmed down.

Before you could speak Haemin shushed you pushing you back into his chest "shh don't say anything. You don't have to explain anything to me...just rest ok?" Haemin assured in a soft voice. Haemin continued to rock you back and forth, almost like a mother would, to stop her infant from crying. Upon noticing you've fallen asleep, Haemin unwrapped one arm from around you, still rocking you with his body and other arm, as he flipped through the pages of your text books and packets.

Once gathering the information he needed Haemin grabbed you're pencil and began writing, his hand writing an exact replica of your's writing down answers he knew pausing to think on one's he didn't. A few hours later Haemin finished you're work, while still rocking you back and forth on his lap. Hooking his arms under you're butt he lifted both you and him up, his bones audibly cracking as he stretched.

Making his way over to you're bed he sat you down, before going to your closet to grab you're sleep clothes, making his way back over to you he changed you into you're pajamas. Grabbing makeup wipes to wipe off whatever you had on, once he got you're makeup completely off he brushed his fingers through you're hair.

Admiring your peaceful face. Haemin eventually laid down next to you tucking you and him in, turning towards you kissing you're head, then eventually falling asleep with you nuzzled deep in his arms. The next morning Haemin made sure you got your flowers, of course keeping one so he knew when they died and, made you memorize what he wrote down assuring you "don't memorize the formula's instead memorize the answers" he told you, making sure you were stress free that whole day.

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