✰Highschool Sweethearts - Myungho✰

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✰Special thanks too: nabiii_jk

✰Note: I'm so sorry I kept getting interrupted and forgot to finish and publish  but I hope you enjoy oh also there won't be updates for two weeks cuz one my birthday is on the 12 And two I have to leave the state for a wedding

✰TW: kissing :

✰Words: 889


Myungho always admired you from a far, whenever your not looking Myungho always is, his friends encourage him to talk to you, and he tries but someone else always comes up and you shut him down, over time Myungho got used to being someone from the shadows instead of actually talking to you.

Today however Myungho had enough, marching his way up to you, making sure no one needed you, tapping your shoulder, he said "hey Yn right?" He asked politely, in response you giggled, shy having your long term crush come up to you, "yeah, Myungho right?" You asked in a teasing tone, Myungho giggled nodding his head.

"Did you need something?" You asked admiring his features, Myungho blushed taking a step back slightly, "yeah I-um I wanted to ask if you'd like to hang out" Myungho said scratching the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed, you nodded your head "of course! You seen fun to hang out with" you giggled, Myungho's smile grew "perfect! Is tomorrow good for you? Or is that too soon..." He mumbled the last part.

Nodding your head you pull out your phone "here give me your number so we can arrange the time and place" you giggled, your palms felt clammy and the hair around you was progressively getting hotter, Myungho nodded grabbing your phone from you, he typed his number in, saving his contact and sending a message to himself.

"Thank you" he suddenly said handing your phone back to you, "Wait why are you thanking me?" You smiled up at him, "for agreeing to hang out with me" Myungho softly stated a smile growing on his face, a blush took over yours as you tried to hide it, "thank you for asking me to hang out" you giggled like a school kid talking to their crush, in this situation you were.

Later that evening your phone pinge, with a message from Myungho, a smile grew wide on your face as you read the text 'Hey! If you don't mind I could come pick you up, like to hang out...if you still want to that is!' the words read out, quickly responding 'For sure! I'm still down to hang out, my address is xxxx' you typed, your blush growing deeper the more you two talked.

A few hours later Myungho arrived to take you out, "hi" you said slightly awkwardly, Myungho chuckled, "you ready?" He asked, you nodded your head locking the door before leaving. The hang out went well, the two of you had your comfortable conversations, never falling boring, Myungho dropped you off at home, your conversations continuing on texts.

Myungho even convinced you to let him drive you to school the next morning, sitting in the front seat laughing at what each other said "Wait how do you even have a car your not much older than me" you giggled "My parents said they didn't wanna keep waking up early to drive me to school, so as soon as they could they got me my license" Myungho said stopping at a red light, "Lucky my parents won't let me drive till I'm either 18 or 19" you sighed.

"Don't be upset about it! If you decide to keep me around I could drive you everywhere" Myungho said placing a comforting hand over your knee, the 24 hours youve been talking, you and Myungho grew strangely close, both willing to open up almost immediately, breaking yourself from your thoughts you see Myungho pull over, no where near close to school grounds you look at him confused.

Myungho sighs nervous "listen Yn, I'll tell you the real reason I wanted to hang out with you" Myungho said wiping his hands on his school slacks, nervousness building in you as you waited for him, "I like you.." Myungho said, silence took over the car, his words sounded like the 7 trumpets of the lord, emotions ripped through you like a title wave, comfort, relief, giddiness, the urge to scream and cry of relief was strong.

Myungho took your silence as a bad thing, sighing sadly "it's ok, I understand you don't like me back.." Myungho said his expression representing that, of a kicked puppy, sadness evident all over his face, panicking you quickly stammered out an answer "Myungho I'm in love with you" you said quickly.

Myungho gasped, relief taking over him, "in that case, Yn....will you be my lover?" He asked his nervousness washing away, you nodded your head, Myungho pulled you in to a kiss, your side painfully pushed into the middle console, too high on cloud nine(9) to care, you kissed back, pulling away when it became suffocating.

The two of you arrived at school hands latched to one another as you giggled at everything you saw, most kids assumed you two were high, yours and Myungho's name flocked through multiple group chats, although you and Myungho were too enthralled with one another too care.

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