🛷Home - Seungheon🛷

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🛷Special Thanks Too: 4_Evaa Seungheon, 8turn

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🛷Special Thanks Too: 4_Evaa Seungheon, 8turn

🛷Note: Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!! And or today is Christmas Eve depending on where you live but.....MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! Tomorrow the last prompt will go then y'all won't hear from me for either a day or two.

🛷TW: mention of eating : hot cocoa : mentions of deer : mentions of foxes :

🛷Prompt: home


Seungheon and the rest of 8Turn were allowed to visit there loved ones for Christmas, going on a small break, Seungheon invited you to his parents house, along with your family, all staying in a calm cabin in the woods, snow all over the ground making the tall trees look beautiful, deer scattered about in the big backyard, a few snow foxes walking around here and there.

Seungheon walked into your room, which was next door to his, his straight face forming into a soft smile as he saw you sitting on a chair next to the window, watching a small family of deer, "do you want hot chocolate?" He asked softly, gaining your attention you turned around and looked at him, "from whom?" You asked tightening your blanket around yourself.

"Our moms" he said, walking up to you he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you so that your head rested on his lower stomach. He bought one of his hands to your freshly washed hair, "are you getting one?" You asked leaning into his touch, "well, if you wanted one I was just gonna sip off yours" he admitted shyly, you giggled "ok then, yes I'd like one" you said Seungheon smiled and nodded.

After a minute of cuddling he parted from you to get your hot chocolate, coming back almost 10 minutes later with a festive mug, "here you go" Seungheon said softly, handing you the warm mug "thank you" you responded taking a small sip before offering some to Seungheon. The both of you sat in silence for a minute enjoying one anothers presence.

"I enjoy this" Seungheon said barley above a whisper, looking over at him curiously you made a 'what' sounding hum, "being here, with you, my family, your family. Not having to worry what the internet thinks of me, not having to steadily practice and, being able to eat freely" Seungheon said, a small smile growing on your face, "your right you do seem a lot more relaxed" you smiled at him, in response Seungheon smiled back.

"You know...having you here with me and my family is like being at home" he said a blush forming in his face as he admitted his feelings, his words made your heart swell, "I understand what you mean, it's so cozy here" you giggled, Seungheon nodded agreeing with you. Both of you got silent, leaning back into one another "Kids!" Your mom screamed "dinner!" She finished calling you both down.

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