✮Dancing In The Dark - Yungyu✮

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Anonymous asked:

Hi! It's my birthday tomorrow and if you don't mind, I want to request an 8turn Yungyu x fem reader fluff where they spend a beautiful day together dancing in the rain and the reader shares her first kiss with him and when they get back home he gives her more kisses and spend the rest of the day cuddling. It's totally fine if you don't want to do it or if you're uncomfortable with it. Btw I really loved your other Yungyu oneshot! It was awesome! Your work is amazing ✨💕

✮Special Thanks Too: anon, Yungyu 8turn

✮Note: OMG happy birthday!!! I hope you have an amazing birthday and thank you for the compliments I'm really glad you enjoy my writing that much <33

✮TW: kissing : mentions of a slight cold : lovesick teenagers

✮Words: 801


Today was a day you knew you'd remember for years even if you and Yungyu were no longer together. The morning started out amazing with you and Yungyu getting free breakfast plus free pastries a few hours later the sun started setting the two of you were sat on his floor eating the pastries

"YN open" Yungyu said putting a bite of matcha cake Infront of you, his smile grew wider and his cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink when you took the bite off his fork "thanks" you giggled a light shade of pink covering your cheeks. After your snack break the two of you cleaned up your mess, Yungyu brought up the idea of going to the park

"You sure? Isn't it kinda late?" You asked looking out the window "come on! It'll be fun!!" Yungyu said pulling you towards the door you giggled at his excitement "wait" Yungyu said before bending down and grabbing your shoes "what-" you looked down confused at his actions before you could question father Yungyu started putting your shoes on you

Your body felt like it was on fire, Yungyu looked up after tying your shoes "your so cute when you blush" he giggled pinching your cheeks "ouch!" You said swatting his hands away "ok! Let's goo!!" Yungyu said dragging out the 'o' "your so weird" you teased following him out the door "I'm not weird your just boring" he said turning his face up facing away from you

"Or maybe I'm normal and your weird" you shrugged "you! Normal!" Yungyu said whipping around to face you "your super duper far from normal" he giggled grabbing your hand, not long after the two of you made it to the park, "come!" Yungyu said pulling you towards the empty grass in response you looked at him confused "dance with me" he said "but there's no music" you said awkwardly

"There doesn't have to be" he pulled your hands so you stood closer to him "gyu!" You said almost falling "let's slow dance" he said "but we don't know how" you said "that's ok we can just go with the flow of things" he said a small smile growing on his face "fine" you sighed his smile grew wider

The two of you slow danced in your own unique way tripoing over one another but having fun the once quiet park was filled with laughter. You and Yungyu were on the grass laughing from falling over one another when you two felt cold water pouring from above the two of you "we didn't bring jackets or an umbrella" you gasped

"Well....were already soaked" Yungyu said
The two of you sat on the now wet grass in silence for a minute or two before bursting out in laughter "wait let's dance again" Yungyu said pulling you up and dusting the wet grass off you. This time around the two of you got into a better rhythm the laughing died down into soft lovesick giggles

"Yn" Yungyu whispered the both of you stopping your movements "can I kiss you?" He asked, voice barely above a whisper in response you slightly nodded your head, the both of your lips met in the middle, both of your bodies felt like they were experiencing a new universe, your hearts were beating so fast and loud you were sure people around could hear it

The two of you pulled away when a need for air became over bearing, the two of you put your foreheads together eyes still closed catching your breath a minute or two later the both of you pulled away from one another, your eyes met before the two of you bursted out in a lovesick giggle one again "we should go home" Yungyu said calming from giggling fit "your right were gonna get sick" you said grabbing his hand

Indeed you were right the two of you caught a cold but got to stay together for longer so was it really so bad?

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