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Will Byers was just a normal teenage boy. 16 years old. He lived a pretty normal life - today anyway. Sure, he had a lot of trauma in his past but now everything was great. Or not... Will looked normal, seemed normal. Everyone around him treated him like a normal person now. But deep down, he knew he wasn't like everyone else. He knew full well that he was different from all the other boys from his school, different from his friends. Different how? Maybe because now he just left a note in the boys bathroom. He hopes someone will find it and use it well. You may be wondering what the content of so said note is. Will simply left a few indications. Just one single sentence. This is what happened.

Will and his best friend Mike were going to the school bathroom during break as usual. But anyway, Mike was still peeing. The other boy looked back to the unfolded piece of paper in the palm of his right hand. Will took the occasion and secretly placed his secret note on top of the hand dryer. At that moment, the bell rang.
"Mike I've got to go or I'll be late for class."Will said to Mike.
He ran out the bathroom and sighed. He had done it. He had left the note he'd been longing to leave for a while now.

He waited for Mike outside. Mike got out and saw Will was there.
"I thought you needed to rush to class." he said, confused.
"Yeah, hum... I actually prefer waiting for you. You know, because we're best friends."
"Yeah, okay... Sure. Cool."

They both got to class. During the entire period, Will felt stressed out. He wanted to know if anyone had taken his note. Maybe a really handsome boy... Although there weren't many really handsome boys at his school. Apart from his friends - especially Mike, definitely Mike - and a few other guys here and there.
By the time second period arrived, Will was even more anxious. He needed to know if his note was still there. He raised his hand without thinking. The teacher called on him.
"Yes, Will?"
"Hum..." Will forgot what he wanted to say, but then remembered. "Can I... Can I go to the bathroom please?"
A few people giggled.
"Yes, of course."
"Thanks." said Will, getting up and going out of the classroom.
He ran to the bathroom, trying not to trip over on his way there.
He opened the door and looked straight to the hand dryer. It was gone. The note was gone. That meant someone had taken it. Hopefully anyway... Will felt relieved but worried at the same time. What if the note went into wrong hands?
He shrugged it off and went back to class confidently and with a grin on his face.

When Will got back home he went straight to his bedroom and turned his computer on. He logged into his email and waited. He waited for an hour, refreshing the page every minute or so. He went to get a snack from the kitchen. Reese's pieces - his favourite. And then, he saw something pop up...
It was an email from an anonymous email address called marc73948. Will clicked on it and read it. It said:

Dear mystery person. I found your email address in the bathroom. Because it was in the boys bathroom, I guess you're a boy right? Anyway, here am I. It said in your note that you wanted someone to message you. There, I messaged you. I even created a fake email address because I don't want you to know who I am. ;) Anyway, tell me about you then if you ever want to message me again.

Will paused. What was he going to reply? He typed and typed and eventually found the perfect reply.

I can't believe someone actually wrote to me. I only did it as a joke, I didn't think anyone would actually do it. Anyway, if you don't say who you are, I won't say who I am. So we're even. I'm just gonna stay a mystery guy. So, you wanted me to say something about me. I got to Hawkins High School (what a surprise!) and yes you're right I am a boy. I'm not telling you too much though since I don't want you to know who I am. So is your name Marc? Or is that a code name? Because I can't remember there being a Marc at my school.

Will pressed send and waited. He walked around his room several times, waiting for a reply from the boy. Eventually he got one.

Hey again mystery guy,
So my name is NOT Marc in real life. It is a code name so you don't know my true identity. Maybe you could have a code name too so that then I don't have to call you mystery boy. If you do want to continue talking to me anyway. You don't have to. Even though it was YOU that wanted someone to talk to.
See you,
From Marc.

As soon as he saw the message, Will started typing.

Dear Marc,

"Will, dinner!" he heard his Mom call from the kitchen.
"Coming! I won't be five minutes!"
He quickly started typing the rest of his email.

...I've got to go because my Mom called me down for dinner. I promise I'll message you agin tomorrow.

Will looked around his room. He saw a picture of him and Mike on his bedside table. Michael maybe? No, he couldn't use that as a code name. Then "Marc" might think he was the actual Mike Wheeler. He looked up to his wall and his poster of "The Clash". Clash... No that's not a name. Maybe Cl- Chloé, no that's a girl's name. Clem. Clem, perfect. It's original, catchy. It's perfect.

And by the way, my code name is Clem. I just made it up right now so there's no significance. Anyway, I'll email you again tomorrow.

Will sent the email and shut his laptop for the day.

Author's note
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Leave a comment to tell me what you think.

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