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It had been two weeks since James had been introduced to the party. Since then, Marc and Clem had exchanged many more emails. Will had learned some more things about Marc. He had a sister... He just needed to know some more about James and then compare him to the information that Marc had given him. But the more time Will spent with his new friend, the more he was convinced that James was the one that he was emailing all this time. It just... had to be him.
Mike on the other hand, was spending less time with Will. Maybe he really was jealous of James. He had the right to be jealous after all because James and Will had been spending an awful lot of time together since they became friends. They hung out pretty much every evening after school and Will sometimes ate lunch with him. James often went over to Will's house but Will had never been over to James's. He said that because of the moving, they hadn't sorted everything out properly yet.
That evening, Will was peacefully drawing in his sketchbook on his bed. With his pencil, he traced the outline of the silhouette of a D&D character that he would probably use in a future campaign with the party.
Will felt a vibration and saw the screen of his phone light up on his bedside table. He put his sketchbook down next to him on his single bed. An email from Marc? He picked up his phone and read the notification. James had sent him a text. Will unlocked his phone and clicked on the notification that lead him onto Instagram.

James: Meet me outside your house, I'm in front of your gate.

Will's stomach flipped. He looked out his window to find James behind his car. Will looked at his watch.
"It's 10 p.m." he whisper-shouted, loud enough for James to hear him.
"So? Come on." he said, smirking.
Will quickly put on some clothes and re-did his hair in the mirror.
Luckily, Will's room was on the first floor so climbing out his window was as simple as anything. He climbed over the windowsill and set foot on the ground of his garden. He walked discreetly towards his gate and climbed on top of the small wall.
"Hey" said James.
"What are you doing here?" Will said, chuckling.
"I came to see you."
Will felt the butterflies set free in his stomach.
James came all over to his house, when it was already dark outside, just so he could see Will.
"Oh..." was the only thing Will could say back.
James was really... pretty. His slightly curly hair fell over his forehead. He was wearing black baggy jeans and checkered Vans. Underneath his leather jacket, he was wearing a Def Leppard t-shirt. Will smiled. He loved that band.
"You like Def Leppard?" Will asked.
"Hell yeah! High 'n dry is the greatest album in the entire music industry."
"Switch 625 is amazing." said Will.
"Not my favorite song off the album but... yeah. It's a masterpiece."
Another thing in common with James... Could things get any better?
"Anyway... Wanna go out?"
Go out? What?
"W-what?" Will muttered.
"Yeah I don't know... like we could wander off through town or something."
Oh... James meant 'go out' as in going outside not going going out.
"Okay yeah, sure. Although there isn't much to do in the shitty town."
"I bet there is something. We'll just have to explore round a little. How long have you lived in Hawkins?"
"Well, pretty much all my life. I've also lived in California but that was like for... seven months or something like that."
"Oh so you must know the whole town off by heart by now."
"Yeah, pretty much. And I know that there's nothing interesting. Especially at night."
"Ha! That's where you're wrong. Every single thing is way funner at night time. Trust me."
Will decided to trust his recently new friend.
"Alright then. Let's go. I'll just have to pray that my mom doesn't check if I'm in my room. She'll kill me if ever she finds out that I sneaked out..."
Will had sneaked out before back when they lived in Lenora and Joyce's reaction afterwards was not the best... He was grounded for a month. But this time it was worth it if it meant he could be with James.
"She'll never found out. Don't worry." James said, with a smile.
Will simply smiled back and said "Okay."
James and Will walked away from the Byers drive.
"So then..." said James "Let's explore Hawkins."
They walked around for a while until they found a spot to sit down and talk. It was an old bench beside a wall of what seemed to be an old abandoned building.
"What time is it?" Will asked, realising he didn't have his watch on him.
"11." James replied.
"Well yeah. As they say 'Time flies when you're having fun'."
That meant that James was having fun... with Will.
"Are you having fun?" James asked.
"Yeah! It's nice to escape my house for a while."
Will took the opportunity to find out something knew.
"Do you have any siblings?" he asked.
"Yeah, a little sister. She's sooo annoying."
A little sister... Marc had told Will that he had a sister too.
"But hey... and you?"
"And me... what?"
"Do you have siblings?"
"Yeah. A brother. But he's in college now."
"Okay." James said, with a slight smile.
God...That smile...!
James then took something out of his pocket. A cigarette. He put it between his lips and took a lighter out of his other pocket. He lit the cigarette and breathed out the smoke. James noticed that Will was looking at him.
"Wanna try?" he offered.
"Oh hum..."
Will knew he could just decline James's offer but he felt tempted...
"Yeah, sure."
James took the cigarette between his fingers and handed it to Will. Will placed it between his lips and breathed in. He coughed. Oh god... it was horrible. He took it out his mouth straight away and gave it back to James who started laughing.
"Sorry I..." said Will.
"You don't have to apologise Will. You're lucky you don't like it. It's better for you that way." James said with a smile.
The same smile as earlier... Will kept fighting the urge to look at James and admire his beauty...
'No, Will, stop' he told himself 'You like Mike not... James'.
But Mike wasn't the one that was with him at night exploring Hawkins. Mike wasn't the one that offered to sneak out at 11 p.m. Mike wasn't the one he was sharing a cigarette with. Mike wasn't the one whose face was getting closer and closer. Will leaned in and without hesitation... pressed his lips against James'.

Love, Will || BylerWhere stories live. Discover now