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⏳Chapter 12⏳

"Do you wanna come over tonight?" Will asked.
"Yeah. I'll just go and tell my mom"
"Sure. Okay."
If Mike was coming over then he'd be able to tell him everything. Every. Single. Detail. But before confessing his feelings for him, he'd have to come out to him. Maybe that was the most difficult part of it all. But if James is right and Mike likes him back... then he can take his chances. Plus, Mike is his best friend. He has the right to know that Will is gay.
"I can't come over tonight. I'm really sorry..."
"What? Why?"
"My mom says not on a school night."
"You don't have to stay or anything. Just come for like twenty minutes or something."
"I'd love to but my mom says it's too late. And if I come over for twenty minutes I won't want to leave. I'm kind of addicted to your house. And you of course."
Will smiled over the phone.
"Sorry that... came out wrong. What I mean is... I like– I love spending time with you. It's fun."
"Thanks. I love spending time with you too."
"This afternoon was really fun. We should do that more often."
"What, skip school?"
"No! No. Just... spend time together. Both of us. Me and you. Just the two of us."
The more Mike spoke, the more Will started to realise all the signs. His hopes were getting higher and higher. Either Mike was just a really clingy best friend. Either he was actually secretly in love with him just like James had said. Well not in love with him but just... That Mike might like him back.
"Tomorrow night then?" Will suggested.
"What day's tomorrow anyway?"
"Friday. It's not a school night so maybe then you can like..."
"Sleep over."
"I'm pretty sure I can come but I'll just double check with my mom just in case she says no."
Will waited a few seconds until he heard Mike's voice through the phone again."
"She said I can come!"
"You sound really excited." Will said, blushing – thank God this was over the phone or Mike would be able to see his bright red cheeks.
"Of course I'm excited. I'm always excited for sleepovers at your house."
"Yeah. And I'm also really excited to come and spend time with you. Wait, am I the only coming or are the others too?"
"No no it's... just you."
"Oh. Then great! Not that I... don't want to spend time with the others but... You're my bestest friend. And I don't know... it feels more... special when it's just us two. You know what I mean?"
"Yeah." Will replied.
"Cool. Anyway hum... "
"See you tomorrow morning"
"Yeah as always."
Will waited for the sound of Mike hanging up the phone.
"Aren't you gonna hang up?" Will asked.
"I thought that you were going to do it."
"Oh. And I thought that you were gonna do it." Will chuckled.
"Well... we were both wrong."
Will grinned.
"So are you... gonna hang up?" Mike asked.
"Oh yeah. Yeah sorry."
Will waited a few seconds. "Bye" he added before pressing the red button.
Will lied down and put his phone on his chest. After that phone call he kept wondering and wondering if maybe... James was right. The way Mike was acting... His nervous voice... Everything.
Will fell asleep on those thoughts.

He woke up the next morning. It was Friday. Friday! Today was the day he was going to confess to Mike. Suddenly Will felt nervous. There was still a possibility that James was wrong since the beginning and Mike actually didn't like him back and was just acting weird around him because... he's a naturally nervous person.
Will got up and got ready for school. He needed to look his best for Mike. The handsomest ever. Although Mike did say he was the cutest person... And that he was really pretty. Will smiled at himself in the mirror. He really has a chance. Somehow the Universe is finally giving him something nice. Something absolutely perfect. Mike Wheeler.
He biked to Mike's house again like every morning. Mike walked out his front door, his school bag over his right shoulder. He got his bike from the garage and biked down his drive to find his best friend.
"Hi Mike."
"Hey. Can't wait for tonight."
"Me– me neither."
"We'll have loads of fun. Do you have anything planned?"
Yes. Many things actually.
"No." Will lied.
"We can maybe like... watch a movie or something. Maybe play a game."
"Yeah. Whatever you want to do."
Will thought of a reply in his head but didn't say it out loud. 'And maybe after I confess that I'm madly in love with you we can make out a bit. Kiss. Cuddle. Become boyfriends.'
"You zoned out."
"I... I didn't. I'm just concentrated on cycling. I don't want an accident."
"Oh yeah sorry."
They got to school together and put their bikes in their usual spot. They entered the main building and walked through the corridors, bustling through people at their lockers or boys and girls making out. As they made their way through the halls, Will caught sight of James who gave him a little smile and wave.
"Since when did you become friends with James again? I thought something happened between you too." Mike asked.
"Oh yeah that was nothing. We're friends again now. He's a really nice person."
"Am I a really nice person?"
"What, are you jealous, Michael?"
"No! I was just asking! Out of curiosity."
"Well then yes. I think you're a very nice person."
"Am I nicer than James?"
"You really are jealous aren't you!"
"No... Stop saying that."
"You are nicer than James but I haven't really spent that much time with James so I don't know what his level of kindness is."
The school day felt long. Will was extremely excited about his sleepover with Mike that night. But also very nervous.
By the time their last class ended, Will felt like he'd been their for ten hours. But now it was finally time to go back home.
"See you soon guys!" Mike said
"We'll meet up tomorrow. Okay?"Lucas said.
Mike and Will biked their way to the Byers house. They left their bikes on the driveway and went in the house.
"Mom?" Will asked.
He didn't hear an answer. Hopper was still at work and El was over at Max's for the night which only meant one thing: They were home alone. In this kind of situation, this is normally where teenagers make the most of it to do things they wouldn't dare doing if their parents were around.
"I don't think anyone's home."
Mike followed Will into his room.
"So, do you wanna watch a movie?"
"Actually Mike... " Will said, sitting on his bed at patting for Mike to sit beside him.
Mike came to sit next to his friend and sat down with a bounce.
"Yeah?" Mike asked.
"There's something I wanted to talk to you about first..."

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