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The school bell rang for the last time in the day. Will hurried to pack all of his school things into his backpack and he and his friends all went to where their bikes were parked.
"I can't believe how booooring that last class was." complained Max.
"What do you mean it was so fun." said Dustin "Right Lucas?"
"I wouldn't say fun but..."
"Anyway." Max interrupted.
"You guys wanna hang out for a bit?" asked Dustin.
"Yeah!" said El.
"Final destination: Mike's basement!" said Dustin, turning round to look at Mike. "Right Mike?"
Mike didn't reply since he was laughing with Will a few meters away but not close enough to hear Dustin.
"Of course they're both in their little world." said Dustin.
"Dustin it doesn't matter honestly." said Max.
"I know but it's always just Mike and Will and the others." said Dustin.
Nobody said anything to Dustin's statement. Maybe because he was right.
Mike and Will came closer to their friends.
"Hey guys. So me and Will are gonna hang out if you want to come with us." said Mike.
"We're hanging out too." said Lucas
"In your basement actually" said El.
"Oh. Okay why not then." said Mike.
They all got on their bikes and pedalled off to Mike's.
When they got there, Will immediately got on his phone and tried to check his email (he had Wi-Fi at Mike's thankfully). They all went down to Mike's basement. Will sat down on the sofa comfortably. He opened his email app and refreshed the page. What? No connection?
"Mike, why is there no reception?" he asked.
"Oh yeah I forgot about that. They're a problem with the Wi-Fi. They're coming to repair it tonight my Mom said."
"Oh okay." Will said, trying not to sound too disappointed.
"Maybe instead, you could talk to your friends that are present and not behind a screen?" said Max.
"Max! It's fine." said Mike.
"Defending Will again, what a surprise" chuckled Max.
Will looked at Mike and they both gave each other an awkward smile.
Will put his phone back in his pocket and went to sit next to Mike.

Will got home and went home as quick as he could. He rushed by his mom who was sitting in the living room reading a book.
"Hey Sweetie" she said
"Hi Mom" he said, running up the hallway to his bedroom. He pounced onto his bed and went straight on his phone.
There was an email from Marc. Will opened it and read it in his head.

Dear Clem,
I can't believe you found out about your sexuality so early. I only found out about myself last year. My best friend was also my gay awakening. It's funny that it's the same. It's probably because our best friends are the closest people to us. I
guess. Anyway, I have got a few questions as you said I could ask you some. First, have you come out to your family? I haven't personally because I know they won't accept it... I haven't told my friends either. I keep wanting to tell my best friend, they guy I like, but only telling him about me being gay, not that I have a crush on him. That would be awkward, especially because he would probably reject me. I just can't find the courage to tell him... Please give me some advice. If that's okay with you anyway.
See ya,
From Marc

Will read the message carefully. Him and Marc were in a very similar situation. Both having secret crushes on their straight best friends and hiding their sexuality from others. Will clicked on the "reply" icon and stopped. He looked at the email again carefully. The time. Marc had sent him this email ten minutes after Will had sent him own. 12:48. Will was confused. Something was wrong. Marc goes to the same school as Will. A school with absolutely no internet signal. The only single place with signal is where he and Mike were sitting earlier in the day, when Will was able to send his own reply to Marc. So that meant that Marc would've been in that exact space just after Will. He thought about all the events of the day at that moment. He was sitting on the bench with Mike and he was typing his reply to Marc, which he sent just after. Mike then went to the bathroom and Will scrolled through Pinterest. Then, Mike came back to the bench after about ten minutes and they took their Bereal. Wait. Will opened Bereal on his phone and scrolled down to the beautiful picture of him and Mike. Mike's hair was so fluffy and his entire face was just so- not the point. Will looked at the time they took the picture. 12:49. Just one minute after Marc had sent his reply. Shit. Will didn't pay attention to the surroundings while they took the picture. The guy behind Marc would've been right there, next to Will and he didn't even notice. Will sighed and lay back down on his bed. He was probably never going to know the identity of Marc and that really bummed him. He was just desperate to know who the other gay boy at his school was. If only he'd payed attention... But. Will sat back up quickly and opened his phone again. He clicked on the Bereal icon.
"Come on, come on, come on." he said, as the page loaded slowly.
It finally opened up and Will scrolled through his friends's Bereals including a selfie of Dustin and Steve. Cute pic but he couldn't waste time to look at the others. He arrived at Mike's Bereal. He examined the picture carefully. There. He zoomed in and noticed a silhouette in the background leaning against a tree. It was James from his history class. No... James was... Marc? Maybe. Potentially. Yes?

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