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Ding! Will was sketching on the bed when he heard the sound of a notification pop up on his phone. Marc, maybe? Will grabbed and was fairly disappointed when he saw that it was only a text from James. He clicked on it and read:

James: Hey Will, sorry about earlier. I don't want you to be sad 😞 I'm sorry I hadn't told you about me and Anna. We started going out the day after you... you know what I mean.

Will puffed. Why was James apologising? He hadn't done anything wrong. He was allowed to be straight and date someone. Will couldn't control that.

Will: It's fine James. You don't have to apologise for anything.

James: Ok 👌

James: I just didn't want you to be sad because you like me.

Will: What? I don't like you! I was just confused and really tired when I kissed you. I DO NOT have feelings for you.

James: Ok ok. Do you like anyone then?

Will: Yes. But not you

James: Yeah I got it: it's not me 😂 It's Mike isn't it?

How did he know? HOW DID HE KNOW???

Will: What? Why would you even think it's Mike 💀💀

James: Because yesterday when you caught me and Anna kissing, I ran after you to explain but I saw you and Mike leaving hand in hand

Will: Yeah but that doesn't mean anything

James: Maybe you don't like him but... he definitely likes you.

Will: Not true. Stop making things up

James: I'm not making anything up! I'm not blind that's all. He's constantly staring at you with heart eyes

Will: he's not...

James: He is and you're just not noticing all these signs because you like him back

Will: ...

James: Am I right?

Will: Mike doesn't like me but maybe I do... This stays between us, okay?

James: I promise.

James: But you guys NEED to get together!!!

Will: Maybe but you forgot one thing. One BIG thing: Mike is STRAIGHT

James: Really? I don't think so

Will: he would've told me otherwise. He's my best friend

James: Why? Have you told him that you were gay?

Will: No

James: There you see. You're both hiding your feelings from each other

Will: Stop giving me hope 😭😂

James: Trust me. The first time I saw Mike i KNEW he wasn't straight. He looks gayer than you

Will: He doesn't

James: Have you seen his hand signals? 👍👌🤌🤙

Will: that doesn't mean ANYTHING

James: Aren't gay people supposed to have like a gay-dar?

Will: Yeah

James: It must malfunctioning then for Mike.

Will: STOOOOP. He. Is. Straiiiiight.

James: Ok ok ok ok whatever you want to believe!

Will stopped typing. What if James was right? What if Mike was gay... and liked him back? Will had always thought he had 0.0000001% chances of Mike liking him back. But who was James to judge that anyway? How could he know whether Mike is gay or straight? To Will Mike was definitely straight. He'd dated El, a girl. But maybe James was right...

Will: What should I do...?

James: What do you mean?

Will: I really want to be more than friends with Mike

James: What? Best friends?

Will: We're already best friends! You know what I mean...

James: I do know what you mean. ;)

Will: So, give me some advice

James: Talk to him

Will: It's not as easy as that

James: Trust me. Just invite him over or something and talk about it. It'll go well I'm sure of that.

Will: What if it doesn't go well though?

James: Don't worry Will!!!

Will: Sorry... It's making me nervous

Will: So what should I tell him?

James: bring up the subject that there's someone that you like and then let things flow

Will: Actually James... I know exactly what I'm going to say.

James: Well done! You see, you don't even need my help

Will: I wouldn't have done it without you so thank you

James: Hey, no problem 👍👍 Tell me how it goes

Will: I will, i promise

James: Now. Go get your man

Will: He's not my man 😭😂

James: yet...😉

Will: Ok, bye


Will closed his messages with James and looked for Mike's contact. He pressed the phone icon and put his mobile to his ear, waiting for the ringing tone.

"Hi Will. Is everything ok?
"Yeah, yeah... Everything's fine. More than fine even."
"Okay, cool. Why's that?"
"I... Do you wanna come over tonight?"


second chapter I've uploaded today to make up for the fact I hadn't updated in six days

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