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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 8: ★

Will woke up the next morning to the ringing of his alarm. He looked around. He was so tried... Did he dream last night? God... he really hoped that he did. He sighed. No, it definitely happened. He had stupidly kissed James. And now he'd have to see him at school. On the positive side, he didn't have History today.
Will picked up his phone on his bedside table. There was an email from Marc.
Joy filled his entire body at the sight of the notification. Although Marc was the whole reason why he had kissed James in the first place... But that wasn't Marc's fault. The only one to blame for that mistake was himself.
Will opened his email app. The email was from 3 in the morning. Wow... Marc stayed up late...

The email said:

Hey Clem,
Hope I don't wake you up! I just can't sleep so I decided to send you an email. I don't expect you to reply straight away. Stay asleep. Anyway. First, how are you doing? Second, are you getting anywhere with your crush? I know for one I'm not... I don't stand a chance but I really hope for you that your crush turns out not to be straight.

Will sighed... Now he's screwed it all up with James he'd have to go back to pining on Mike. Yikes... Mike was the definition of straight and that just made Will suffer. He read the rest of the email.

... By the way I have an idea. Sending emails is kind of annoying. It would be easier if we texted. We don't have to give our numbers to each other. But maybe we could message on Instagram instead. I don't mean our actual Instagram accounts. But we could create accounts just for us to text. I just think it could be easier. And far more fun. :)
Anyway, let me know what you think.
From, Marc.

Will really liked Marc's idea about messaging on Instagram instead. It would sure be faster.
"Will! Breakfast!" his Mom called, banging on his door.
Will puffed and put his phone back on his bedside table. He opened the door to his bedroom and hurried to the kitchen where he found Joyce preparing some toast for him.
"Good morning sweetie" she said, placing a kiss on her son's forehead.
"Argh! Mom, stop!" he complained.
"Sorry. I almost forgot that you were sixteen now! You're growing up too fast."
Will rolled his eyes and smiled. El came to the kitchen and started laughing too. Will hurried to eat his breakfast and went straight back to his room.
He got dressed really quickly, picking the first pieces of clothing that he could find. He put on a 'The Cure' band tee and blue Levi's jeans. He got his phone and quickly created a new Instagram account. He went back to his emails and typed a reply to Marc.

Hey Marc,
I think your whole Instagram concept is a really cool idea. Anyway, I've just created an account specifically. It's @clemsclemtines. Literally the first thing I could come up with. So go follow me and I'll come chat with you ;)
Have a nice day!
From, Clem.

Will went to the bathroom to go and clean his teeth and wash his face. When he got back to his room he saw an Instagram notification on the lock screen of his phone.

@marcmarcmarccc started following you

Will clicked on it and immediately started following Marc back.

Clem: Hey!

Marc: Hi :)

Clem: I can't really chat right now because I've got to go to school

Marc: That's fine. 👍We can chat tonight. It's not like we can get a signal at our shitty school anyway.

Clem: Ha! Definitely not! 💀

Marc: See you :)

Clem: bye 👋

Will put his phone in his schoolbag and went into the garage to get his bike. He biked by Mike's house just like every morning as they bike the rest of the way the school together.
Mike was just coming out of his front door when Will arrived at the Wheeler residence. Mike pedalled down his drive.
"Hi" said Mike.
"Hey" Will greeted back.
Mike looked nice today again... Just like always. He was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt withe the Adidas logo in the center of it.
They biked over to school, not saying much to each other. They set foot to the ground when they arrived to the school building.
"Hey Will... Can I ask you a question...?" Mike asked, shyly
"Yeah sure."
"Well... Are you... Are you sick of me?"
"What? Why would you even think that?!" Will replied, annoyed with Mike's drama.
"Well since you've become friends with James you hardly really hang out with me anymore."
Will rolled his eyes.
"You're overreacting Mike. I am not sick of you. And besides... I don't know if the friendship I have with James is still... going on."
"Why? Did someone happen?" Mike asked, intrigued.
Never on this planet was Will going to tell Mike that the reason his friendship with James was ruined was because he kissed him.
"We're just... It's better if we just... not be friends"
"Oh. Okay..." Mike said. "If ever you wanna talk about it, I'm here for you, okay."
"Okay. Thanks Mike." Will said, giving him a friendly tap on the back.
They entered the school building and Will spotted him immediately. James was walking in is direction. Hopefully he hadn't seen him.
"Hum.. Mike sorry I need to go to the... bathroom." Will said, turning round and walking off.
"Will bathroom's that... way." Mike said, confused and pointing in the opposite direction.

The moment that Will got home after school that night he opened Instagram but Marc hadn't sent him any new messages. Instead he scrolled through the home page of his normal account. His eyes widened when he looked at the 'suggested accounts' section. Marc's account was just there. The name of the account was even 'Marc's fake account' which made Will laugh. Anyway. Will scrolled past that bit and looked at a post that The Cure had made about their tour.
Just a few moments later, Will saw the notification of a message from Marc. He clicked on it instantly which took him to their conversation on his fake account.

Marc: Oh my god! You'll never guess what just happened

Clem: What what what. Tell me!!

Marc: You know Will Byers from our school?

What? Will stared at Marc's last message. What did he do to him...? How is he a subject in their conversation?!

Clem: Yeah I see who that is. Why?

Marc: He started following my fake account lol

Will sat there in shock. What?!

Love, Will || BylerWhere stories live. Discover now