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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 13

"Mike?" Will asked, finally finding the courage.
"Can I... talk to you... about something?"
"Yeah of course. You can tell me anything Will, you know that right?"
Will didn't reply to that. He just waited.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Mike asked.
"Oh hum... I've met someone-"
"What do you mean? Met someone or met met someone. Like romantically?"
"No no no. Not like that. But it's complicated."
"Why? You can tell me if you want to." said Mike, softly.
"Well we haven't actually met like..."
"Wait... what do you mean you haven't met?"
"It was like...online."
"Oh. I understand. But do you even know what she looks like?"
Will said nothing. She. That's what Mike said: she. But it wasn't a she. It was a he. What was Mike going to say if Will told him the truth...?
"Will? Are you okay? You say 'like' a lot when you're nervous."
"No I- haven't seen a picture of... the person."
"So.. Are you guys like a thing? Or are you friends?"
"Oh we're not dating or anything. I mean we haven't met so... We just chat. I'd really like to meet... this person. We have a lot in common."
"Do you even know where she lives?"
"She actually...lives in Hawkins."
Will didn't want to reveal too much about Marc. Saying that he went to their school would be too much.
"Oh really? Maybe you could meet up."
"I don't know... It would be complicated."
"Because it's... different..."
"Different how?" asked Mike, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.
Will shut his eyes tightly, stopping himself from looking into Mike's. Maybe he could tell him the truth...
"I don't know if I'm ready to tell you..."
"Tell me what? Will you can trust me with anything, okay?"
"I-I know but it's... hard."
Mike looked up to Will will a soft smile.
Will breathed in.
"The truth is Mike... It's actually not... a girl. It's a boy. I-I'm gay."
Mike didn't say anything. He looked shocked, maybe a bit confused.
"Everything they say about me... The rumours. It's all true." Will added but Mike didn't say anything to that either.
"Please say something Mike." he begged.
Mike put a hand on Will's shoulder and smiled at him.
"Will... Thank you for telling me." he said, taking him in his arms.
Will hugged him back but froze on the spot. Both boys slowly parted from the hug.
"So you're okay with it?" Will asked.
"Will... Of course I am. I'm your best friend." Mike said, then added "And I'm proud of you, no matter what."
Hearing Mike's words, Will wanted to cry.
"Thanks Mike" he said, his voice slightly breaking.
"You're welcome." Mike said, with a smile.
After a short silence, Mike said:
"So, why don't you tell me more about this mystery guy then?" Mike said, sounding very intrigued.
"Well... He goes to our school."
"Yeah. And basically... it's a long story - well not really... But anyway... What I did was I - this is gonna sound so stupid and childish - I left like a note in the boy's bathroom at school with an email address I'd created specifically for that. And I wrote on the note that I was just like... a gay guy looking for a friend... like me. You following?"
"Yeah, yeah. C-carry on..." Mike said.
"And anyway, that night I received an email from a guy at school who'd found my note and basically... ever since we've been emailing each other but we don't know each other's identities."
"That's so cool." said Mike, with an enthusiastic smile.
"And like... We have so much in common. He likes Star Wars too! I really like talking to him because... I don't know, it just feels like I really know him. You know what I mean?"
Mike nodded in approval.
"Yeah... So that's the story."
"Thanks for telling me Will."
"You're the only person who knows. About... me and the mystery guy."
"I'm glad you can trust me."
"Yeah and you can trust me too. We're best friends."
"I know." Mike said. "But like... you've got loads of best friends. Lucas, Dustin..."
"Yeah I know but... I don't know... I feel closer to you? Maybe because I've known you since forever."
"And... the best friend that you told Marc about - the one you liked - who... who is it? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. You've already told me so many secrets tonight."
Will paused.
"Wait, Mike."
"How did you- I never- When did I tell you that his name was Marc? I can't remember telling you that." Will said, extremely confused.
Will could feel his heart beating faster and faster in his chest. What?
"I... You must've mentioned it. I'm sure you did."
"No Mike I'm pretty sure I didn't. I would've remembered if I did."
Mike didn't say anything.
"So, how do you know?" Will asked again.
Will knew how Mike knew but he just... Was denying it.
"Mike... Was it..."
Mike closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip.
"It's you isn't it?"
Mike froze but then nodded slightly.
"What gave me away?" he chuckled but then sighed.
"Mike..." Will whispered, still shocked. "I can't believe it..."
"Sorry I didn't... tell you." Mike said, softly.
"Mike... You have nothing to be sorry about, okay?"
"And... who was the best friend that you told Clem about? The one you described as your 'gay awakening'."
Mike looked at Will, his lips parted slightly.
"It's someone that's really special to me. He's an amazing artist and he's so talented..."
Will froze on the spot. He knew very well who Mike was describing.
"I love every single thing about him. His eyes are just... wow. I could just look into them all day and night long. He's so pretty and really hot, I think Marc already mentioned that though. Oh yeah and I especially love the little freckle that he has over his lip, right underneath his nose."
Will smiled and stroked the beauty spot on his face.
"If I could spend the rest of my life with him, then I would because I would never be bored. He's the funnest person ever and I love all of his D&D campaigns."
"Oh, so it's someone in the party?" Will asked teasingly.
Mike rolled his eyes.
"No, it's Steve." he said, sarcastically.
"Since when does Steve play D&D with you Mike?" Will replied in the same sarcastic tone of voice.
"Yeah it's a really big secret. Steve doesn't want anyone to find out or he'll lose all of his cool."
"Come on, he still has the hair."
"Yeah that's a bonus for him. Anyway... It's not Steve."
"Lucas then." Will teased.
"Not Lucas either."
"Oh my gosh... Dustin?"
"No! Absolutely not!" Mike laughed.
"Well there's no one else left."
"Yes there is." Mike said, with a smile.
Will looked at him in the eye. Little by little, their faces drew closer and closer. This time he wasn't going to screw it up.

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