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At lunch, Will went to find James. He was at his locker again, putting some of his schoolbooks in it.
"Hey, James." Will said, making him jump and drop something.
"Oh, shit, sorry." Will said, bending down to the floor to pick it up.
Will glanced over to what James had dropped. It was a packet of cigarettes. James smoked? Will picked it up and handed it to him.
"Here you go." he said, nervously handing James the cigarette packet.
"Oh, thanks." said James, taking it from Will's hand and shoving it inside his school bag.
"Do you smoke?" asked Will.
"Why do you wanna know?" asked James, cooly.
"Oh, just out of curiosity... Plus you have a cigarette packet inside your bag so..."
"Yeah. Well I smoke occasionally. It's mostly since we moved here."
"Oh okay." said Will "And where did you live before you came to Hawkins?"
"New York City."
"Wow, really? That's awesome! I've always dreamed of going there."
"Well I dream of going back. No offence but Hawkins literally sucks."
"Oh my god... Yes. It's just so boring and typical. Were you born in New York?"
"Yeah. But then we also moved to Texas and then back to New York, it's because of my dad's job. Anyway... Then we came here."
"Was it nice in Texas?" Will asked.
"It was... alright. New York was way better."
"I bet." said Will.
"I'm kinda hungry. You wanna grab some food?"
"Yeah sure. I'll introduce you to my friends. They're in the cafeteria."
"Cool. Thanks."
Will walked towards the cafeteria, followed by James. Both boys walked towards the table where the rest of the party was sitting. Will interrupted an argument that Lucas and Dustin was having.
"Hey guys. So as you know, this is James."
James smiled and gave a little awkward wave.
"I thought that he could eat with us for lunch. If that's okay with you guys."
"Yeah, sure." said Max.
The rest of the party nodded in agreement although Mike just pretended he hadn't heard anything. Will noticed that Mike hadn't nodded but decided to just forget about it and introduce the party to James.
"Here, sit down" said Lucas, moving a little so that James could sit next to him.
Will then sat to James's left, opposite El and Mike. 
"So, this is Lucas" said Will pointing at Lucas.
"Max, Dustin, El and Mike."
Everyone greeted James as Will introduced them individually. Everyone except Mike.
"Mike." Will repeated.
"Yeah?" Mike said, lifting his head up from his food.
"Aren't you gonna say 'Hi' to James."
"I already saw him in History this morning."
"So what?" Will asked, getting annoyed.
"So I don't need to say 'Hi'."
Will just rolled his eyes at Mike's stupid comment. Why was he being like this? All that Will wanted was for James to feel welcome amongst their friend group.
"Someone's grumpy today." James commented, obviously talking about Mike. "Is he always like this?"
"Ya get used to it" Dustin replied.
"Shut up Dustin." groaned Mike.
Lucas started giggling.
"You too Lucas."
However, they didn't stop. Mike just picked up his tray and left the table. He gave his tray to one of the dinner ladies and stormed out of the cafeteria.
"I- I'm sorry I'll be right back." said Will, getting up and following after Mike.
Will saw Mike leave the building and go outside. He followed him into the courtyard.
"Mike he called.
Mike turned round and stopped walking.
Will jogged over to him.
"What's wrong?" Will asked.
"James. That's what's wrong." Mike replied.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Will you can't just choose a random guy and automatically assume I'm gonna be friends with him."
"Mike I was just... being nice. I was trying to make James feel welcome. Obviously you don't seem like you want to."
"For all I know he could be a complete asshole!" Mike said.
"No, Mike. Right now you're the one that's being an asshole. Why can't you just be polite to him? You have no reason to be like this with him. He didn't even do anyway wrong to you!"
"But it..."
"I just don't get you Mike..." Will said, turning round and walking back to the cafeteria.
"Will wait..." Mike sighed, going after him.
"What?" Will asked.
"Look man I'm sorry... I just thought... I don't know that James was gonna replace..."
"Replace what? Replace who?"
"Well... me."
"Why the hell would James replace you? You're being overdramatic about absolutely nothing Mike."
"I just don't want you to get a new best friend."
"What, so you're jealous of James?" asked Will, raising an eyebrow.
"What? No!"
"Then I don't understand. Anyway, I'm going back to the others." said Will. "If you want to, come back."
"Yeah..." mumbled Mike.
He didn't come back.

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