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chapter 10

Will hadn't spoken to James since their awkward moment. Instead, he did everything he could to ignore him at school but that method was going to be getting even more difficult day by day. Especially because of the fact that they were going to have History class together today for the first time since.
Will felt nervous even thinking about it. What would James say? Would he even look at him? He probably would, but in pure disgust. Will decided to simply shake those thoughts off and set off for school. He met Mike in front of his house again just like every morning and they biked the way to Hawkins High School together.
This was it. History class. Will sat next to Mike as usual, fighting the urge to make any kind of eye contact with James. But it was hard. Especially when James kept turning round to whisper and mutter things to the girl behind him. Eventually James and Will's eyesights met. James gave Will an awkward smile which made Will turn his head the other way.
"What you up to?" he whispered to Mike.
"Trying to pay attention to this boring class" he giggled. "For God's sake I wish I could just leave this stupid lesson right now. I'm exhausted."
"Didn't you sleep well last night?" Will asked, in a soft voice.
"I couldn't go to sleep. I had a million thoughts running through my brain."
"What kind of thoughts?"
"Anything. From school to D&D to Star Wars to El-"
El. Will thought Mike had completely lost feelings for her since their break up.
"Do you still like her?" Will asked, curiously.
"Who, El? Hell no. I'm completely over her."
"Then why were you thinking about her?"
"Because she told me some stuff earlier in the day that's all. I was overthinking it."
Will was dying to know what El and Mike were conversing about but he'd already asked Mike a ton of questions during the class. It would sound weird.
The class finished in time for lunch break and Will went to put his things in his locker. He looked to his left and saw James at the other side of the corridor putting things in his locker. Will looked from the corner of his eye discreetly but what he saw made him turn his head completely in the direction of James' locker. There he was. But he wasn't alone. There was a girl with him and she had her hands all over him. One placed on his chest and one in his hair.
Will felt like he wanted to throw up. He felt so betrayed. Why though? It's not like James liked him. He had clearly told him that he wasn't gay like him. And Will didn't even have any feelings for him. Mike was the one that he liked. The one that he loved. But still... the sight of James and that girl felt like he was getting stabbed in the back. James and his girlfriend broke the kiss and James turned his head in Will's direction. Their eyes met and Will turned round as quick as he could and starting running. Where? He didn't even know. He just wanted to go. Far away. Far far away from James. He kept running and running through the school corridors until he saw the party sitting outside on a bench. Mike got up when he saw that Will was running towards them, a face full of emotion.
"Will what's going on?" he asked.
"I just... I wanna go home." Will said, his voice breaking.
"O... okay. I'll take you home." Mike said.
"Wh-oh? You guys are skipping school?" Max asked.
"It's not a big deal." Mike said.
"Mike you don't have to skip school for me. I just don't feel very well that's all." Will explained.
"No it's fine. We have boring classes this afternoon anyway."
"I don't want you to get in trouble..." Will murmured.
"We won't don't worry. Come on let's go."
Mike took hold of Will's wrist and he started feeling butterflies. They sneaked out the school exit.
"Well that was easy." Mike said.
Mike was still holding Will's wrist and that made him forget all about James and his girlfriend.
"Do you really wanna go back home?" Will asked.
"What? Where do you wanna go?"
"I don't know. Somewhere. Not home."
"The arcade?"
"No. Just somewhere we can fun but like..."
"Like just the two of us."
"Yeah. Exactly." Will smiled.
"Do you wanna go to the park?" Mike suggested.
"Yeah. There won't be any kids there anyway to annoy us because they're all at school."
"Or they're skipping school like us."
"I don't think kids will be skipping school." Will said with a giggle
"We're kids. No we're not actually. We're teenagers."
"Same thing." Will laughed.
"Anyway whatever let's go and have fun."
They ran off to the park together. Will deeply wished that Mike would take hold of his wrist just like he'd done earlier when they were leaving school.
When they got the park Mike started climbing up the climbing frame in the kid's playground.
"Wait for me." Will cried, chasing him up the wall.
Mike ran towards the slide but wasn't able to get down because Will caught up with him. He wrapped his arms tightly around Mike's middle, stopping him from sliding down.
"Ah!" Mike cried. "Let go"
"No. You should've waited for me" Will giggled.
Mike took hold of Will's hands and pulled them away from around him.
"You're so annoying." Mike laughed.
"I'm offended."
"You're far more annoying than me." Will replied.
"I'm not. But you look less annoying because you're cute."
"I'm not cute." Will cried with laughter.
"You're joking right?"
"You're seriously don't think you're cute?" Mike asked.
"Well... no, not really. Why?"
"I'm shocked. You're literally the cutest person."
"What the hell Mike?" Will laughed.
"It's true!"
"If you say so... But 'cute' really? It just makes me feel like a baby."
"Okay well... You're pretty then."
Will felt his cheeks heat up and his stomach flip. Mike thought he was cute and pretty... Maybe Marc was right and lots of people actually appreciated him.
"Thanks, Mike."
"Admit it."
"That you're pretty."
"Come on."
"I'm not saying that Mike."
"Please. For me."
"No!" Will chuckled.
"This is what I mean when I say you're annoying." Mike giggled.
"Whatever." Will said.
Something made Mike jump and he looked up to the sky.
"I think it's gonna rain."
Will looked at the clouds and felt a drop of water fall on the tip of his nose.
"Yeah it is."
And before they knew it started pouring faster and faster until Will noticed that Mike's grey T-shirt was now drenched.
Will heard thunder.
"We need to shelter." Mike suggested.
"Yeah. Quickly"
Mike grabbed Will's hand and they slid down the slide that was now soaking wet and slippery. Mike bent down and led Will underneath the climbing frame. They had to sit down or they wouldn't fit under it. There wasn't much place and Will suddenly realised how close they were.
"There. We can wait for the rain to calm down and then we'll just... go home."
Will couldn't say much more when the only thing he could concentrate on was the water dripping out of the locks of Mike's curly hair. He was so beautiful... He could just stare at him for hours. Somehow the moment felt romantic. Especially with the calming sound of raindrops falling to the ground. Will was forgetting all about the thunder.
"Thank you." Will said, breaking the silence.
"For what?"
"What you said earlier. That you thought I was pretty."
"I was only saying the truth"
"I know... I"
"Ha! So you admit it. You admit you're pretty."
"That's not was I was saying Mike. I just thought it was nice of you to point out something like that. People should compliment each other more often."
Mike smiled at Will.
"Compliment me." Mike said.
"Compliment me. You said people should compliment each other. So go ahead." Mike smiled.
"Well... wow where do I start..." Will could feel himself blushing. "I think you're really smart, interesting, you're also really brave and I admire that side of you. You're cute too."
"I thought you said that cute meant baby."
"No I didn't say that exactly... But you said that I was cute so I'm saying it back. Because it's true. You are cute. And pretty."
Will stared at his best friend's lips for an abnormal amount of time until he noticed Mike staring back. He also looked down further to his hand, which was still in Mike's grip, probably all sweaty due to how nervous he was in that moment. He closed his eyes and started leaning in but stopped when Mike didn't lean back.
There was an awkward silence. Say something, Will! he thought. Anything!
"Hey." he took his hand out of Mike's "Looks like the rain is disappearing now! We should head back"
"Oh, yeah. Sure." Will got up followed by Mike.
They mounted their bikes.
Sure, that failed first kiss attempt was a true disappointment... But spending the afternoon with Mike– biking with him, joking, messing around,...holding his hand– was able to help Will clear his thoughts. Now, he'd forgotten all about James and his girlfriend.

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