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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 14 ☆★☆★☆

Kissing Mike felt like heaven. The contact of his lips against his own was  majestic. He wouldn't trade this first kiss for anything in the world. When they pulled away, Mike started smiling.
"I guess it was me then." Will grinned.
"Maybe." Mike teased, coming back in for a kiss.
Mike placed his hands around Will's waist as Will slid his right hand through Mike's curly hair.
Mike moved so that he was sitting his back to the headboard. Will scooted over and placed himself on Mike's lap, his knees on either side of Mike's thighs.
"I still can't believe that Marc was you the whole time." Will whispered against Mike's lips.
"Neither can I. This is like a dream come true."
"I can agree with you there. I mean... I knew that you liked me but–"
Mike broke the kiss suddenly.
"Wait what? How did you know?"
"Well at first I didn't pick up any of the hints but then there was a whole thing with James and–"
"What does James have to do with it?"
"He just told me that he thought that you had feelings for me. I didn't believe him but then when I deeply thought about it I just... I had hope. And then I decided to take my chances and tell you but... you actually told me first."
"I'm glad you invited me over." Mike said, smiling and putting his arms around Will and pulling him impossibly closer.
At first his hands were pressing on Will's back, then they slid down lower and lower to rest on his waist. Will moved his lips from Mike's and went to press them on his neck instead.
"Will, this feels amazing." Mike muttered.
Will was the one that was feeling amazing. The boy he'd loved all his life was kissing him. He was the lucky one of the two.
Will lifted his face from Mike's neck to look into his eyes.
"So when you were talking about me to 'Marc' then... Did you mean what you said?" Mike asked.
"What did I say anyway?"
"Something about me being really attractive."
"Oh yes that. Of course I meant it, Mike. You're so pretty."
Will's cheeks flushed and Mike placed another quick kiss on Will's lips.
"You're pretty too. I promise it's true."
"If you say so, I believe you."
Mike slid his hands down further, letting them rest on Will's hips.
"I'm more than glad that you were the one behind the Marc emails. This is the perfect scenario." Will slid a hand from Mike's shoulders down to his torso.
"What did you think when you saw the note in the boys bathroom?" Will asked.
"Well what happened was you left to go to class and I was just washing my hands and I noticed a crumpled up piece of lying there on the hand dryer. So, out of curiosity I decided to unfold it and see what it was all about. And that's when I read the note 'Gay boy, looking for a gay friend' with the fake email address. At first I didn't think I would email him but then I decided to just give it a shot. And I'm really glad I did." Mike explained
"Yeah. Otherwise we probably wouldn't be here right now." said Will.
"Making out on your bed." Mike added with a smug smile.
Will tensed as Mike tightened his grip on his hips.
"Is it okay if my hands are there?" Mike asked, making sure that Will was okay with it.
"Of course it's okay, Mike." Will said, leaning closer into Mike's lap.
"You're amazing" Mike said.
"I know" Will said with a wink "So are you."
"Yeah but you're amazing-er."
"I'll stop you right there. Let's just do not be that cheesy couple straight from a rom com. Cheesy couple energy is a no for me."
"Oh so you want us to be a couple?" Mike said, raising an eyebrow.
"Well if.. if that's what you want... then I guess yeah."
"I'd love to be your boyfriend. And I want to able to call you my boyfriend. But I'm just not ready to tell the others yet. Is it okay if we keep it a secret for a while?"
"Mike, I would keep it a secret for an eternity if it means I get to be with you."
"That just makes me want to smile."
"Smile then."
Mike pulled a gigantic smile showing all of his bright white teeth. Will shook his head and smiled back, leaning in to kiss Mike.
"So does that make us boyfriends? Like officially?" Mike asked, just to make sure.
"Yes." Will said.
"Aaaah I like you so much Will." Mike said stroking Will's cheek with his thumb.
"I really like you too."
Will wished he could tell Mike he didn't just like him, he also loved him more than he could ever explain. But maybe it was too soon for that.

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