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Chapter 16:

After lots of making out and cuddling, Mike and Will had finally gone to sleep.
Before he knew it, Will's eyes were open again. He looked around to find Mike but he wasn't there. What the hell? Mike didn't leave, that wouldn't be fair. Still, Will was worried. Surely Mike would've waited for Will to go and have breakfast. It was still really early. Right? Will picked up his phone from his bedside table to check the time. Oh it was 10 o'clock. Maybe Mike had really gone down for breakfast. Before getting out of bed Will decided to check his notifications on his phone. Max had sent him a reel on Instagram of a cat purring, Lucas had texted him to ask him about what homework they had because he hadn't paid attention in class and someone had sent him an email. Weird. Usually people just text nowadays except if it was some kind of advertisement email.
He opened his email app and was surprised to see that it was an email from none other than his fellow gay penpal Marc. Will smiled and opened the email.

Dear Clem,
It's been amazing talking to you and finding out loads of cool stuff about you. I've really enjoyed every single email, every text, every meme or whatever that we've exchanged over the past month or so. It was somehow reassuring to find out that I wasn't the only person like me in the shitty town of Hawkins, Indiana. Yeah so it was pretty cool. I must say though, this is probably the last email I'm gonna send you. The thing is, do you remember I told you about my crush that was presumed to be straight? Good news for me: he's absolutely not straight! He's gay and wait for it... he likes me back. When he came out to me last night... it was one of the happiest feelings I've ever felt. The happiness but also the relief. After that I decided to tell him. I told him that I liked him. I told him a list of things I loved about him but that was only the beginning. He's one of the rare people that I love everything about. Absolutely everything. You're probably dying to know who this perfect guy is (because YES his perfect). It's the guy I told you was super hot do you remember? A certain Will Byers. Well, he's my boyfriend now. When he told me that he liked me I felt like I was going to explode. My heart was beating so fast that I couldn't control anything in my body. My brain went all fuzzy and he only thing I could think about was: Will, Will, Will, Will, Will...
I guess there's one more thing to say: thank you Clem. Without you none of this would've happened. If you hadn't left that note in the boy's bathroom  none of this would've happened. If I hadn't found your note none of this would've happened.
Thank you for everything Clem,

Will wanted to cry reading that email. This was the best thing that was ever happening. He jumped out of bed and got dressed in a rush. He walked into the living room where he found Mike sitting on the sofa on his phone.
"Morning." Will said.
Mike lifted his head up from the screen and got up from the sofa.
"I waited for you for breakfast."
"Aw thanks."
Will came to give Mike a hug and a quick peck on the lips.
"Wait is that all?" Mike asked, kissing Will again.
This kiss was more passionate.
They went to the kitchen hand in hand and Mike got some sliced bread ready to toast. Will sat on a stool around the kitchen island.
"Hey Mike you know... I received a very interesting email this morning."
"Oh did you now?"
"Yes. And I loved it."
Will got up and gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Mike chuckled, sarcastically.
Will simply giggled and gave Mike another kiss but this time on the lips.

That night, Will was drawing in bed as usual. He was drawing a portrait of his favourite person ever: Mike Wheeler. Then, an idea came to his mind. He took his phone and opened his emails. Maybe he could give a sweet reply to Marc. He started typing and eventually sent his final email to his penpal.

Dear Marc,
I really appreciate the email that you sent me. It gave me a big smile. What a shame to see our correspondence come to an end. It was really amazing to talk with you.
You kept thanking me in your last email. But surely you're the one to thank. You are the one that picked up my note. Any old doofus could have found it and written to me, pretending to my 'gay friend'. But you were sincere, about everything. But the thing I have to thank you the most for is liking me back. You have no idea how happy I am right now. After liking you my whole life, the fact that you like me too is the last piece of the puzzle. Oh screw this... Mike I love you. I love with all my heart. You're my favourite person on earth ever. You make my life better, happier and complete every single day. You're the person that keeps me alive. You make me feel like I'm not a mistake. I love you more that I could ever explain. You're my everything. You're literally so precious to me that if ever I was going to lose you, I would definitely never recover. I love you I love you I love you Mike Wheeler. Please be with me for the rest of my life. That's the thing that I want most in the world. I would never ask for anything more. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to grow old with you and have cats that would sleep on our laps while we watch bullshit on TV. I want you, I need you. But mostly... I love you. If this is what true love feels like, I'd wish that for everyone because it's the best thing ever.
I mean every single word of it, Mike. You're my everything.
Love, Will ❤️

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