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Chapter 9

Author's note
sorry i hadn't updated in a while. Tbh this chapter wasn't really that fun to write but I hope you enjoy. More interesting stuff will be coming soon... :)

Will switched back to his 'Will' Instagram account to check that out  for himself. He searched for Marc's profile. And... oh no! He was indeed following him. He pressed 'unfollow' straight away. Shit! He must've pressed follow by accident when he saw Marc's account in his recommendations...

Clem: I just checked and the only follower you have is me.

Marc: I swear he was following me a second ago!

Clem: He probably followed you by accident and then unfollowed you

Marc: Yeah probably.

Will felt like this was the opportunity to ask an interesting question.

Clem: Do you like Will?

Marc: What do you mean 'like'? Like as a crush or just as a person?

Clem: No. Just as a person. In general.

Marc: Yeah I guess he's cool. Why?

Clem: I just wondered. Because of how you reacted when he started following you.

Marc: Ok. Well... I do think he's pretty hot though 🤭 Haha don't tell him I said that.

Will felt a flush down his spine. Someone found his attractive. Someone found him 'hot'. And that someone was another gay guy at his very own school. Gosh... he would kill to know Marc's true identity.

Marc: Don't you think he's hot?

Clem: Not really my type.

Marc: But what?! Everyone thinks Will Byers is hot. Anyway... What is your type then?

There was no way everyone thought he was hot... Absolutely no way.

Clem: I think that Will's friend Mike is hotter.

Marc: Really? I don't think he's hot at all. Especially compared to Will.

Oh god... Someone found Will even more attractive then Mike. How was that even possible? Mike simply is the handsomest human being on the planet. He's so attractive and so hot too... With the summer coming, the party were probably going to spend their afternoons at the quarry or at the local swimming pool. Will was going to be pining so hard... Why did things have to be this complicated?

Marc: *typing*

Marc: Is Mike your crush?

Oh shit! If Will said yes then Marc would know that he was Mike's friend because 'Clem' told Marc that he was crushing on his best friend.

Clem: No! Absolutely not! I just find him EXTREMELY attractive that's all.

Marc: Ok. Just wondering.

Will was dying to ask Marc who was his own crush but since he didn't say his, Marc probably wouldn't either.

Clem: Can I ask you a question?

Marc: Yeah sure. What is your question?

Clem: No I was just wondering something. Is Will the guy that you like?

Marc: No. Plus, I wouldn't stand a single chance with him. I'm pretty sure he's straight.

Clem: Maybe. But you know there are rumours about him being gay right?

Marc: Yeah I know. But there are tons of girls that are all over him so he's probably gonna chose one of them soon.

Will opened his mouth in shock when he read Marc's last message. There weren't girls all over him at all! Sure, a few girls had asked him out throughout the year but that was ALL.

Clem: Really? I didn't realise he was so popular.

Marc: He's not popular but everybody likes him.

Clem: What? Since when does everybody like him?

Marc: Since always! Why, don't you like him?

Clem: Yeah I do. We're pretty close.

Marc: Oh. So you're friends with him?

Clem: Yeah

Shit. By lying to Marc he was creating even more problems for himself.

Marc: I really wish I knew who you were...

Clem: So do i

Marc: If only there was a way of us finding out

Clem: Maybe.

Will definitely didn't want Marc to know his identity now that he knew that Marc thought that he was hot.

Marc: Don't you think we should just tell each other?

Clem: I'm not really ready for that. Sorry...

Marc: It's fine... I just thought that maybe if we knew our actual identities, we could probably be really good friends in real life.

Marc: That's all...

Clem: Maybe we can tell each other. But not today.

Marc: Tomorrow then? ;)

Clem: No. Just not yet. If I'm ready, I'll tell you. Okay?

Marc: Okay I understand.

Clem: You're not mad right?

Marc: no no no don't worry. I'm not mad

Clem: Ok

Will waited for the sign of Marc typing. Instead he didn't reply.

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