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Will just realised what he'd done... He pulled away quickly.
"What the hell man?!" James said.
Will felt a hot flush run through his body. He regretted every single thing about that kiss... What had he done?
James got up immediately.
"I'm not gay." James said.
Will didn't say anything back. He was on the verge of tears. Hold them in Will... Hold them in...
"I... I'm really sorry." Will apologised.
"Okay whatever but... What was that for?" James asked.
He obviously looked confused.
"I... I don't know..." Will whispered.
"I mean... what were you even thinking?" James said "You didn't think I was gay did you?"
"I didn't really know... I wasn't really... sure."
The more Will spoke, the more he felt like crying his eyes out right there, right in front of the first boy he'd ever kissed.
"I'm straight." James said.
"Yeah, I get it. You've said so." Will said, getting annoyed.
Will was hurt. How could he be so stupid to think that James would ever like him...? At least now he could tick James off the list of potential 'Marcs'. The list that only James figured on.
James realised that he'd hurt Will's feelings. He sat back down on the bench next to Will.
"Look... I'm sorry if I overreacted. I was just a little surprised. I wasn't expecting you to kiss me." James apologised.
"I wasn't planning on kissing you in the first place but guess what? Stupid little me did."
"You're not stupid... I'm the stupid one for reacting that way."
Will didn't even dare look James in the eye.
"But did you... Do you like me...?" James asked.
Oh great... Will definitely did not want to reply to that.
"No as in you don't like me or no as in you don't want to talk to me."
"A bit of both."
"Okay... But if you don't like me... why did you go ahead and kiss me? I don't understand."
Will turned to look at James for what he was about to say.
"In case you hadn't gathered...well... I'm gay, James. And I just thought that you might be too. I guess I just thought something would happen or I don't know..."
"Okay... Thanks for telling me anyway." said James.
Will wanted to smile but he couldn't.
"Just one question though... Why did you think that I was gay?"
"I don't know I just... You said in History Class about a friend of yours that had been treated differently for being... different. I supposed you were talking about yourself."
"I was talking about myself. You were right at that point. But where you're wrong is: different doesn't mean 'gay'. There are many different differences, reasons for which people discriminate."
"Oh... And how are you different?" Will asked.
"Well... As I told you I used to live in New York. But anyway then we moved to Texas because of my dad's work. I found it very hard to fit in in my new school. People didn't like me because I wasn't from Texas, I was from New York City."
"Oh okay... I understand."
James smiled again.
"Sorry for... what I did." Will said.
"Hey look, it's already forgotten about. Okay? Relax."
Will nodded in agreement.
"You wanna head back home?" James asked.
Will nodded as James walked back to his house with him.

Author's note
Sorry for the really short chapter! They'll be longer next time

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