Chapter 5

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“Hello, I’m Mrs. Cox, I’ll be your junior music teacher, I couldn’t help but over hear you two sing, you’re amazing you know? Would you two consider performing at our charity parade in November? We do it every year to help raise money for the homeless.”

She explained.

“I’m down if you are?”

I said looking at Niall.


He said shyly looking at the ground.


It was Friday. Me and Niall practiced at school as Mrs. Cox told us too, we were really good, well Niall was anyways. 

Today we were going to pick the song we were going to sing. Niall was sill really shy, he only talked when he needed to, and only to me, he rarely talked to anyone else. 

“Maybe we could write an original song?”

I asked as I turned to him with a bright smile and waited for him to answer.

“Ermm, sure what about?”

“Uhh I dunno, maybe we could talk about it at my place? We could watch movies and stuff to see if we can get some inspiration?”


We packed our stuff and walked over to my house.

Once we got there we ran up the stairs up to my room.

“Niall, maybe we could get to know each other better, like lets tell each other about each other, if..if you don’t mind”

I said nervously, Niall wasn’t exactly open to telling much or showing much about himself, and I could make up any excuse to know a little more about him.

Niall turned his head towards the ground and I could see tears escaping his eyes, he tried to hold them in but a tear ran down his face.

“Do you really wanna know about me? Do you really even care?

“Yes Niall I do care! I really do want to know, you seem like an amazing person and I really want to get to know you”

“Lizzy…. C-Can you keep a secret?”

I shook my head.

“My dad, he died when I was 7, my mom lost her job, my brother went out to get an education 2 years ago leaving me alone to take care of my mom. That’s why I’m always in the streets singing, to get money for me and my maw, she works 2 shifts so I barely see her. And my whole life I have been bullied , jumped on, pushed around, made fun of”

He put his hands on his face.

I took his hands in one hand and wiped off his tears with the other.

“Niall, I’m sorry”

“I shouldn’t have told you, it’s going to get out again and I’m going to have to move schools again. I don’t think I can handle being jumped any longer”

“Niall, no stop, I promise I won’t tell anyone, I won’t let anyone hurt you I promise.”

I swallowed, I fought with my self whether I should tell him or not. I blurted out before I could stop myself

“My dad, I hate calling him dad but he hit my mom, 3 years ago, my mom was pregnant, I was finally going to have another sister. He… he hit my mom; he left her on the floor crying. I rushed her to the hospital even though I was only 12 years old. She had a miscarriage. He killed my little sister. One day, he was about to rape me, I ran away he beat me after I came back. I have the bruises to prove it. I told my mom I couldn’t do this anymore, we packed our bags took his money and bought tickets to the next flight to Ireland. My mom’s friend that lives somewhere near here got us the house, that’s why I moved, to get away from him, and I’m scared that one day he’ll find us…. He’ll kill us.”

I tried to stop the tears, I couldn’t. 

I rested my head on the table.

I felt warm hands touch my face; wiping the tears of it and pulling my hair back from my face gently.

“I’m sorry love; I promise I’ll never let anyone hurt you. I promise I’ll make you forget those horrible memories. I promise I’ll make you happy.

Niall no longer seemed shy, I felt like I had known him my whole life, I felt differently then I had a few minutes ago.

We laid down on my bed and watched an episode of Friends.

“Want to write the song now?, I think I have some idea’s”

He said looking up at me smiling.


He took out a pen and a note pad from his back-pack.

He wrote down some words, I squinted my eyes trying to read them but I failed to do so.

After he finished he handed me the note pad and I read

Up All Night

It feels like we’ve been living in fast forward, another moment passing by. The party’s ending but it’s now or never, nobody’s going home tonight. Katy Perry’s on re-play, yeah on re-play, Dj got the floor to shake the floor to shake, People going all the way, yeah all the way. I’m still wide awake. I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun; I wanna stay up all night and find the girl and tell her she’s the one.

I looked up and smiled.

“Niall, you’re amazing! You should be a singer and a song writer!”

Niall smirked and laughed.

“You like it?”


I jumped on him and gave him a huge hug.

An awkward hug…. 

He smiled. I smiled. We looked at each other’s eyes for what seemed to be forever, I lost my self in his blue orbs as they looked back at my boring brown ones.

We both leaned in, giving each other a passionate kiss. 

It was magical, I didn’t want to let go.

He pushed back as I let out a quiet sigh.

“I’m sorry, I cant

He got up and grabbed his back-pack as he exited my room, I heard foot steps walk down the stair and shut the door, I wanted to run to him, ask him why, but I felt worthless at the point. I couldn’t manage to do anything, but sit there and cry.

I told him everything, I trusted him, he trusted you. Everything was perfect. Why did I kiss him? Why was I stupid enough to think he would ever like me, why was I stupid enough to let my self fall in love with someone I had no chance with.

There I said it. I am in love with Niall James Horan, what does it matter anyways? He’s gone now and he’ll probably won’t ever talk to me again.

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