Chapter 4

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I woke up to my alarm clock beeping, I rubbed my eyes as I squinted my eyes to see what time it was.

5:30 am.

Today was the first day of school. I grabbed my glasses from my night stand and got up, clumsily walking over to my dresser as I tripped and fell.

I got up and slapped my cheeks, forcing myself to wake up before I did any farther damage to myself.

I chose my outfit wisely, it was hard to choose your outfit for your first day, trying to look like you aren't trying too hard yet still are trying.

I picked an oversized blue sweater, some skinny jeans and my Purple Supra's.

I didn't usually wear makeup, but I wanted to make a good impression so I only put mascara on.

I straightened my hair, also rare for me, putting my bangs to the side and a purple bow on the side of my head.

I looked at the mirror, satisfied with my appearance.

"Perfect " I said as I walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

-----------At School--------------------------------------------

I walked into first period with Jackie; I sat down in the back row next to a window.

The bell rang and in came the teacher, behind her was...............Niall?

Jackie and I looked at each other with curiosity at his sight.

"Good Morning class, we have 2 new students joining us today. Niall... Horan, he came here from..."

She looked at a piece of paper in her desk.

"east Mullingar And there's Lizzy Johnson. she's from California in the U.S" She said amazed.

"You come here all the way from California? Why did you decide to move to Mullingar?" She looked at me as the rest of the class turned back to me.

I didn't know what to say, I wasn't gonna tell everyone what really happened, everyone would freak.

"Me and my mom always have wanted to come live in Ireland and we thought Mullingar was the perfect place to move.... So it just happened I guess."

The class turned back to the teacher.

"Well, my name is Mrs. Carr, Pleased to meet you"

She smiled as she looked at me and Niall.

We nodded as she began class.

Niall sat in front of me and Jackie all period.

The bell rang and everyone exited the room.

"I'm going to go look around, see you 5th period." I said as I walked towards Niall.

"hey! Niall!" He turned around.

"Oh, hey..."

"Lizzy" he smiled.

"I didn't know you were going here"

"Yeah well, I transferred here from my other school, I had problems with some of the guys there"

"What's your schedule?" He handed me a sheet of paper.

"We have 1st 4th and 7th period together"

I said as I handed the sheet back and walked towards 2nd period.

I was glad I had 7th period with Niall, 7th period was music, my favorite class. Jackie had Art so she didn't have that class with me, at least now with Niall, I wouldn't be alone in my favorite class, it would be so much

more fun!

----Skip period's 2-6 cuz all she did was work and that's boring--------------

I walked over to my new locker, I couldn't manage to open it. I was never good with lockers.

I saw Niall walk passed me, I tried to play it cool and pretending like I wasn't struggling to open it.

"Do you need.... Help?" He said so sweetly.

"Uhh..." I looked down shyly and embarrassed. "Yes"

"What's your combination?"


He quickly opened it without any issues.

"You know, I could have done that... i..i.. I just wanted to make sure you knew how too"

He let out a small chuckled,

"Of course you did, babe."

Babe, I thought. He called me babe. Of course in Ireland babe was just how guys addressed girls. But back in California, boys call their girlfriends that.

I put my books in my locker. I shut it and walked to the Music room with Niall.

"Hold on, im gonna go use the bathroom."

I left to do my business in the bathroom.

When I came back, Niall was sitting in the back corner. His guitar in his hands as he sang out the words I heard him sing before he got jumped.

He seemed so peaceful in comparison to the last time I had heard him sing it.

"Just shout whenever, and I'll be there" I joined in with him.


You are my love, You are my heart. And we will never, ever be apart."

He smiled and continued, not noticing the rest of the class staring. It felt like we were the only people on earth.

"Are we an item, Girl quit playing. We're just friends, what are you saying"

We finished the song with a huge laugh.

The whole class applaud, me and him both blushed, looked at the ground and smiled nervously.

You hadn't even been introduced to the class and you had already made a "show" for them.

I turned to see the teacher smiling at us.

"Can I see you both in my office?"

She pointed towards a small room with a desk.

"Oh, oh"

I said turning towards Niall.

The teacher laughed. "You're not in trouble"

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