Chapter 28

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It was dark in the room; I couldn't make out much other than the faint light coming from the outline of what seemed like a door. I don't remember how I got here or why I am here for that matter.

I didn't know much about this situation but I knew one thing; the outcome wasn't going to be pleasant. Either I was going to die, or I would be scarred for life.

I tried to speak, only a faint wail escaping my lips. I tried to move, but felt my hands being forced in its position by a rope tying my hands an feet together.

What the f-

"I see you've awaken darling" A voice spoke; a too familiar voice.

"D-dad?" I squeaked.

"Yes, baby" he walked closer to me. "I've found you" he spoke the obvious and I fought the urge to spit in his face as I know that would only make matters worse.

"W-what" I fought to find my voice. "What do you want".

He laughed and I felt like throwing up. "You're mine baby. Mine only, not his. I still have my needs, you will give them to me" he stepped closer and this time I didn't hold my self back from spitting in his face.

He wiped my spit from his cheek and grabbed my arm. "Take off your clothes" he hissed. I shook my head.

"You will do what I say." He commanded. I obeyed out of fear. "You will no fight back" he ordered. I have him a small nod and did what he said.

This will be over soon, I told myself as a tear fell to my cheek.

He smiled in pleasure as I finished undressing. "Lay down baby" he licked his lips as his eyes trailed down my body. "Damn, i did good" he said referring to my body and I almost puked at the reminder that I was in fact, his daughter and blood.

I layed down and waited for it to be over. In that moment, i forgot the pain Niall had caused me, I forgot that he had cheated on me. I wanted him to come running through the door, he'd run and hug me telling me how much he loved me, he would stroke my hair and tell me it was going to be alright. And in that moment, I knew it would; because he was with me.

As I opened my eyes I was brought back to reality. My father eying me as I waited for him to 'meet his needs' with my body. I looked towards the door and I knew he wasn't coming. Niall wasn't going to come and save me. I wasn't going to be saved.

My father who was now on top of me, pressed himself inside of me and I closed my eyes wishing it was all a dream but as I realized it wasn't, I decided to wish for something else; that it would all end soon and he would leave me alone. for good.


9 days.

9 days I spent in this dark room.

Twice a day he would rape me.

Twice a day for 9 days, a total of 18 times.

9 days have also gone by of nobody coming to save me; although I knew nobody would, I had a tiny bit of hope someone would.

My mom, Jackie, even Niall. I had hopes of someone coming to my rescue, but my life wasn't a fairy tale. It didn't come with Hero's and life savers; it came with pain and hurt.

After a while I became numb, I didn't feel my father touch me. I cried nevertheless; because I was never getting out of here.

It's not like this was foreign to me though; I spent countless hours of my childhood like this. But I thought I had escaped, I thought I was done.

But I guess when you run away from things they always come back. No matter how far you run; if you don't confront it, it will come back and haunt you worse than the last time.

That was what I was going to do; confront my beast of a father. no more running; I was going to be my own hero.

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