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Let go of me, part three.

"WHAT the hell did you just do?" Greer asked as soon as Lockwood was done with his interview. He would be showing in the news later on, trying to clear his name and the agency's name

"What? I didn't mention you." Lockwood replied, not realizing what Greer meant and what he just did "But you did mention Lucy when she clearly said to leave her out of it. For, god's sake, Lockwood, that isn't right." Greer said as she rolled her eyes. She doesn't know if Lockwood fucked up by mentioning Lucy because there is a big possibility that Lucy might get mad at him or possibly her for not doing anything to stop Lockwood.

Greer knew what Lockwood did was a dick move and totally wrong but she cannot walk into camera and start lecturing him because she doesn't want to get involved in the media as same as Lucy.

On their way home to 35 Portland Row, they didn't speak anything to each other because Greer have something else in her mind and that's about Lucy while Lockwood had a big smile on his face, feeling accomplished because of what he had just done.

The moment they got home, Lockwood turned on the movie immediately and made them watch it

"Just because it happened a decade ago doesn't mean it doesn't matter now."

"Luckily, at Lockwood & Co, we have our own superstar, Miss Lucy Carlyle." Lockwood face lifted, looking at Lucy with a proud smirk plastered on his face "Who not only helped neutralize a vicious type two but also used her extraordinary listening talents to connect with Annabelle's ghost." Greer sighed to herself as she massage her temple, she could see Lucy wasn't very pleased with what she is seeing and hearing
"And, as a result, we believe we are closer to finding Annabelle's killer-" Before they could all finish watching Lockwood on the tv, Lucy angrily grabs the remote from Lockwood's hand and turn off the tv.

"I told you to leave me out of it." Lucy said as she faced Lockwood "and I told I'd handle it. What are you so worried about? It's all true." Lockwood said his smile starting to fade away as he stands up from his chair "We haven't even solved the case yet." Lucy said, and Greer can see she will be mad.

"What if Hugo Blake sees that and comes after me?" Lucy asked "Well, then, we'll look after you, Luce. You're our biggest asset." Saying that was a very fucked up thing to do, Greer thought to herself. They've got enough trouble with the dept they own, they don't need another problem to think about before they - if they ever sleep- go to sleep or they don't need a wealthy man coming after one of them but it seems like Lockwood is too blind to see that.

"Asset?" Lucy asked in both surprise and disbelief "Is that all I am, then? Just something to make you money?"

"You think that you do things so differently but you're just like the rest of them. You're as bad as everyone back home." She said before throwing the remote angrily at the table and slamming the door shut behind her.

"See what you've done?" Greer blurted as soon as Lucy closed the door behind her
"Dick move, Lockwood," George said
"How?" Lockwood asked, unable to see their points and why are they mad
"I flattered her on national television." He said like it was the most right thing to do.

"After she specifically asked you to leave her out of it" George replied "You're a huge fucking prick, do you know that?" Greer hissed as she throw the wooden spatula that was beside her towards Lockwood and lucky for him that he dodge pretty fast because he and Greer might have an matching bruised on the shoulder if he didn't.

"What's the problem with the two of you? George, you wanted me to fire her last night."

"God, you're so blinded by your arrogance." Greer groaned to herself "Gre, don't be like tha-" Lockwood didn't get to finish what he will say because Greer had already walked out of the kitchen to the garden for some fresh air. Lockwood's arrogance is a suffocating one.

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