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WHEN THEY GOT HOME TO PORTLAND ROW, Greer wasted no time and went to the couch, pulled the blankets over her before closing her eyes softly and drifting off to sleep.

The guys let her be since they wanted to be asleep too after long hours of attempted murder. For a second, Lockwood had thought about waking her up and inviting her to his room so she could sleep comfortably but when he saw her sleeping peacefully, looking tired as ever, he let her be before going to his room at the landing.

His comfort words helped her calm down on their way home as he held her hand. He knew she was scared because of how much her hand was shaking.

"you are not to leave the mansion! Do you understand?!" Greer felt a sting on her cheek for a second time as her mother's hand collided with her cheek "No! I want to go back to Lockwood!" Greer screamed, eyes pouring out of her eyes as she trembled.

"you incident child!" Elsie raised her hand again to hit her daughter. Greer can't count how many times her mother had hit her this month, she lost count when she tried to count it.

Lincoln - Greer's father - stood quietly at the corner of the room as he watched her wife slap her daughter a few times.

Each time Elsie would strike her daughter, Greer would pray that Lockwood would go through the door and save her but he didn't come.

"Gre, Gre." Lockwood started shaking her cause she wouldn't wake up and open her eyes. Greer whined in her sleep, trembling as she sweated. She talked and pleaded and screamed in her dreams but the way it landed on her cheek didn't seem to stop

Greer sat up and panting, finally awoken. She's held into Lockwood's arms as she looks around the room helplessly and sees where she's at.

Lockwood sat beside her, pulling her close to him and wrapping his arms around her quickly "Sh, I'm here." He murmured in her ears as she started to sob, tears flowed into her eyes

It's been a while since she's dreamed of them. She must have been triggered by what happened earlier at the hall. Greer sobbed quietly, burying her face into his chest.

"They're not going to hurt you, I wouldn't let them." Lockwood's lip quivered slightly, voice cracking.

"They had to go through me first." Lockwood said, kissing the top of her head. It hurts him to see her like this, scared and trembling in a place she should feel safe.

Greer's trembling was gone but she still breathed heavily as she snuggled closer to him. Other than Portland Row, Lockwood's arm has been her home for the last few years. It's where she sought comfort when she was feeling low or scared. It's where she will always come back.

Whenever someone stops her, she will find her way back to his arms and once she does, no one will manage to stop her again.

She promised herself after she escaped the nightmare she'd been through, she wouldn't be away from Lockwood and Lockwood promised her he wouldn't let anyone take her away from him

Today is Sam Pandey's funeral. A proper burial for him, something he didn't have for the last decades because his body was never found until now when Four brave young agents managed to survive what Sam Pandey didn't.

"You okay, gre?" Lockwood whispered to Greer, putting his hands on her shoulder "You look pale." Lockwood said. Greer looks up at him before saying "Yeah." Greer smiled and though it didn't convince Lockwood, he let it go. He knows she doesn't like it when she's being asked something she doesn't want to talk about 'Maybe ask her again when we get home' Lockwood thought to himself. even though he let it go now, doesn't mean he won't ask again.

"Come on." Lockwood held her hand tightly yet gently when Sam Pandey's casket had been lowered. While walking away, someone called them.

"Excuse me." At first, they didn't turn around cause they didn't hear it or probably didn't know they were the ones being called "Excuse me." The voice repeated, the four of them stopped there at the same time and turned around and saw a woman in black head to toe.

"Hi, uh, my name's Penelope Fittes." The woman introduced herself even though she's one of the most famous women in the country "We know who you are." George said at his old employer before he got into Lockwood and Co and by the look of him, he does not like her.

"And you are Lockwood & Co."

"At your service." Lockwood chuckled. Oh, he's loving this. Greer thought to herself as she rolled her eyes at him. "You're not here to see us, are you?"

"It's nice to see you, but no, no." Penelope let out a laugh "Um, my mother led that first attempt on Combe Carey Hall." Penelope continued as she clasped her hand together "She was the only survivor, which I think she always felt awful about because, um. Well, Sam was like a little brother to her so just thank you for finding him."

Greer smiled a little when she saw Penelope glance at her. If someone helped save and gave George back to her after not being with him for so long, a word would not be enough to express how much Greer would be thankful for that person.

"You must be Lucy Carlyle."

"You know my name?" Lucy asked, surprised "Yep." Penelope nodded "Do you know my name?" George asked "Well, yes, of course, I do, Mr. Karim. I'm glad to see you're doing well." Penelope replied as she smiled at George "Wish you were still at my agency. I fired the fool that let you go."

"That's a shame. She was a fool, but she really fitted in there, actually." Greer snickered quietly at George's reply. It's the first time she actually almost laughed since the hall.

"I could see how you might be more comfortable where you are." Penelope laughed, nodding her head.

"Oh, Greer, you have grown since I last saw you." Penelope turned to Greer before smiling at her, her gaze looked down at Greer's hand intertwined with Lockwood "Perfect fit, I see." Penelope let out a laugh, George and Lucy shared a look, the i-know-what-she-is-talking-about look.

"thank you again. Really." Penelope said before walking away and walking past them. The four of them followed her with their heads as they watched her walk away.

"Why'd you say that? She was nice." Lucy widened her eyes at George. Lockwood slowly turned to the two "Guys, this is no time to fight. Penelope Fittes knows who we are." Lockwood grinned - looking so proud - as he shook George's shoulder.

Greer rolled her eyes at his childish attitude. And now he wouldn't be shutting up about it, Greer thought to herself before pulling away her hands from Lockwood's.

Lockwood's eyebrows furrowed before returning his gaze to Greer. He thought to himself that Greer didn't like what Penelope said about them being a couple, remembering what her reaction was when she saw the star-crossed lover thing in the newspaper about the two of them.

But the confusion in his eyes was soon wiped as Greer put her other hand - that Lockwood was holding earlier - on his arm and her other hand on his hand before leaning her head against his shoulder as they began walking again.

Greer felt more sleepy than ever, she wished to get home and get to her couch as soon as possible. She felt drained this past few days and she doesn't know why. Maybe, it's because of solving Annabel's case but to her, it's highly unlikely. Yes, it is stressful but not draining.

But, she'll be alright or maybe, that's what she is just telling herself but for Greer, as long as she has them, as long as she has Lockwood, she will be absolutely fine, and of course, if she has enough sleep, and her wounds or bruised is healed or her migraines completely gone because it hurts like fuck and hell.

NOTE: Don't forget to vote!

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