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Sweet Dreams, part one

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Greer asked in both confusion and worry seeing Lucy in both George's and Lockwood's arms, totally unconscious.
super freaking twat,
"It's alright, go back to what you're doing." Lockwood said, stumbling a bit as he step a foot on the stair "Are you sure?" Greer asked, "Yeah, drift back to sleep again." Lockwood gave her a reassuring smile as Greer followed him through her gaze.

"Okay." Greer said before getting back to the couch and pulling the blankets over her again.

She could sleep comfortably on the couch again and she doesn't need Lockwood's help to wash her hair anymore cause her shoulder is almost healed and gone.

And her head wound? Not so much, thanks to Ellie. She still got headaches but not so much and it wasn't the worse thing that could happen to her but she is sure it would scar and she hoped it wasn't very noticeable.

"Gre?" Lockwood knocked at the open door. Greer snapped her eyes open and look at Lockwood "Wanna come with us?" Lockwood asked before seating on the chair "To where?" Greer furrowed her eyebrows.

"To kill wraiths," Lockwood answered, Greer's shoulder dropped. She's hoping for something far more exciting than wraiths "Nah, I'll have to pass." She replied, making a dramatic hand gesture. She doesn't really feel like coming to another case right now, not after Combe Carey Hall.

Greer felt like she was too unsteady to do one "and Lucy needed someone here when she woke up." She added.

"You sure?" Lockwood asked, making sure she doesn't change her mind "A hundred percent." Greer smiled at him as she nodded her head.

Lockwood nod at her before standing up but before he left the library, he kiss the top of her head twice and wished her a goodnight's sleep.

She didn't get up to say goodbye to George and Lockwood when they left for another case but she made sure to yell at them and say goodbye and good luck.

Greer heard someone coming down the stairs and she was sure it was Lucy. She probably already recognizes and memorizes each of their steps because it's the ones that wake her up in the morning because she's such a light sleeper.

She knows Lucy wouldn't wake her up so she forced herself to stand up and followed Lucy to the kitchen "Good sleep?" Greer asked, rubbing her eyes as she pushed the door open "Yeah, but I don't remember going to sleep." Lucy turned around to face her "Ask them about that but I saw them dragging you upstairs, completely unconscious." Greer recalled what happened yesterday afternoon when she saw Lucy in both Lockwood's and George's arms.

"Did you hit your head?" Greer asked as she seated herself on the table "I don't remember." Lucy answered. Greer nodded her head as she hummed.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Greer asked as she watched Lucy approach the door towards the office. Lucy didn't answer her and continued to stare and walked towards the office.

Greer was about to touch her arm when the toaster make a sound "How could you not realize it was an execution site?" Greer and Lucy snapped both of their head toward the door "Because you gave me no time for research, again!" Greer headed for the kitchen door and out to the hallway "They had time to figure it out! They knew exactly what they were walking into!" Lockwood yelled back.

"Lockwood, can you calm down?" Greer asked but it seems like she was invisible as Lockwood and George continued to bicker "Because they don't have to actually visit the libraries and churches like I do!" George exclaimed

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