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You never asked, part four.

AFTER BEING LOCKED AND TAKE AWAY for a second time, Greer fears being outside or seeing the outside because she is scared that one day, they will come and get her and she will never get back in the arms of Lockwood again.

She was abducted by someone when she was three years old. She was snatched from her nanny when no one was watching. The nanny tried to run after them but the vehicle they were in was too fast, she couldn't keep up and while running after them, she encountered a ghost and lucky for her there was an agent that was passing by and saw her, except that it's too late and she's already ghost touched.

Her abductor was a man who had just lost her baby. He thought that Greer was the solution to make his wife happy again but when he came home, he found his wife dead. She killed herself, unable to live with the fact that their baby girl didn't survive the disease.

With no wife, Greer isn't important to him. So the next morning, he decided to leave Greer on the road where homeless people who live under a bridge lived but she wasn't raised by them, she was raised by herself, Celia, and Donald.

Her true family.

Greer busied herself the moment she got into Lockwood's room. She put the paper bags in Lockwood's bed before doing her hair. As she fixed her hair, Lockwood slowly crept into the room without her noticing him until he called her name.

"Yes?" Greer answered, a bit startled "Have fun shopping?" Lockwood asked, "Totally, me and Lucy both do." Greer smiled, stopping what she was doing, and turned to face Lockwood— who was sitting on the bed "What do you want?" Greer asked, "You never asked me about shopping." She added.

Lockwood chuckled, nodding his head "I wanted to give you something." Lockwood said, standing up before walking towards his dresser.

Lockwood walks in front of her before showing her what's in his hand. Greer looked up at him and parted her lips as she shook her head "No, it belongs to your—" Lockwood cut her off "To my mother, yes but she will love you to have it." Lockwood started, "She loves you, especially that her son loves you, too."  Lockwood smiled before putting his hand on her cheek.

Greer doesn't know what to say and Lockwood doesn't need her to, all that matters is she'll take it, "I—" Lockwood put a finger on her lips to shush her before speaking.

"Greer, kiss me."

"Wha—" Before she could finish her sentence, Lockwood leaned in towards her as their lips touched.

It was light, warm, and perfect, his lips were soft and it tasted like Vanilla with a mix of tea, this is too long to be called a peck on the lips. Lockwood inhaled Greer's hyacinth sent and it was intoxicating and all he wanted now was to have it all to himself. He totally liked the position they were in.

Right there, right now, It's perfect.

His hand was on her cheeks while the other hand was on her back. Greer's found her finger clasping — not too tightly — at Lockwood's hair.

They pull away from each other, Lockwood rests his forehead on Greer's as he smiles.

"Okay, what was that?" Greer asked in surprise while Lockwood grinned "I dunno." Lockwood said as he shrugged "You okay?" The look on Greer's face somewhat bothers Lockwood, he doesn't know what is going through her mind right now as she stares at him.

"George and Lucy will be surprised if they find out what happened here." Greer laughed quietly at the thought of their faces "Then, we better not let them know." Greer stomach dropped for a second before she smiled again.

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