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Mesmerized, part one

"DO YOU THINK PENELOPE SAW US?" Lucy asked, still quite worried about what happened at the party, "Well, after tonight, we'll both be off her Christmas card list." Lockwood chuckled "She gifted me once when she visited the valours on Christmas Eve and I got to say, it was hella expensive." Greer shared.

It was her first Christmas back where she was born before everything went totally wrong than it already is. It was in the middle of the night - Christmas Eve - when her door was unlocked by the maid and she was fetched to her room.

That was the first time she ever met Penelope Fittes and she gifted her these earrings and bracelet with her initials on it with a few charms and after that, they locked her to her room again, even on Christmas day.

"Greer, you saw the box that she gave the guy? It had a symbol on it, the harp one." Lucy said as she leaned in forward towards Greer cause she was sitting alone in the other seat, being a third wheel.

"Yeah, it does seem to look familiar and I felt like I'd seen that symbol years ago." Greer tried to remember where she saw that symbol because she really did feel like she did "Well, what matters is we got the book." Lockwood smiled, satisfied.

"Yeah." Greer returned the smile, shaking hands with Lucy as their way of telling each other that they did it "Let's get the bone glass and finish this." He added.

They are getting off near the port to meet Flo and George because Flo will be on their way and George will get their equipment. Hopefully, Flo wouldn't give them a lecture because they are getting kind of late and Flo hates that.

But, Greer is always an exception to that lecture because Flo loves her.

"You're late." Flo started, scolding them like a child, "Sorry, things got a bit weird." Lockwood said, out of breath "We got caught in something." Greer explained, "You mean, you got caught by someone." George corrected, knowing her too well "You could say that." Greer shrugged.

"Anyway, did you get the Dulac book?" George asked, like it is the most important thing in the world when in fact it is at this moment "We did, now, what's the plan?" Lockwood asked.

"The auction's starting any minute and Wingman locked down the streets so, basically, we're screwed." Greer rolled her eyes but at the same time laughed at George's negativity, "Oh, have a little faith, George. London ain't just streets, you know." Flo cheered up and Greer always knew Flo had a solution for every problem.

"Now, stay close and no talking." Flo instructed, "Even me?" Greer asked, smiling to herself because she knew she was an exception until Flo didn't make her one "Especially you." Flo returned before running off and Greer had no choice but to run after them, thanking the heels for not letting her sprained her ankle.

Flo leads them to the dock where her boat is patiently waiting for them to arrive. It will take them to the auction of Julius Winkman where they will take the mirror back.

"Don't know why I didn't think of this." Lockwood chuckled, "It's what you pay me for, Locky." Flo said to him as she got a hold of the wheel of the boat.

"Do you have to wear heels, Greer?" Flo asked in disbelief. She knew Greer likes heels but she didn't know she likes heels that much that she's gonna go on a mission wearing one.

"Well, at least I'll look good even if I die, not that I want me to die but I rather stay ready," Greer said, looking at the bright side. If she got killed tonight, she might as well be good-looking and who knows? She might come back as a ghost and she would rather kill herself again if she's wearing a bad outfit as she taunts people at night.

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