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You never asked, part two.

"YOU SHOULD GO FIRST." Greer said, making way for Lucy "What? Why me?" Lucy asked with wide eyes as she looked at Greer "Well, this thing is entirely your decision." Greer returned crossing her arms on her chest.

Lucy let out a heavy sigh, before continuing to the secret room. The girls made their way towards the basement — or whatever it is called — with shaky breath as they were unsure what they would see in there but they were prepared yet wished nothing was in there.

"Fuck! Why the hell is it going off?" Greer said as she tapped her flashlight at the stairs harshly. She swore she had just changed the battery of it so there's no way it's going off.

Lucy finds a lamp and fills it with the light they need though it isn't that bright, it's still going to help "There's not much time, search the desk!" Skull demanded.

There was a desk in the middle of the room, with many spider webs and dust around it. That's the first warning. Lucy sprinted towards the desk, leaving Greer at the bottom of the stairs. Greer rolled her eyes before following  Lucy towards it, just to be a watcher. Who knows what's in here?

As Greer made her way to the desk, she looked around the room and saw some kind of chains and there was some sort of— stable on the left side of the room.

"What's even in these papers anyway?" Lucy asked the skull, annoyed by the lack of information they were getting, "Not there, keep looking!" Skull said, instead of answering her question.

The girls look down at their feet, feeling unease when they saw green fog, starting to surround them, "Shit." Lucy said, looking at Greer in panic, "Holy fucking shit!" Greer gasped as she panicked, too, and almost stumbled on Lucy who kept looking for the papers a little faster than before.

The skull gasped, indicating that Lucy had found what they were looking for "That's it, keep them safe." Lucy took off her backpack and put it on the top of the table, putting the papers that they were risking their lives to.

Then, all of sudden, the secret door from above closed "FUCK!" Greer cursed, now regretting leaving her kit upstairs.

"Too late." The skull whispered. Figures were starting to show, and all of them sounded so weird, like they were in agony, "Why do they sound like that?" Lucy asked as she and Greer stuck together at each other's side "Wait— they were his patients." Lucy realized in horror and wide eyes
"He killed them," Lucy murmured.

"Isn't it obvious? What he did to Mary is enough proof!" To describe disgust as what Greer is feeling would be too kind, it was hideous and sickening.

"Let's go, faster!"  Greer pushed Lucy forward towards the stairs, "FUCK YOUR MASTER, SKULL!" Greer screamed, swishing her rapier in the air to keep the ghost that they bothered away. She couldn't use any explosives that were stacked on her belt because she couldn't risk hurting herself or worse, Lucy.

"Up, Lucy, Up!" Greer told her as she made her go first before following her at the small stairs "Just scream, I'll handle them!" Greer pulled out her rapier, As far as she knew, Lucy wasn't skilled when it came to using rapiers and Greer wasn't, too but she was far more skilled than Lucy when it came to this type of thing.

"LOCKWOOD! GEORGE!" Lucy continues to bang on the door but it won't budge. It was some kind of metallic thing that can be only opened by the switch, and they will be more fucked up than they are if the guys do not know how it works.

"You knew!" Lucy yelled and Greer was now certain she was talking to the skull and she couldn't help but scoff "Of course, he knew!" Greer exclaimed, rolling her eyes and nearly falling down the steps.

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