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Mesmerized, part three.

"DRAINPIPE. WE CAN CLIMB DOWN." Lockwood said as they ran. She and Lockwood ran towards the end of the roof and to their dismay, what they saw down there wouldn't help them at all. Greer sighed before looking at Lockwood "That can't be our escape." Greer whispered, shoulders dropping.

"Greer, we're here, where are you?" It came from the radio, something Greer was so relieved to hear from all night "Ugh, finally!" Greer exclaimed.

"George. We're on the roof. There's no way we're getting down to the pontoon because we were busted." Greer spoke on the radio, wishing that George was hearing every word she said and wouldn't miss anything because if that happened, she might as well throw herself over the river.

"Come closer. We're gonna have to throw it to you. Do you copy?" Lockwood said as he took the radio from Greer's hand "What if I lose it in the river?" George asked, being too pessimistic "You won't." Lockwood assured, having too much positivity in him always.

It's one of the things Greer likes about him, even though they're in their worst time and cases, Lockwood stays positive throughout. He always sees the best in things, especially in her.

"Plus we don't have any other choice, just trust me, George. It had to come down to you now." Lockwood said, "Catch it, and get it to DEPRAC." Greer added.

"We're gonna find our own way home. Do you copy?" He asked, "I copy, I copy." George repeated. Lockwood looked at Greer before putting the radio inside his coat as he took her hand.

"Remind me not to wear heels into this kind of mission again." Greer groaned as Lockwood helped her get up, nodding at each other because they knew what they needed to do.

Golden Blade was standing there, clearly waiting for them to come to his view cause he somehow knew they were still in the building. Looks like I didn't give him enough beating and should I? Greer said to herself.

Greer and Lockwood jump on top of the concrete as they run, so focus on their goal of getting the mirror to George.

Golden Blade suddenly tackled Lockwood on the ground, making Greer yelped in surprise. Lockwood stood up again, "Gre!" Lockwood shouted, tossing the mirror to Greer, which Greer managed to catch perfectly.

Greer runs away immediately even though she doesn't want to leave Lockwood getting punched but she has to do what she is supposed to do.

Greer came to the edge of the roof, before using her full force and throwing the mirror in the air as it slowly dropped down by the river where Flo and George were watching. Greer watched it in slow motion and didn't dare to close her eyes, making sure they had caught it.

It seemed like a thorn had been pulled out of her lungs and heart when she saw the mirror was caught by Flo and George and it was finally in safe hands.

Greer watched as the mirror, Flo and George drifted away, leaving the place before turning around to look at the golden blade and Lockwood.

Lockwood ran to her side as he looked down the river to see Flo and George gone. Lockwood looked at Golden Blade again, remembering the rapier was lying right there in front of him as he tried to go get it and Greer tried to stop him.

And Golden Blade manages to grab the rapier before both of them do. "That was mine!" Golden Blade is surely pissed at them. Lockwood held his hand in front of Greer as she stood behind him, holding him close.

"Oh, Jesus, give up!" Lockwood said, holding tightly at Greer's arm as they backed away "The bone glass is with DEPRAC now. It's over." There's one thing Greer couldn't understand. He was with Fittes and isn't it Fitte's job to keep the people of England safe? Why would he get an agent killed? Greer couldn't understand at all.

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