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Dear sunshine,

"You know Damien, I trusted you. Trusted you in my business, you had my trust and that's what I get for being so loyal to family. They get to close and steal." I bluntly said before sliding my pocket knife against his pale skin that desperately needed sun.

He screamed in agony leaving my soul jumping with joy from the music to my ears. I dig deeper just to feel the satisfaction of his flesh opening.

His pleaded and cries didn't stop me... they made me want to continue. I enjoy it, call me a psychopath I don't give a shit.

I pulled the bloody knife away and smiled from the blood pouring from his open flesh. He was like a canvas, a human canvas.

He cried making me smiled and tilt my head, "I thought we were jumping with joy when you stole 3 million from me. You smiling while gamboling my money at the casino? Where's that energy Damien?" I bluntly asked him as he lowered his head making his blood splatter all over my new expensive dress shoes.

I sucked my teeth and grabbed him by the back of his hair so he could look at me, "you just dropped your worthless blood all over my Brushed leather laced Oxford dress shoes from Prada." I deeply said clearly annoyed from it.

I motioned for one of my men to come and hold his weak head up for me. "Do you know how much these costed?" I asked knowing he couldn't response from the 10 teeth I pulled and his tongue I slightly cut.

"The same amount of money you were throwing at the strip club. 1,070 dollars." I gritted and drew a deep cut to his throat.

I quickly stepped away so his blood wouldn't spray my suit. I tossed the knife and rolled my neck as I took off my black leather gloves.

"Pulire questo." I bluntly said as I turned on my heels to exit out the warehouse.


"Sunshine." I deeply said as I leaned on the wall as I looked down at my daughter who was playing with other kids.

She quickly looked over in my directions and threw the toys before running over to me. She squealed and jumped on my leg.

"Papa! Papa! You won't believe what happened today!" She happily said as she smiled with her 3 teeth missing.

"I can't wait to hear all about it." I smiled as I picked her up and held onto her tightly.

You all must be wondering who is sunshine's mother, where is she? Is she present? Is she alive? Is she in jail?

Sunshine isn't my real daughter. Shes my sisters. My sister passed while giving birth to this little girl so I call her sunshine.

She doesn't know that I'm not her real father but when she gets older she can always ask questions and I will make sure she knows the truth.

She's always going to be my sisters baby girl and I promised my sister before she passed if anything goes wrong, I will take of her baby.

And for 5 years it's just been us. I don't mind it, sunshine is all I need. Sunshines real name is Amelia. I named her Amelia after my sister just because they look so alike.

Everytime I look at sunshine, I see my sister. Her big brown eyes, long lashes, head full of curly hair which she has gotten from her dads side. But her facial structure is my sister completely.

"Papa?" Sunshine whined making me snap out my day dream. "What's the matter sunshine?" I asked as I glanced back in her car seat as she played with her dolls.

"Can we get ice cream?" She asked as she looked at me with puppy dog eyes making me chuckle.

She always hit me with the puppy dog eyes because she knows I will give in. Who wouldn't, it's sunshine.

"Okay sunshine." I softly said and she squealed and kicked her feet making me smile. My sister would be so proud of her babygirl, how smart and intelligent she is.

She always ask questions, she's really smart and unique for her age. Just how my baby sister was.


I gently brushed her curls out as she played with her dolls. "Do you want one ponytail or two?" I asked her and she hummed.

"2!" She exclaimed and lifted up her small index finger. "Okay." I softly said and did the best I could.

I try when it comes to Amelia. I want her to have the best life possible. I placed her hair in two ponytails that were held with her pink hair ties.

I gently placed her off the marble bathroom counter. "Go pick your pajamas." I said and she quickly ran out her bathroom and into her walk in closet that held so many designer things.

Roller rabbit pajamas, golden goose shoes, Dior, everything in the book. I can't help but spoil her.

I sat on her bed as she came running out with her roller rabbit monkey pajamas that she placed on herself.

I smiled as she got into her queen size bed and threw her throw pillows on the ground and held onto her monkey stuffy that I got her when she was a week old.

"Papa loves you okay?" I said as she looked up at me with her honey brown eyes. "I love you to papa." She whispered before poking my nose making me smile.

"And what do we say?" I asked and she hummed. "I'm beautiful, smart, and a princess!" She screamed out making me laugh out from how excited she got.

I kissed her forehead gently and tucked her in. "Goodnight sunshine." I whispered before gently cracking her door.

I sighed and walked down the long hall to my bedroom. I took a quick shower and placed on grey sweats before dipping into bed.

I try to refrain from drinking alcohol at night because when I take a shot I take multiple and I don't want to get drunk at night just because sunshine likes to come in my room at nights because she gets scared of the monsters under her bed.

As I scrolled through my camera roll of photos my door pushed opened revealing sunshine with a pout on her face.

"What's the matter sunshine?" I quickly placed my phone down and picked her up so she could get on my bed.

"I can't sleep papa." She pouted as her voice cracked as she snuggled into my arms. "Hey, don't cry okay. Papas here, we can watch princess and Tiana or whatever you want to watch." I softly said as I pressed the remote besides my bed to let my tv down from inside the roof.

"Princess in the frog please and then brave." She softly said as she rested my head on my chest as I sat up.

"Okay sunshine." I gently said before kissing her forehead.


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