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Adara Wilkins

I jolted off his dick as he quickly tossed me my dress and grabbed his gun from the ground. He placed on his pants and picked me up leaving me no time to slip into my dress.

He ran up the stairs with me as more gunshots rang out making me cry out. "What's happening?" I asked as he held onto my bare ass.

"I don't know baby." He softly said as he opened our room door and placed me in it. "Put on clothes, I'll be back." He quickly said but I shook my head no.

"I'm coming with you. Don't leave me-" I started to say but he cut me off with a strong aggressive kiss.

"Put on some clothes I'll be back." He said as he pulled away making my tears water. "Antonio." My voice cracked.

"Baby. Be strong." He whispered and I nodded just as footsteps got our attention making Antonio push me and slam the door shut.

"Che cazzo ci fai qui?" I heard Antonio yell out.(What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Era l'unico modo per far uscire il tuo culo dal tuo stato di innamoramento." (It was the only way to get your ass out of your lovey-dovey state. ) A female voice spat making me place on his boxers and his t shirt.

I opened the door making Antonio's eyes snap to mine. "Did I tell you to open the door dolcezza?" He spat as I looked at the women to my right.

She looks just like Antonio but a girl version, her hair in its curly state, nose ring, full tatted, she has to me lesbian.

She slowly looked me up and down making antonio step infront me. "Where did he find you?" She asked as I tried to move antonio out my way.

"He didn't find me. Cleo recommended me to be Amelia's nanny." I softly said as antonio spend around and faced me.

"What." I mumbled and he pointed to the room making me scrunch my face. "I'm not a kid, what is she racist?" I spat and she joined in the conversation.

"I'm not racist. He's just telling you to go back to the room because I keep eyeing you. He knows I love what I see infront of me. We both love melanin... give me a call." She deeply said before handing me a card but Antonio took it and ripped it.

He pulled me into the bedroom and slammed the door close. "What's your problem!" I slightly raised my voice.


"Then don't be a dick. I know that's your sister!" I spat and he lowered his eyes. "watch your tone." He warned and I sucked my teeth.

"Whatever." I mumbled under my breath and grabbed my phone before storming to the bathroom.

He followed me but I slammed the door in his face and locked it. "I'm mad at you right now." I spat as he knocked repeatedly.

"All I'm doing is being protective-"

"That's the problem! Your protective and so possessive! I don't need you to be all that." I said as I messed with my fingers.

I tossed my head back as I heard his footsteps fade away. I don't want to be in a relationship to where the man is so possessive over your every move.

I get it he wants me to be safe but not telling me shit and trying to keep my in the room is over the line.

I will apply when he gives me answers.


After a good 3 hours I finally got out the bathroom and slipped into the bed. Everything was pitched dark and cold.

I turned over to Antonio's side to turn on the bed heater Antonio currently installed. I sighed out and stretched out as I closed my eyes.

The door opened and quietly closed making me open my eyes to see Antonio's large attire. He sighed heavily as he took off his shoes and pants.

He quickly slipped out his shirt and got into the bed making me move my feet closer to me. "I'm naturally possessive and protective over what's mine. If you cannot take it then you can leave." He quietly said making me look over at him.

"What are you saying Antonio? You want bro break up?" I asked and he didn't reply making me sit up.

"Where would I go? Go running to my mother asking for a place to stay?" I softly spat making him rub his forehead.

I shook my head, "I- I." I started to say but I shut up mid sentence. "We'll talk about everything in the morning." He lowly said as I fought back my tears.


I woke up to a pounding headache. The worst headache I had. I whined and went to cuddle onto Antonio's chest but he wasn't in bed.

I slowly got out of bed and brushed my teeth and wash my face. I didn't have the energy to do my hair so it's still wrapped in my scarf and secured in bonnet.

I walked down the stairs to hear sunshine giggling to her shows. "Mama!" She screamed out making me give a small smile as she ran towards me.

"Hi baby, I missed you." I softly said and kissed the top of her head. "I missed you more mama. I came inside your room earlier but papa said that you were sleep so I couldn't give you kisses." She frowned.

"Give me kiss." I pointed to my cheek putting a smile on her face. She kissed my cheek and showed her cheek to me.

I gently placed a kiss on her cheek, "have you ate?" I asked and she nodded. "Papa fed me bacon and pancakes." She smiled and I nodded my head.

"You go play." I softly dismissed her and she ran along. I sighed deeply from the pounding sensation.

I walked towards Antonio's office debating if I should go in. I knocked before going in seeing his green eyes on his computer screen.

I gently closed the door and sat down across from him before closing my eyes. I felt horrible.

"So we're over?" I quietly asked as I opened my eyes to see his green eyes on mine. "You can't take my possessiveness. I don't want you to be in a relationship where you can't handle it." He lowly stated.

"What about am-"

"She will be fine." He bluntly said making me look down.

I shook my head and stood up but immediately felt lightheaded. I brushed it off and opened his office door but I felt everything in my body shut down causing my vision to blur.


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