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Antonio Vincenzo

Dear sunshine,

"Boss, you have an important call to take about your daughter." One of men said as I stood outside on my rooftop to my building smoking a cigar.

I quickly turned on my heels with the cigar in my mouth and took the phone. "Speak." I deeply said as I took the cigar out my mouth.

"Your daughter has been behaving badly Mr. Vincenzo. She will not share with the other kids with the dolls-"

"Nonsense, did she bring those dolls herself?" I asked bluntly before taking a puff of my cigar. "I bel-" she was cut off with a crying Amelia.

I quickly rushed inside the building and eagerly pressed the elevator doors. "Why is she crying?" I sternly said as I paced around the gold elevator.

The elevator dinged making me quickly get out and hand my cigar to a near by gaurd. "I'll be back." I deeply said as I placed on my black glasses.

Not caring that the paparazzi were in my face as I rushed over to my black Range Rover. I quickly hopped in the driver seat and placed my hand behind the passenger seat as I reversed before speeding down the street to get my sunshine.

I hung up on Amelia's daycare as I sped through the street. I quickly slammed on my breaks when a brown skinned woman walked in the crosswalk making me notice I was going to speed through a red light.

She turned her head to me and flipped me off making me slightly roll down my window and stick my middle finger out back towards her.

I quickly sped around her making me look in my mirror to see her walking as she was now talking to someone.

I quickly turned into Amelia's daycare and parked. I quickly got out and rushed into the day care making the waiting moms turn their heads toward me.

"Where's Amelia Vincenzo." I stated deeply as I lowered my eyes making me hear her cries. I quickly stepped over the gate effortlessly.

"Sir you can-"

I raised my hand as I looked for Amelia. "Sunshine." I deeply said as I looked in the different rooms for Amelia.

"Papa!" She cried out making me open the left door and grab her. "Why are you crying?" I asked her as tears and snot was all over her face.

"They took apart my dolls!" She sobbed out making me rest her head in my neck. I turned on my heels to the owners in the front.

I walked to the front as different moms walked in clearly In love what they see infront of them.

"Sir, she's not all-"

"I don't give a damn. It's her dolls, let her play with them. Instead of doing your job you let them ruin her dolls." I bluntly said as Amelia sobs soften.

"I unde-"

I slammed my hand on the marble counter with my eyes lowered, "you don't understand shit. If you did-" I started to say but I looked out side seeing the paparazzi making me suck my teeth.

I quickly held onto Amelia, "sunshine, don't look up." I quickly said as I rushed out side as cameras flashed in my face.

I quickly walked over to the Range Rover and opened the door so I could place sunshine in her car seat. I quickly wiped her face with my bare hand before closing the door.

Dear sunshine Where stories live. Discover now