Bonus chapter 2

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Antonio Vincenzo

"Hey papa! Can my friends come over?" Amelia asked as i whipped up a quick dinner since Adara is out late with Cleo and her mother.

"It's 8pm." I replied as she walked down the stairs and walked over to me. "Please papa." She whined and gave a slight pout making me sigh out and look at her pout.

"Better just be girls, no boys in my home Amelia." I warned and she nodded before rubbing up the stairs squealing.

"Hey papa, how come Amelia gets to go to a regular school and I stay home to do school?" Lucian asked making me place the spoon down and kneeled down to his height.

"When sunshine was your age she was homeschooled as well... but if you don't like it you can go to a private school?" I asked and he smiled before hugging me tightly.

"Why private school? I want to be in public school." Lucian asked and I sighed, "well Lucian. It's better education. Amelia goes to a private school and you see she loves it. You'll love it too." I ruffled up his hair.

He gave a smile, "Thank you papa, I would love that. Now when we could we shoot guns again?" Lucian asked and I shushed him.

Adara did not know me and Lucian train together. She would flip. "Mama doesn't know. Remember it's a secret, tomorrow." I ruffled up his slick back as he smiled from ear to ear.

"Sorry papa." He whispered before running away making me smile. I really love my kids.


It's currently 1 in the morning and Amelia and her friends are doing who knows what. I just want my wife home so I could bother her.

The door opened as I took sips of the vodka. "Baby? Your up?" She whispered and rushed over to me.

I opened my arms as she placed her dior purse down and wrapped her arms around my neck as I held onto her tightly.

I buried my head into her neck, "missed me baby?" She whispered and I nodded my head as I pulled away.

She rubbed my cheek and kissed my lips making me hum in satisfaction. She slowly pulled away, "hope the kids are sleep."

"Amelia isn't. She has friends ov-"

"Babe. You fell for her pout." Adara arched her eyebrow and I groaned. "She's my baby girl, my sunshine I can't say no to none of you." I stammered and she smiled.

"I know and it's okay baby... I got you something- wait I left it in the car hold on." She pulled away and rushed outside.

She quickly came back with a black box making me furrow my eyebrows, I opened the box as I stared at adara.

I opened it revealing the Cartier box making me lower my eyes at her as she swayed to the side as she bit her bottom lip.

"Open it butt head." She cheekly said making me smile and open the box revealing the love wedding band that costed $7,250.00.


"Put it on." She softly said and I quickly slid off my old wedding band and placed the new one on. "One more present." She dragged out and grabbed my hand.

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